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Setting aside the fact that the lack of a policy is also some kind of policy, while analyzing the events of the last 25 years in cultural policy, from the perspective of the year 2014, can we really say that there is no cultural policy in... more
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      Cultural PolicyCultureManagement Culture
Public or Private? The Artistic Institution Management in Poland The article is devoted to the management of public artistic institutions in Poland in the context of a cycle of debates under the shared title: CULTURE AGAINST THE WALL –... more
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      Cultural PolicyManagement CultureCultural and Artistic InstitutionsCulture Management
The purpose of this article is to discuss how corporate culture can be a source of Alpha and examine how to manage your firm’s corporate culture to create “Alpha.”
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      BusinessManagementCorporate cultureManagement Culture
This paper gives a critical analysis on the strengths and weaknesses of Google’s approach to culture management in relation to its vision and strategies. The paper goes further to give lessons which other companies could adopt from... more
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      ManagementStrategic ManagementTalent managementHuman Resource Management
This study uses a structured literature review method to examine the concept of ‘canteen culture’ which has been identified as a feature of police forces around the world. Theories from the fields of sociology, organisation/management... more
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      Human Resource ManagementPolicing StudiesOrganisational Culture And Employee CommitmentAnthropology of Police & Policing
Monografia pt. Zarządzanie w sektorze kultury – w stronę teorii i praktyki podejmuje kwestie teoretycznych i praktycznych analiz dotyczących zarządzania instytucjami i organizacjami sektora kultury. Celem książki jest zaprezentowanie... more
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      Tourism StudiesTourism ManagementFestivals and musicMuseum Studies
Monografia prezentuje studia przypadku oparte na badaniach jakościowych, które ukazują różne aspekty zarządzania kulturą i mediami w trakcie pandemii COVID-19. Publikacja została podzielona na cztery sekcje tematyczne skupione wokół... more
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      ManagementNew MediaProject ManagementCase Study Research
Abstract According to recent studies, Koreans consume the most amount of alcohol in the world. Alcohol consumption is not only a matter of taste but also a part of the socialization process in Korean culture. Moreover, this aspect of the... more
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      Cultural StudiesKorean StudiesSouth KoreaHuman Resource Management
Monográfico dedicado al fenómeno del gerencialismo, con contribuciones de gran interés que analizan la influencia del discurso del management desde diferentes perspectivas.
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      ManagerialismManagement CultureManagerialism and Academia
Abstract. In this chapter, we focus on the change and continuity in the Turkish business system and managerial culture. First we discuss the distinguishing characteristics of the business system, family-owned big business groups, and... more
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      ValuesTurkeyBusiness SystemManagement Culture
S. MUSTEAŢĂ, Sporirea încrederii între comunitățile de pe ambele maluri ale Nistrului prin intermediul culturii / Increasing trust through culture on both banks of the Dniester river communities, Chișinău, Editura ARC, ICOM Moldova, 2022,... more
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      CultureConflict ManagementManagement CultureDniester
La conformación de esta propuesta se relaciona con las diversas instancias del desarrollo cultural a un nivel local, específicamente con el rol del gestor cultural en las organizaciones comunitarias, el fomento de la participación... more
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      Political ParticipationCommunity Engagement & ParticipationCulturePublic Participation In Governance
El sistema de gestión de la política pública concerniente a la cultura en Paraguay se vio marcado por coyunturas vividas tanto en el ámbito político como en el social y económico a lo largo de los años, desde su etapa colonial hasta... more
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      Cultural PolicyCultural EconomicsGestión CulturalCreative Economy
Report on heritage and culture in Rome.
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      Cultural StudiesMuseum StudiesMuseums and Exhibition DesignAncient Rome
The membra disiecta of Acropolis at Athens surround the classic Periclean monuments and the come not only from Acropolis, but from all over Athens. They were gathered there after the revolution of 1821, in order to be saved. In the 20th... more
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      Classical ArchaeologyCultural HeritageGreek ArchaeologyAncient Topography (Archaeology)
Este trabajo se centrará en los ejes de cultura y territorio en la propuesta de una política cultural metropolitana para el Consorcio Intermunicipal denominado Región Norte 2 (RN2). Este consorcio presenta problemas de fragmentación y... more
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      Identity (Culture)Political CultureCultureCitizenship
El objetivo que persigue este monográfico es el de compilar una serie de trabajos académicos, con distintos formatos y aproximaciones, que sirva para dar cuenta de nuevas perspectivas de análisis en torno a esta manifestación tan peculiar... more
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      ManagerialismManagement CultureManagerialism and Academia
Alicja Kędziora, Historia zaklęta w obrazach. Zarządzanie projektem wydawniczym na przykładzie publikacji „Helena Modrzejewska w rycinach” [w:] Anna Góral, Anna Kościelna, Alicja Kędziora, Joanna Zdebska-Schmidt (red.), Zarządzanie... more
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      Theatre StudiesProject ManagementManagement CultureCulture and Management Practices
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      Medieval LiteratureMedieval ArtManagement Culture
The cultural activity of the Municipality of Thessaloniki begins in the first postwar years and especially in the 50's and later, in order to cover the inability of the Greek state to finance cultural activities outside the capital. This... more
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      ArchitectureMuseum StudiesMuseologyTHESSALONIKI
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      Theatre StudiesMusiciansManagement CultureCulture and Management Practices
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      Science EducationCultural HeritageProfessional DevelopmentCultural Heritage Management
This report concentrates on presenting the academic framework and resources that reffer to our new service development for the museum, in the case of facilitating innovation and embracing the ongoing trend which is on the rise, the... more
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      Service DesignInteraction DesignMuseums and Exhibition DesignFramework
In this article, the use of the actualization of the problem of the knowledge management process, which is due to the need to mobilize scientific activity, practical implementation of scientific results and improve the quality of higher... more
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      SociologyHigher EducationHigher Education ManagementKnowledge
The paper contains a conceptual proposal that aims at indicating new models of participatory financing of cultural institutions as well as actions towards supporting culture. It presents results of a qualitative study in the form of... more
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      Public FinancePublic ManagementSustainable DevelopmentSustainability (Organisational Strategy)
Joanna Szulborska-Łukaszewicz, Dokąd zmierzamy? Wokół konstytucji sektora kultury w Polsce [Ustawa o organizowaniu i prowadzeniu działalności kulturalnej] Rozdział w książce "Zarządzanie w sektorze kultury. Między teorią a praktyką" pod... more
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      Law and cultureManagement CultureCulture and Management Practices
The paper contains a conceptual proposal that aims at indicating new models of participatory financing of cultural institutions as well as actions towards supporting culture. It presents results of a qualitative study in the form of... more
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      Public FinancePublic ManagementSustainable DevelopmentSustainability (Organisational Strategy)
Acercamiento a las denominadas prácticas colaborativas o procesos comunitarios que han trabajado con la fotografía y el audiovisual y se han impulsado desde las instituciones culturales públicas y privadas de la Comunidad de Madrid en... more
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      PhotographyContemporary ArtCommunity DevelopmentDocumentary Photography
This study aims to see the success of the implementation of gender mainstreaming in the perspective of cultural management, especially in developing a career at DJKN Regional Office in Bali and Nusa Tenggara. The methodology used in this... more
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      Human Resource ManagementCareer DevelopmentGender MainstreamingManagement Culture
THE NATIONAL MUSEUM OF THE VILLAGE OF „DIMITRIE GUSTI” IN BUCHAREST The purpose of this article is to describe the history and activities of one of the most interesting ethnographical museums in Romania – The National Museum of the... more
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      Cultural StudiesMuseum AnthropologyHistory of MuseumsMuseum Ethnography
El sistema de gestión de la política pública concerniente a la cultura en Paraguay se vio marcado por coyunturas vividas tanto en el ámbito político como en el social y económico a lo largo de los años, desde su etapa colonial hasta... more
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      Cultural PolicyCultural EconomicsGestión CulturalCreative Economy
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      ManagementManagement Culture
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      ValuesTurkeyBusiness SystemManagement Culture
The culture has become important part of EU`s economy. As the part of cultural sector, archives can contribute to cultural offering and economic progress. For achieving these goals, it is necessary to implement marketing and management... more
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      ArchivesManagement CultureEuropean political cultures