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      Aegean Bronze Age (Bronze Age Archaeology)Underwater ArchaeologyAncient CariaKarian archaeology
In the Hellenistic Period, Rhodes played an important role in the Mediterranean trade. Rhodian wine was transported in stamped amphorae produced both on the island and in the Peraea. Following the Lexicon of Eponym Dies on Rhodian Amphora... more
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The Karian Chersonesos, a rough peninsula in southwestern Asia Minor, is rich in archaeological findings including a well-preserved coastal landscape with a large number of small harbours or landing places. Most of them are simple quay... more
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      CarianUnderwater ArchaeologyKarian archaeologyRoman Harbours
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    • Medicine
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    • Medicine
Submerged metals are continuously affected by the chemical processes of corrosion, the destructive degradation of metal by chemical or electrochemical reactions within the marine environment (Valenca et al., 2022:2-3; Venugopal, 1994:35).... more
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      Maritime ArchaeologyCorrosion ScienceSecond World WarWater Pollution
Political boundaries demarcated on geopolitical considerations often split a continuous cultural region, separating places of faith from their followers and traditional cultural landmarks from the communities that used them. The passage... more
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      Maritime ArchaeologyCultural HeritageMaritime HistoryIndian studies
The shipwreck of the Columns, dated at the end of the 2nd c. AD, lies on a sandy bottom at a depth of 2.5 to 4 m in the bay that opens south of the promontory on which the Syracusans, at the beginning of the sixth century BC, founded the... more
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      Maritime ArchaeologyUnderwater ArchaeologyNautical ArchaeologyAncient Shipwrecks
The first settlers of the Canary Islands arrived at this archipelago from northern Africa between the 2nd and 5th centuries CE. These communities probably knew metallurgy in their area of origin, although an adaptation process must have... more
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      Experimental ArchaeologyCanary IslandsWood Technology
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      Early ChristianityUnderwater ArchaeologyEarly Christian Archaeology
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      GeographyArchaeologyMaritime ArchaeologyOceanography
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      GeographyArchaeologyMaritime ArchaeologyGeology
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      ArchaeologyMaritime ArchaeologyGeologyMedieval Archaeology
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      GeographyArchaeologyMaritime ArchaeologyIndigenous Archaeololgy
Las fuentes para documentar la historia de las mujeres iberas provienen principalmente de la arqueología y del arte. La antigua sociedad ibera no cuenta con textos propios y los autores clásicos que la mencionaron lo hicieron aplicando... more
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      Cultura ibéricaHistoria de las mujeres
The ancient settlement complex with harbour and fish ponds in Fizine in the western part of Portorose Bay is one of the most interesting archaeological sites on the Slovenian coast in northwestern Istria on the upper Adriatic. The area... more
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      Roman fishing and fish processingRoman HarboursIstriaRoman fishponds
Across the western Indian Ocean, the 11th-14th centuries have variously been conceptualised as either a period of exceptional growth (Red Sea, East Africa) or stagnation (Persian/Arabian Gulf). Although these narratives have engendered a... more
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      Islamic ArchaeologyMiddle East StudiesIslamic HistoryArabian/Persian Gulf Studies
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      SocioeconomicsAncient economySettlement archaeologyRoman rural settlements
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    • Protohistoric Iberian Peninsula
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Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk mengetahui status kepemilikan harta bawah laut menurut hukum positif dan hukum islam. Dalam hukum positif harta bawah laut merupakan kategori harta Cagar Budaya yang kepemilikanya merupakan hak milik Negara... more
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      HumanitiesArtPolitical Science
A Proposal for diversion of Maoya to Kurunagala district across the Dambadeniya electorate is most important project that can be facilitate farming and agriculture providing excess water from MAOYA . Ellanga system in Kurunagala district... more
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    • People and Technology
The scope of this paper is to interpret the road followed by Alexander and Nearchus on their way back to Babylon from the Indus delta to the country of the fi sh-eaters (Gedrosia). To achieve this goal both classical sources and personal... more
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    • Engineering
The Kyrenia Ship, found off the north coast of Cyprus, is a key vessel in the history of scientific underwater excavations and in the history of Greek shipbuilding. The first volume of the site’s final publication appeared in 2023 and... more
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      Classical ArchaeologyMaritime ArchaeologyArchaeological ScienceDendrochronology
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      SlawenBurgwallforschungArchäologie der Slawen
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      SlawenBurgwallforschungSlawenzeitliche ArchäologieArchäologie der Slawen
The following sets of photographs take historic images from the Royal National Park, south of Sydney, Australia, and compare them to a modern photograph taken from the same location. The Royal National Park was created in 1879 just south... more
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      Photographs as historical evidencePhotography as Historical SourceHistorical PhotographyCollection and investigations of historical photographs
This paper argues that the Nordic boatbuilding tradition and the use of sail in Scandinavia can be traced back to the Early Bronze Age when it developed in response to emerging chiefdoms and an associated need for long-distance trade in... more
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      Maritime ArchaeologyBronze Age Europe (Archaeology)Boat Building
The systematic excavations in the Aegean Basin provided fertile soil by bridging the Late Neolithic (LN) period with the following Early Bronze Age (EBA). To that end, the hundreds of recently discovered of images of boats from Strofilas... more
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      EngineeringArchaeologyExperimental ArchaeologyMaritime Archaeology
Sumberdaya perikanan di Indonesia pada saat ini belum dikelola dengan baik. Sebagai organisasi lintas batas, RARE bekerja di seluruh dunia untuk memberdayakan dan mengedukasi penduduk lokal untuk ikut serta mengelola budidaya perikanan... more
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      Perikanan Dan KelautanEkosistem Laut PesisirBudidaya Perairan
a recension of Naser Alharari's talk on Wednesday 26 June 2024 in our Webinar
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      Medieval ArchaeologyArchaeology of CyrenaicaCyrenaicaBarqa
Essendo stato per 55 anni attivo Collaboratore degli Uffici Storici della Marina e dell’Aeronautica, e ancora oggi apolitico, ho scritto questo saggio, a 80 anni dalla fine del fascismo. Lo scopo e quello di fornire la conoscenza, nel... more
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Abstract: Ropotamo is a multi-period archaeological site located on the southern Bulgarian Black Sea coast, in a small bay where the Ropotamo River flows into the sea. Due to the unique natural habitat, the site has preserved the... more
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      Maritime ArchaeologyBronze Age Europe (Archaeology)Bronze Age (Archaeology)Underwater Archaeology
Regional or international trade has always played a central role in the history of Georgia. Trade routes made it possible to establish close political, cultural and economic relations with neighboring as well as distant countries. The... more
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      Armenian StudiesMiddle East StudiesInternational TradeIranian Studies
Regional or international trade has always played a central role in the history of Georgia. Trade routes made it possible to establish close political, cultural and economic relations with neighboring as well as distant countries. The... more
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      Armenian StudiesMongolian StudiesSilk Road StudiesCaucasus
This chapter examines the interdependent social, economic, cultural, technological and environmental aspects of fishing within the archaeological context of Cyprus. Through this examination, it is possible to understand the human... more
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      ArchaeologyMaritime ArchaeologyLandscape ArchaeologyCulture
De zeventiende eeuw was meer dan alle andere perioden in de Nederlandse geschiedenis een maritieme eeuw. De vlaggenschepen van beroemde admiraals en de overzeese ondernemingen van de handelscompagnieën bepaalden lange tijd het beeld. Maar... more
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      Maritime ArchaeologyMaritime History17th Century Dutch RepublicScheepsarcheologie
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      Maritime ArchaeologyMaritime HistoryNaval HistoryHistory of Piracy
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Christianity has long been associated with water: it acts as a natural barrier in Moses’ story, it is a means of spiritual cleansing used by John the Baptist and it is connected to parables and miracles attributed to Jesus and various... more
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      Maritime ArchaeologyArt HistoryMaterial culture of religionMaritime History
The royal Danish-Norwegian flagship Gribshunden, launched in 1485, was among the earliest northern European warships purpose-built to carry artillery. However, King Hans employed his vessel as far more than a weapons platform. The ship... more
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      Maritime ArchaeologyMedieval HistoryMedieval ArchaeologyMedieval castles
In this chapter we contextualize the genesis of the book and offer an overview of how maritime archaeology has evolved over the decades.
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      Maritime ArchaeologyUnderwater ArchaeologyMaritime Cultural LandscapesMaritime and Nautical Archaeology
This is an open access title available under the terms of a CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 License. It is free to read, download and share on the BAR Digital platform here Delivering the Deep: Maritime archaeology for the 21st century, originated from... more
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      Maritime ArchaeologyNautical ArchaeologyMaritime Cultural LandscapesMaritime and Underwater Archaeology
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    • Bay
Zammit, F. p. 235

Deidun, A., Gauci, A., Montano, D., Grima Calleja, M., Bonnici, C. (eds.) BEING SEA-EU Abstract Booklet. Proceedings of the first BEING SEA-EU Conference, Valletta, Malta, 10th-12th June 2024: 314pp
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      EconomySustainable Development Goals (SDGs)