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      Environmental PhilosophyAnimal StudiesAnimal EthicsEnvironmental Ethics
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      ReligionChristianityHuman EvolutionMythology
A compilation of the writings of Mary Midgley - a work in progress. Please send any additions or corrections to ian.kidd@nottingham.ac.uk
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      PhilosophyMary Midgley
This essay is based on a discussion on the Premodern Japanese Studies email list in 2016. 「辻斬り」の考察です。
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      Japanese StudiesAnthropologyPhilosophyEthics
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      ReligionEthicsScience and ReligionScience Fiction
While being rooted in the academic discourse, The Things That Really Matter comprehensively explores the most fundamental aspects of human life in an accessible, non-technical language, adding fresh perspectives and new arguments and... more
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      PhilosophyEthicsDialogueMary Midgley
A characteristic theme and focus of the work of Mary Midgley is her trenchant anti-scientism. Perhaps more than any other writer, she has devoted great energies to examining the historical development and contemporary effects of... more
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      Philosophy of ScienceHistory of SciencePublic Understanding Of ScienceScientism
The paper provides a brief introduction to Midgley's person and work, and an overview of The Biscuit Tin memorial event-series in honor of Midgley.

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      PhilosophyScience EducationPoetryImagination
I examine Bernard Williams’s forceful challenge that evolutionary science has done away with the sort of teleological worldview that is needed in order to make sense of an Aristotelian virtue ethic perspective. I also consider Rosalind... more
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      Virtue EthicsMeaning of LifeCharles TaylorJohn McDowell
There has been an almost complete marginalizaton of consideration of non-animals animals in Catholic theology generally and Catholic moral theology more specifically up until very recently. But something remarkable has happened in just... more
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      EthicsTheologyHuman-Animal RelationsTheological Ethics
This paper offers a theologically-orientated examination of some core themes of the works of the philosopher Mary Midgley (1919-2018), identifying areas of possible theological exploration and development. Particular attention is paid to... more
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    • Mary Midgley
Extending ethical considerability to animals consistently takes the form of imperialism: progressing outward from the core of human morality, it incorporates only those animals deemed relevantly similar to humans while rejecting or... more
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      Jurgen HabermasContinental PhilosophyGilles DeleuzeFriedrich Nietzsche
The ethicist who insisted that humans are inherently interconnected.
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      PhilosophyEthicsAnimal EthicsEnvironmental Ethics
Elizabeth Anscombe and Mary Midgley discussed Aristotle’s ethics as an alternative to modern moral philosophy. This idea is best known from Anscombe’s 1958 paper ‘Modern Moral Philosophy’. The mainstream response has been to design a... more
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      EthicsAristotleJohn McDowellAnscombe
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      Animal EthicsVegetarianismMoral TheoryMary Midgley
A brief overview of Midgley's philosophical work and how some of her main ideas relate to the 2020 Covid-19 Crisis
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      PhilosophyPhilosophies of Human NaturePhilosophy of EvilHuman nature
Mary Midgley, Trying Out One's New Sword
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      MetaethicsMary Midgley
For: On Transversality - Research in Practice and Research Day One: Water https://ontransversality.wordpress.com/ Deep mapping is a folding of site specific representations in which epistemic and ontological dynamics of power interweave.... more
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      MythologyInterdisciplinarityEcopoeticsDonna Haraway
Mary Midgley (1919-2018) è stata una pensatrice inglese di riferimento per i suoi studi di filosofia morale e di critica all'imperialismo accademico, ed è nota per la sua accesa e duratura diatriba con Richard Dawkins e il suo... more
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      Artificial IntelligencePhilosophyIntelligenza ArtificialeMary Midgley
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      PhilosophyPolitical PhilosophyEthicsPsychology of Evil
This is a review of three papers on Murdoch's philosophy. Sabina Lovibond, Essays on Ethics and Feminism (OUP 2015), Chapter 14: ‘Iris Murdoch and the ambiguity of Freedom’ Science and the Self: Animals, Evolution, and Ethics: Essays... more
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      Virtue EthicsIris MurdochMary Midgley
An essay I presented at the Wilson College Humanities Conference in February 2017.  This year's theme: The Alien and The Aliens:  Difference, Otherness, and "Little Green Men."
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      Animal mindsSubjectivityOthernessThomas Nagel
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      EthicsPhilosophy Of ReligionSpiritualityMeaning of Life
For: On Transversality - Research in Practice and Research Day One: Water https://ontransversality.wordpress.com/ Deep mapping is a folding of site specific representations in which epistemic and ontological dynamics of power... more
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      MythologyInterdisciplinarityEcopoeticsDonna Haraway
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      Animal EthicsEthical TheoryHuman-Animal RelationshipsScientism
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      EcofeminismVal PlumwoodMary MidgleyKaren J. Warren