Recent papers in Vegetarianism
Le zoonosi contemporanee ci costringono a porci una domanda che già gli antichi pensatori si erano posti più o meno esplicitamente. Le risposte sono spiazzanti e per molti versi attuali: mangiamo gli animali perché non siamo dèi (e quindi... more
Balmurli Natrajan ( is an anthropologist at William Paterson University of New Jersey, United States. Suraj Jacob ( is a political economist at Vidya Bhawan, Udaipur. Both are also visiting... more
Depuis son passage de l'utilitarisme des préférences à l'utilitarisme hédoniste, Peter Singer est exposé à l'argument du remplacement, fréquemment cité en éthique animale. Le philosophe l'accepte, il va jusqu'à affirmer qu'en théorie... more
This research paper has been inspired by my close female friends who are all vegan, vegetarian or eating a non-conventional diet and who have and continue to use the internet for dietary purposes. This research was aimed to understand... more
The greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions embodied in 61 different categories of food are used, with information on the diet of different groups of the population (omnivorous, vegetarian and vegan), to calculate the embodied GHG emissions in... more
This compilation is based on the original report on a clinical survey conducted in Brussels (1905-1906) by Josephine Joteyko and Varia Kipiani with 43 vegetarians. Having advanced expertise in physiology and experimentalism, Joteyko (with... more
Vegan is a person who does not eat any type of meat including red and white. Along with that, the vegan does not eat eggs and do not drink milk as well. In short, the vegan does not eat anything which comes from the animals or living... more
Shelley's vegetarian eating habits were an avant garde version of what is now taken for granted as grazing and snacking.
La mia recensione del libro per bambini pubblicato da Electa "T-VEG. La storia di un dinosauro vegetariano", un modo divertente e colorato per raccontare ai bambini il mondo veg, nel rispetto delle differenze, con il gusto per frutta e... more
In diesem Aufsatz wird untersucht, wie Tiernutzung und Fleischkonsum zu einer umstrittenen Praxis werden konnten. Erst eine Analyse der Genese dieser moralischen Problematisierung ermöglicht ein Verständnis der komplexen soziokulturellen... more
A fascinating study on social movements, religion and behaviour in ancient greece. One may wonder what has changed in the realm of social relations over the past two thousand years...
Meat can be considered as a regular or even integral part of the human diet, and it has been for around 2.5 million years. Our great ancestors, hominins, were the first ones who started consuming raw meat of animals by hunting down large... more
Tekst przybliża genezę ruchu wegańskiego, opisuje proces zdobywania tożsamości i tworzenia nazwy. Śledzi także ślady wzamianek o weganizmie w polskich publikacjach lat 80. XX w.
This paper looks at the provocative nature of meat analogues, commonly referred to as "mock" or "faux" meats. It offers a consideration of the politics of naming and the textural aspirations to "meatiness," both of which position mock... more
in: Anima 2015/3, S. 11-12
This qualitative study explored the motivations of vegetarians by means of online ethnographic research with participants in an international message board. The researcher participated in discussions on the board, gathered responses to... more
La cuestión de la alimentación en su relación con la pureza y la religión es un tema muy antiguo ya existente en distintas tradiciones religiosas y filosóficas del mundo grecorromano. Su trasvase al cristianismo se produjo de forma más... more
Even under the most optimistic scenarios for technological improvements in livestock efficiency, nine billion humans cannot continue to eat animals at the current and projected rates and avoid catastrophic environmental harms. In the end,... more
Questa recensione lunga del libro di J.S. Foer è apparsa in “La società degli individui”, 3, 2011, pp. 155-162
The term vegetarian, meant as the choice of a diet without meat, is not so old. In fact it was used only after the formation of the Vegetarian Society in Ramsgate in 1847, despite two earlier written quotations in 1839 and 1842. Anyway,... more
Traduit en français pour la première fois en 2016, l'essai La politique sexuelle de la viande : une théorie féministe critique végétarienne de Carol J. Adams s'est imposé, au cours des dernières décennies, comme ouvrage de référence des... more
Taking an exploration into the gendered politics of food, this dissertation interrogates the intimate and complex relationship between gender and food consumption, a relationship which at first glance seems to be trivial and frivolous,... more
This report includes findings from online surveys tracking the dietary habits, goals, perceived barriers, and motivators for participants in seven reduction and vegan campaigns in the UK over a six-month period. This includes the largest... more
This essay refers to 'attributes' of the Absolute and shows how they are reflected in specific facets of contemplative asceticism and renunciation and that this is the way to embody the Absolute in this world. It attempts to establish... more
The greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions embodied in 66 different food categories together with self-reported dietary information are used to show how consumer choices surrounding food might lead to reductions in food-related GHG emissions. The... more
This essay shows and discusses that, exactly contrary to what the world thinks, worldly and bodily and sensual pleasures and desires and pursuits are actually pain and misery and deprivation, and celibate, vegetarian, teetotalling... more
This essay advocates global vegetarian diet. Firstly, seven personal health benefits and four global benefits of vegetarian dinners are specified to enrich the entire globe, and then, secondly, I explore concretely how to overcome... more
GİRİŞ 1950lerden sonra başlayan küreselleşme hareketlerinin sonucunda yeni toplumsal hareketler denilen feminist hareketler, etnik kökenli hareketler, hayvan hakları hareketleri vs. başlamıştır. Bunlar eski toplumsal hareketler dediğimiz... more
A B S T R A C T The article discuses the fundamental characteristics of vegetarianism as a heterogeneous and controversial practice, and tries to asses its scope in contemporary Western world. In the central part it presents the main... more
El objetivo de la presente comunicación es señalar la importancia de la aparición de estos hábitos alimenticios de una parte de la población de manera que se fomente la reflexión sobre la influencia de los mismos a la práctica de... more
Esta obra revolucionaria explora por qué en nuestra cultura nos mostramos tan dispuestos a comer algunos animales mientras que ni se nos pasa por la cabeza comernos a otros. Melanie Joy, psicóloga social, afirma que este fenómeno se... more
طبق حدیثی از امام ششم شیعیان، نخوردن گوشت به مدت چهل روز متوالی، موجب بدخلقی می شود. در این مقاله، بررسی شده است که چگونه پرهیز از گوشت خوردن می تواند چنین اثری داشته باشد، و راه حل هایی برای جلوگیری از این اثرگذاری ارائه شده است.
"At eight times the size of the human population, livestock cast a very long shadow indeed. A primary contribution of this essay is to provide a survey of the human and environmental impacts of livestock production. We will find that,... more
Aristotele e Plutarco possono essere trattati come 'radici' del dibattito odierno sullo status degli animali? E' possibile parlare di 'specismo' in Aristotele? L'animalismo plutarcheo è equiparabile a quello contemporaneo? Di questo e di... more
This paper broadly traces developing attitudes towards in-vitro and other alternative meats within science fiction, from their utopian origins in the nineteenth century to their overwhelmingly dystopian and “neocarnist” depictions in... more
En los últimos años se han observado cambios en los hábitos de consumo y nutricionales adoptando dietas vegetarianas, en su totalidad o en parte, los popularmente denominados flexi vegetarianos, o veganas. El surgimiento de estas... more
Since Uber's founding in 2009, individuals associated with Uber have engaged in (or been accused of engaging in) numerous categories of corporate malfeasance: failure to protect data privacy, theft of trade secrets, sexual misconduct... more
Abstract Peter Singer argues, on consequentialist grounds, that individuals ought to be vegetarian. Many have pressed, in response, a causal impotence objection to Singer’s argument: any individual person’s refraining from purchasing and... more