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      History of HungaryHungarian minoritiesMinority ProtectionHistory of Germany
Corporate democracy is reckoned with the number of shares one has, which has an effect on the number of votes. The persons in control of the majority can abuse their power, which may lead to minority shareholders suffering a loss. Some... more
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      Corporate LawCompany LawMinority ProtectionMajority rule
EU's deference to the Member State approaches in minority protection can intensify the oppression of the vulnerable groups; its insistence on non-discrimination on the basis of nationality in the minority regions with special rights in... more
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      European LawDiscriminationEqualityCitizenship
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      Human Rights LawInternational LawHuman RightsInternational Human Rights Law
The European Union (EU) paid considerable attention to national minorities after the Cold War when it used minority protection as a criterion for recognition of new states and EU membership – i.e., in a limited area of Central and Eastern... more
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      European UnionEuropean Union PoliticsEuropeanisationEuropean union enlargement
As long as the Union endorses the discriminatory practices of its Member States taking the claims of ‘culture’ at face value, even when this implies disregarding the spirit of EU Equality Directives and the basics of the internal market,... more
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      European LawDiscriminationEuropean Union LawMinority Protection
A complaint of so-called double standards has regularly been voiced in relation to the EU’s policy on minority protection. This contribution sets out to redefine the accusation by putting it into a broader perspective pertaining to... more
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      European Union LawMinority Protection
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      International LawNear EastNation-buildingMinority Protection
Different minority protections in different corporate cultures and jurisdictions.
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      Corporate GovernanceMinority ProtectionDirective 29/05 Unfair Practices Pratiche Commerciali Sleali Ingannevoli Pubblicità Dolo Annullamento Nullità Errore Presupposizioneunfair prejudice
In November 2015, the Journal of the History of International Law published a special issue entitled "International Legal Histories of the Ottoman Empire". The symposium was co-edited by Umut Özsu (Assistant Professor of Law, University... more
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      Greek HistoryOttoman HistoryInternational LawMiddle East History
This article tests the premise that professional linguistic requirements, although arguably necessary in many circumstances, at times lack a justifiable purpose, while at the same time operate in a discriminatory way by indirectly... more
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      LanguagesEuropean LawComplianceBaltic States
The concept of a class action suit emerged in United States of America in the early 18th century. This course of litigation grew in popularity with an increasing number of claimants seeking restitution and often retribution under Rule 23... more
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      Corporate LawCorporate GovernanceClass ActionsMinority Protection
Although minority protection was one of the Copenhagen political criteria and thus was at the core of the conditionality principle presupposing a fair assessment of the candidate countries' progress towards accession to the European Union... more
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      LawEastern EuropeEuropean UnionEthnic minorities
This study, commissioned by the European Parliament’s Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the request of the LIBE Committee, examines the added value of developing a democratic rule of law and fundamental... more
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      Minority ProtectionMinority Law
In the framework of linguistic or national minorities in Europe, the Friulian case can be considered, from several points of view, an exemplary one. This applies not only to the historical development of its minoritisation and to the... more
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      Contemporary HistoryPolitical ScienceLanguage Planning and PolicyMinority Languages
This paper is a comparative case study of United Nations and European Union policy with regard to minority protection in Kosovo. It examines the past era of supervision by the UN and the ongoing era of supervision by the EU, examining the... more
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      KosovoMinority RightsMultiethnicityEuropean union enlargement
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      MulticulturalismIdentity politicsPolitics of RecognitionMinority Rights
As a confl ict prevention institution of ‘quiet diplomacy’, the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) High Commissioner on National Minorities (HCNM) is not associated, at a first glance, with civil society. Th is... more
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      DiplomacyConflict PreventionCivil SocietyCouncil of Europe
EU’s deference to the Member State approaches in minority protection can intensify the oppression of the vulnerable groups; its insistence on non-discrimination on the basis of nationality in the minority regions with special rights in... more
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      European LawPolitical ScienceDiscriminationEquality
With Turkey’s recognition as an official candidate for accession to the EU, the rhetoric of minority rights has become a part of the national discourse. Various ethnic and religious groups started to raise their voice in demanding not... more
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      European integrationConstitutionalismMinority ProtectionMinority Rights In Turkey
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      DiversityMinority StudiesMinority RightsMinorities
In a stark contrast with the dominant minority-protection literature in the EU this paper proposes a synergetic approach to minority protection in the Union, acknowledging that attempts to draw clear distinctions between different... more
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      European LawHuman RightsFederalismDiscrimination
EU ENLARGEMENT CONDITIONS AND MINORITY PROTECTION: A REFLECTION ON TURKEY’S NON-MUSLIM MINORITIES This article aims to review the EU’s urge on Turkey to fulfil the Copenhagen criteria, hence the condition of ‘respect for and protection... more
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      European HistoryEastern European StudiesEuropean StudiesHuman Rights Law
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      Constitutional LawMinoritiesMinority ProtectionInternational Law on Minorities
"European Integration and Its Effects on Minority Protection in South East Europe is one of the latest efforts to trace the role of the EU in the development of minority rights regimes in Southeast Europe. The book combines the... more
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      European integrationSouth East European StudiesMinority RightsMinority Protection
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      Human RightsPolitical ConditionalityQualitative comparative analysis (QCA)Enlargement and Integration in the EU
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      Human RightsPolitical ScienceEuropean UnionEthnic minorities
Il decimo anniversario dell’approvazione della Legge 482/1999, Norme in materia di tutela delle minoranze linguistiche storiche, è l'occasione per una riflessione complessiva sulla tutela delle lingue minoritarie in Sardegna, in Italia,... more
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      European HistoryEuropean StudiesEuropean LawLanguage Planning and Policy
This edited volume emanates from a conference which brought together for the first time several members of the Minority Research Network, and which constituted the launch of this network. The distinctive goal of this Research Network is... more
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      MinoritiesSocial ParticipationMinority ProtectionRight to identity
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      Human RightsGroup RightsMinority ProtectionInternationl Law
This article written in the Russian language traces the involvement of European integration in the protection of the Russian-speaking minority in the Baltic States of Latvia and Estonia. Two main aspects of such involvement are... more
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inequality and discrimination have shaped women's experiences in almost all spheres of human endeavour. The drug industry is no exception. In the mind of the public, drug, it's use and every thing associated with it conjures up an image... more
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      Human RightsMinority Protection
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      International LawRace and EthnicityGerman RomanticismNazism
This article summarises the main problems related to the nascent ethnic minority protection law in the EU by focusing on two main contradictions: a contradiction between the EU's external and internal approaches to minority protection;... more
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      Human RightsEuropean Union LawEU LawCentral and Eastern Europe
In 1921, Sweden and Finland agreed to grant far-reaching self-government to the Swedish-speaking Åland Islands under Finnish sovereignty. On 24 June 1921, the League of Nations in Geneva approved this solution. On 10 October 1921, ten... more
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      DecentralizationComplex Power-sharingMinority ProtectionTerritorial Autonomy
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      Human RightsConflict ManagementConsociationalismWestern Balkans
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      Constitutional LawMinority LanguagesMinority RightsLanguage rights
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      LiberalismMinority ProtectionSoviet Nationalities PolicyVersailles System
The theme that this paper examines are minorities, or rather ethnic minorities, which are central within the framework of social phenomena and processes linked to the multiethnic and multicultural structure of contemporary societies.... more
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      Ethnic minoritiesEthnicityImmigrantsMinority Protection
This is a work abaout minoritary cultures, that try to expose the problematic whit the protection to them, touching tematics like the begining and reasons to look for a protection and some real examples that can give some views of the... more
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      Minority RightsMinority ProtectionGrupos Minoritarios
Il contributo illustra la situazione delle minoranze di lingua tedesca della regione Friuli-VG e della loro tutela, tra storia e attualità. Vengono proposte sia una visione d'insieme – delle comunità germanofone nel loro complesso e... more
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      Language Planning and PolicyMinority StudiesRegionalismMinority Languages
Una legge importante ed attuale, che ha permesso di conseguire alcuni risultati significativi, che deve essere applicata meglio e che rischia di non essere attuata affatto. A dieci anni dal 25 novembre 1999, quando fu definitivamente... more
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      Italian StudiesLanguage Planning and PolicyMinority StudiesMinority cultures
A historical analysis demostrates that religious minorities and their need of protection have had a key role in the first development stages of fundamental rights.

Note: Downloadable document is in Dutch.
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    • Minority Protection
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      European Union PoliticsMinority Protection
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      ToponomasticsPlace Names (Cultural Geography)Language rightsMinority language rights
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      Ancient HistoryComparative LawCivil LawIntellectual Property