Larges extraits de l'introduction. Relu et médité à la lumière de l'histoire du présent, le Tableau des esprits de Jean ou John Barclay (1582-1621), publié pour la première fois en latin sous le titre Ioannis Barclaii Icon Animorum... more
Larges extraits de l'introduction. Relu et médité à la lumière de l'histoire du présent, le Tableau des esprits de Jean ou John Barclay (1582-1621), publié pour la première fois en latin sous le titre Ioannis Barclaii Icon Animorum (Londres, Norton, 1614), bréviaire politique et moral de l'Européen moderne, se révèle lesté d'enseignements et de questions provocatrices. Ces pages sont augmentées de la table des matières du livre de Barclay et d'une table analytique des matières.
While it is not the purpose of this paper to address the broad debate over the role of Beza in changing Calvin's thought immediately following his death, the specific case of On the Rights of Magistrates does provide a clear refutation of... more
While it is not the purpose of this paper to address the broad debate over the role of Beza in changing Calvin's thought immediately following his death, the specific case of On the Rights of Magistrates does provide a clear refutation of the above historiographical narrative. Specifically, Calvin's thought as it was expressed in The Institutes of the Christian Religion appears to have served as the fundamental framework around which Beza crafted his argument in On the Rights of Magistrates. In the realm of political theory, Calvin's understanding of the role of government and rulers is reflected in the explicit assumptions about government which Beza makes. Furthermore, Beza uses a number of theological concepts which mirror the theological focuses of the Institutes itself. Finally, Calvin bequeathed to Beza a series of practical rules for how different elements of the political order should relate to one another. Therefore, John Calvin's The Institutes must be seen as a crucial influence on Theodore Beza's On the Rights of Magistrates.
In this paper, I develop three ideal types of early modern federal theories: sovereignty relativizing federalism, sovereignty pooling federalism, and bottom-up federalism. Each of these types respond to a different political effect of the... more
In this paper, I develop three ideal types of early modern federal theories: sovereignty relativizing federalism, sovereignty pooling federalism, and bottom-up federalism. Each of these types respond to a different political effect of the development of the modern state: organ sovereignty, hostile geopolitical environment, and disempowerment of the society as a corollary to organ sovereignty, respectively. Each of these types conceives of the federation as an alternative to the state. I compare and contrast these types along the lines of implementation of the federal principle of self- and shared rule, the criteria of evaluation of federal arrangements, and the normative implications.
La traducción española de la Política de Altusio (Centro de Estudios Constitucionales, Madrid, 1990) no incluye los importantes prólogos de la obra. El texto cuya traducción ofrezco aquí corresponde al principal de ellos, el prólogo de la... more
La traducción española de la Política de Altusio (Centro de Estudios Constitucionales, Madrid, 1990) no incluye los importantes prólogos de la obra. El texto cuya traducción ofrezco aquí corresponde al principal de ellos, el prólogo de la primera edición. Como base he usado Politica methodicè digesta atque exemplis sacris & profanis illustrata. Herborn, 1603.
On the morning of January 7th , 2015, two masked gunmen burst into the headquarters of the French satirical newspaper Charlie Hebda, murdering 11. When the gunmen's affiliations with Islamic fundamentalism were discovered, it helped to... more
On the morning of January 7th , 2015, two masked gunmen burst into the headquarters of the French satirical newspaper Charlie Hebda, murdering 11. When the gunmen's affiliations with Islamic fundamentalism were discovered, it helped to reignite a debate which has plagued French discourse over the last decade: religion's role in mediating entry into the French state. At the core of the discussion is a question which Patrick Weil recently articulated in the context of post-Revolutionary French citizenship laws, "What makes one French?" Contemporary answers to this question invariably circle around the issue of secularism. However, the role of religion in the notion of French citizenship has a much longer pedigree. For most, this history is told from the perspective of the French state extending citizenship to previously marginalized religious groups. Often overlooked is the means by which these marginalized groups themselves conceived of belonging within the French nation. This paper aims to examine one such influential minority religious group: the Huguenots of the sixteenth century. This period of the Reformation is critical because it shattered, in the words of Scott Gordon, the "unity of the Christian community. " In the case of France, the secretion of Calvinism from Geneva into the French countryside resulted in nearly forty years of civil war which consumed the second half of the sixteenth century. While commanding a majority of the French nobility at one point of the conflict, Reformed Christians only accounted for 6-7% of the population on the eve of the seventeenth century. Nonetheless, the very presence of these nonconformists within the otherwise Catholic French body politic necessitated new ways of conceiving French political and social identity.
In this paper, I develop three ideal types of early modern federal theories: sovereignty relativizing federalism, sovereignty pooling federalism, and bottom-up federalism. Each of these types respond to a different political effect of the... more
In this paper, I develop three ideal types of early modern federal theories: sovereignty relativizing federalism, sovereignty pooling federalism, and bottom-up federalism. Each of these types respond to a different political effect of the development of the modern state: organ sovereignty, hostile geopolitical environment, and disempowerment of the society as a corollary to organ sovereignty, respectively. Each of these types conceives of the federation as an alternative to the state. I compare and contrast these types along the lines of implementation of the federal principle of self- and shared rule, the criteria of evaluation of federal arrangements, and the normative implications.
Pourquoi faire une histoire de la tolérance ? Parce que ni le mot, ni la notion n’étaient familiers aux hommes qui vivaient aux XVIe et XVIIe siècles et qu’il a fallu un long cheminement pour admettre la tolérance parmi les vertus... more
Pourquoi faire une histoire de la tolérance ? Parce que ni le mot, ni la notion n’étaient familiers aux hommes qui vivaient aux XVIe et XVIIe siècles et qu’il a fallu un long cheminement pour admettre la tolérance parmi les vertus morales. Pourquoi en Béarn ? Parce que la vicomté était une souveraineté distincte du royaume de France et qu’elle a connu une situation originale : Jeanne d’Albret décida de faire du calvinisme une religion d’Etat. Les rapports de force entre protestants et catholiques étaient inversés, le Béarn a emprunté une direction qui lui était propre. Ce livre est surtout fait de cris et de clameurs, du bruit des armes et de l’odeur des bûchers. Les recherches de Thierry Issartel permettent de dépasser l’impression simpliste d’un affrontement irréductible entre deux confessions. Ces Chemins de la tolérance remettent complètement à plat plus d’un siècle d’histoire politique et religieuse en Béarn, abordent les mutations culturelles autour de l’usage de la langue béarnaise et de la langue française, visitant au passage ces autres victimes de l’intolérance que furent les cagots, les bohémiens et les sorcières.
Thèse sous la direction du Pr. Christian Desplat, soutenue à l'Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour le 16 décembre 2000. Composition du jury : Arlette Jouanna (présidente), Christian Desplat, Christian Jouhaud, François Cadilhon et... more
Thèse sous la direction du Pr. Christian Desplat, soutenue à l'Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour le 16 décembre 2000.
Composition du jury : Arlette Jouanna (présidente), Christian Desplat, Christian Jouhaud, François Cadilhon et Philippe Chareyre.
A obtenu la mention très honorable avec les félicitations du jury à l'unanimité.
Véase el cuarto ensayo de _DE REYES A LOBOS_: Juan de Mariana pudo haber tenido una influencia más directa sobre la elaboración de las críticas contemporáneas a la banca central en EE.UU. de lo que se ha pensado hasta ahora. Esta... more
Véase el cuarto ensayo de _DE REYES A LOBOS_: Juan de Mariana pudo haber tenido una influencia más directa sobre la elaboración de las críticas contemporáneas a la banca central en EE.UU. de lo que se ha pensado hasta ahora. Esta influencia puede encontrarse en el punto culminante de la teoría monetaria de la Escuela de Salamanca, cuando Mariana sintetizó y articuló una ingeniosa crítica de las políticas inflacionarias de los Habsburgo. En esa crítica, el erudito jesuita vinculó su análisis económico con la no menos escandalosa defensa del regicidio. Tanto las preocupaciones monetarias como el ánimo rebelde del ala libertaria de la derecha estadounidense se hacen asimismo eco de las opiniones expresadas por Thomas Jefferson durante los primeros años de la República. Y esas opiniones, probablemente, también deban algo a los amenazadores enfrentamientos que tuvo Juan de Mariana con los Habsburgo. Y finalmente, gracias a la admiración que el político de Virginia sentía por la novela de Cervantes, texto que a su vez fue fuertemente influenciado por Mariana, se continúan entretejiendo las fascinantes conexiones entre las preocupaciones sobre las políticas monetarias expresadas por Jefferson y Mariana.
Riprendiamo la rubrica sul Filosofo e la città con una serie di quattro articoli sul tirannicidio. Si tratta di una questione classica che riguarda la domanda circa la liceità dell’uccisione del governante che esercita in maniera... more
Riprendiamo la rubrica sul Filosofo e la città con una serie di quattro articoli sul tirannicidio. Si tratta di una questione classica che riguarda la domanda circa la liceità dell’uccisione del governante che esercita in maniera dispotica e violenta il potere. Questa soluzione, secondo la visione del primo autore che prendiamo in considerazione, Baruch Spinoza, è sostanzialmente inutile. Dell’inutilità del tirannicidio Spinoza discute in modo rigoroso nel Tractatus politicus, dando fondata ragione sia dell’ingenuità della classicheggiante esaltazione del tirannicida, sia della dissennatezza delle teorie di monarcomachi e gesuiti del Seicento. Che il massimo teorico della democrazia come del regime più conforme alla ragione, alla sicurezza e alla libertà dei cittadini debba essere per questo considerato un fautore dell’assolutismo e un nemico del diritto di resistenza del popolo al tiranno? La critica spinoziana alle dottrine monarcomache di matrice cristiano-liberale viene invece qui ricondotta nel solco del pensiero repubblicano e del realismo politico che da Machiavelli risale fino a Senofonte.