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The Latvian Foreign and Security Policy Yearbook 2021 aims to examine and evaluate various spheres of Latvia’s foreign and security policy. It looks at what has been achieved in 2020 and draws up development scenarios for 2021, informing... more
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      Russian StudiesBaltic StudiesNATO-Russian Relations
This paper presents a realist reflection on the crisis in Ukraine from the perspective of the Western powers, in particular, that of the United States. Its theoretical argumentation is built on the basis of thoughts of contemporary... more
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      European UnionRussiaUnited StatesNATO-Russian Relations
The current development of a cyber defence policy by the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is usually seen as exemplifying the alliance’s changing scope of intervention; as well as its broadened perception of security. From an... more
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      CyberlawNATOCyber WarfareCybersecurity
The objective of this post-graduate thesis work is to analyses “The Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe” (CFE) which has been accepted as the most extensive and successful conventional disarmament treaty of the world disarmament... more
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      Cold WarCold War historyNATO-Russian RelationsCFE
In an age where nothing seems clear-cut it is wonderful to have a hero and an even clearer villain. Putin is the new Hitler, an obsessive maniac with no respect for human life. The Ukrainians, by contrast, remind us of our parents and... more
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      Russian StudiesStrategy (Military Science)Human RightsUkrainian Studies
This book provides a detailed understanding of how different types of engagements impact upon the reform and EU integration of the Western Balkan region. It examines the influence of Russia, China, Turkey and the UAE in the region and... more
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      European StudiesSouth East European StudiesBalkan StudiesKosovo
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      Eastern European StudiesEuropean StudiesBalkan StudiesRussian Foreign Policy
A Külügyi és Külgazdasági Intézet 4:1 című sorozatában négy kutató válaszol röviden ugyanarra – a nemzetközi politikát és gazdaságot érintő – kérdésre. Célunk a magyarországi tudományos viták elindítása és a szakértők közötti párbeszéd... more
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      Russian StudiesInternational RelationsInternational StudiesNATO
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      Strategy (Military Science)International SecurityNATOWar Studies
This paper argues that tactial nuclear weapons on European soil within the NATO framework have no longer any operational value. Moreover, in light of Obama's prague speech, in which he argues to strive for a nuclear weapons free world, a... more
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      NATOUnited StatesNATO-Russian RelationsTactical nuclear weapons
The international analysis carried out in the first two decades after the fall of communism brings us new information regarding the evolution of the influence of NATO on European security and politics. This article aims to analyze the... more
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      European Security and Defence PolicyEuropean Foreign and Security PolicyNATO-Russian RelationsNATO's New Strategic Concept
Poland's security strategy represents a considerable hurdle to increased defence integration and cooperation in Europe. Recent developments on the international scene, however, should encourage Poland to revisit and further differentiate... more
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      European UnionPolandNATO-Russian Relations
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      NATONATO-Russian Relations
Complex IPB-Spanish edition
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      SpanishIntelligenceNonlinear dynamicsComplex Systems
The appearance on Russian TV stations Channel One and NTV of the plans for a nuclear torpedo/unmanned underwater vehicle (UUV) has prompted much interest among observers. Among other aspects, its probably salted warhead attracted much... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesInternational LawWar StudiesStrategic Studies
The end of the Cold War led to intense debates about how change happens in international politics. In this article, we argue that practice theory has great potential for illuminating this question. Drawing on Vincent Pouliot’s empirical... more
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      Social ChangeInternational RelationsInternational Relations TheoryPractice theory
The E40 notably may lead to the revitalization of a centuries-old transcontinental transportation/trade corridor, connecting two important European seas and more deeply integrating Ukraine (and Belarus) into the EU’s infrastructural and... more
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      Political Geography and GeopoliticsEuropean StudiesEuropean integrationGeopolitics
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      International LawCentral Eurasian StudiesInternational OrganisationsNATO-Russian Relations
While the new security environment has driven the EU to take a bigger role in security and defence, it has also forced the EU-NATO relations to evolve from a desirable strategic partnership to a more ‘essential’ one, since both their... more
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      NATOEuropean Security and Defence PolicyNATO-Russian RelationsDefense and Strategic Studies
Since Russia annexed the Crimea in 2014, the West has become increasingly concerned about Putin's assertive rhetoric and posturing. In this article, the author argues that NATO's unease is largely misplaced; far from being a force to be... more
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      Strategy (Military Science)International RelationsRussian Foreign PolicyNATO-Russian Relations
Finland and Sweden are following their own interests in Europe. The United States (US) must follow her own interests and reject their addition to NATO. A realistic threat assessment would recognize Russia's depleted force structure and... more
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      SwedenFinlandRealismNATO-Russian Relations
While the efforts of great powers to export their regimes to small states is well studied in the literature, the role of mass opinion in small states where great powers compete for influence remains under-theorized as a factor that can... more
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      International RelationsPublic OpinionForeign Policy AnalysisNATO
This analysis does not represent neither Western, nor Ukrainian or Russian official views concerning the Kerch Straight incident and its legal background. It is an expert analysis that concentrates on realities. It is not the aim of the... more
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      Russian StudiesConstitutional LawInternational LawNATO
Utvecklingen i Ryssland är på många sätt skrämmande. Men samtidigt är den svenska Nato-debatten oroväckande ensidig, skriver Linus Hagström och Tom Lundborg, forskare vid Försvarshögskolan. Med vår ursprungliga debattartikel ville vi... more
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      Russian StudiesInternational RelationsInternational StudiesInternational Security
This paper is a review of a document published by the "Instituto Español de Estudios Estratégicos" in 2015 about Russia. This book shows the origin of EU-Russia relations and how these ones seems to change nowadays, since Trump´s win.
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      European StudiesRussian StudiesRussian PoliticsRussian Foreign Policy
Relazione per il corso "La Russia nelle relazioni internazionali" (Regional Studies) della Prof.ssa Serena Giusti
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    • NATO-Russian Relations
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      NATOPolandPoland's Foreign and Security PolicyNATO-Russian Relations
Russia-NATO relations have been volatile since the dissolution of the Soviet Union. The phases of succession between cooperation and confrontation progressed in almost cyclical fashion. The periods of engagement culminating with... more
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      Russian StudiesRussianNATORussian Foreign Policy
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryMilitary HistoryCultural History
Apparently – at least for the moment – Russia’s President Vladimir Putin has changed his tactics. Instead of invading Ukraine, he has now de-facto annexed the Ukrainian regions Donetsk and Lugansk. What will be his next step and what... more
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      Russian StudiesInternational RelationsNATOEuropean Union
Niniejsza praca powstała w celu przedstawienia ewolucji Sojuszu Północnoatlantyckiego po zimnej wojnie. Na potrzeby pracy autor odniósł się również do wydarzeń poprzedzających ten okres, aby wskazać podstawowe zasady działania NATO oraz... more
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      International TerrorismNATOTerroryzmNATO-Russian Relations
The conflict in Ukraine has altered the geopolitical configuration in Eurasia. The very beginning of Russia’s military intervention in Ukraine’s internal affairs became the starting point of major geopolitical shifts in the region and in... more
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      Cultural StudiesSelf and IdentityPeace and Conflict StudiesInformation Security
A Szovjetunió felbomlását követően a NATO keleti bővítése szinte végig teljes mértékben az USA és nyugati szövetségesei elképzelései szerint alakult. Az identitás-válságban szenvedő, útját kereső, súlyos gazdasági gondokkal küzdő, gyenge... more
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      Russian StudiesBelarusian StudiesRussian PoliticsEuropean Security and Defence Policy
At the moment, there are good reasons to give consideration not only to the Alliance’s open-door policy but the proposed roadmap for Ukraine’s future membership (sort of Ukraine’s Compatibility plan with NATO) as NATO develops its... more
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      NATOPoliticsRussian Foreign PolicyPolitics of Ukraine
The end of the “Cold War”, and thus the collapse of the Soviet Union caused, against predictions, further tensions, conflicts and disintegration. The most powerful countries, such as the USA, Russia, China, India, as well as international... more
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      European StudiesTerrorismInternational TerrorismInternational Security
This paper serves as an analysis of the Russian Federation's (RF) strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) as they relate to the 2021 Russian National Security Strategy and the relationship between the RF and the United... more
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      Eastern European StudiesRussian StudiesNuclear WeaponsRussian Foreign Policy
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      Baltic Sea Region StudiesNATO-Russian RelationsFinnish security policyBaltic Security
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      International RelationsNATOSecurity StudiesBaltic States
The Ukraine Crisis has changed European and US security policy. Irrespective of the impact the crisis will have in the short, medium and long term, the Russian intervention in Ukraine, the annexation of Crimea and the subsequent... more
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      NATORussian Foreign PolicyUkraineDanish Foreign Policy
* Publication sponsored by the Federal Foreign Office of Germany (www.auswaertiges-amt.de) The long-standing disagreements between NATO and Russia have been left unresolved for decades. In 2014 they finally escalated into an outright... more
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      Eastern European StudiesEuropean StudiesRussian StudiesInternational Relations
After the attacks of September 11, 2001, but especially with the decision to expand NATO in 2002, the Black Sea became an intersection of Euro-Atlantic geopolitical and geo-economic borders. At the same time, the accession of Romania and... more
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      International RelationsPolitical ScienceRussian PoliticsRussian Foreign Policy
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      Nuclear WeaponsStrategic AlliancesEuropean Security and Defence PolicyGerman Politics
Im Zentrum des Bandes steht das Phänomen der «Wende» in Osteuropa von 1989/91. Der Zerfall der sozialistischen Ordnung und die Transformationsprozesse hin zur Neuordnung der sozialen, wirtschaftlichen und politischen Systeme verliefen in... more
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      Eastern European StudiesRomanian HistoryPolish HistoryEastern European history
As you know, since a few days, Russian troops are in Ukraine, in a military operation. As a reaction, the West has imposed very, very harsh sanctions on Russia, which are going to have incredible effects, not only on Russia, but also on... more
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      Russian StudiesEconomic DevelopmentCold War International RelationsUkraine
My friends, we are losing a war you weren’t told existed. If the audience is not yet aware of the takeover and the exact nature of the players involved, then this document will 1) get the audience up to speed with homework of what to... more
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      GeopoliticsCold War and CultureCold WarPolitics
Il termine guerra ibrida è balzato agli onori delle cronache del 2014 ed oramai viene ampiamente usato anche al di fuori dell'ambito degli esperti in materia di sicurezza, ma cosa si intenda realmente con questo termine in realtà c'è... more
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      NATOCyberwarfareRussiaNATO-Russian Relations
The main conclusions of this paper is that unscrupulous and malicious use of lawfare by State and non-state actors must not discourage law-abiding international actors from continuing to act in compliance with international law. Actors... more
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      International LawWar StudiesRussian PoliticsNATO-Russian Relations
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      Russian StudiesNATORussian PoliticsRussian Foreign Policy
The so called Suwalki Gap has been lately among important regional security related topics and it has been linked with its geostrategic location and geographical complexity of the terrain for conducting military operations. The threat... more
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      Russian StudiesMilitary ScienceInternational RelationsEuropean Security and Defence Policy
Arctic security is a main security challenge – a global one, not only a regional one – not only for the Arctic countries, but for the whole international community, first of all the European. With Russia and China expanding their role in... more
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      NATOSilk RoadEuropean Foreign PolicyEuropean Union