Parameterized Complexity
Recent papers in Parameterized Complexity
The present work examines the effects of parameters of the input distribution on the average time complexity of the singleton sort algorithm.. Previous work on this field has shown that for certain algorithms such as sorting, the... more
We possess the remarkable capacity to identify and understand relational similarities between the constituent parts of disparate wholes. The analogical mapping process underlying this capacity allows us to draw inferences about objects,... more
For certain algorithms such as sorting and searching, the parameters of the input probability distribution, in addition to the size of the input, have been found to influence the complexity of the underlying algorithm. The present paper... more
A feedback vertex set in an undirected graph is a subset of vertices whose removal results in an acyclic graph. It is well-known that the problem of finding a minimum sized (or k-sized in case of decision version of) feedback vertex set... more
For certain algorithms such as sorting and searching, the parameters of the input probability distribution, in addition to the size of the input, have been found to influence the complexity of the underlying algorithm. The present paper... more
This research paper is a statistical comparative study of a few average case asymptotically optimal sorting algorithms namely, Quick sort, Heap sort and K- sort. The three sorting algorithms all with the same average case complexity have... more
1. The PGExplainer is able to correctly identify the ground-truth motif responsible for node and graph classifica4 tion of a given GNN. 5 2. The PGExplainer is able to achieve a maximum AUC of 0.987 for node classification and a maximum... more
Given a graph and an integer k, the biclique cover problem asks whether the edge-set of the given graph can be covered with at most k bicliques (complete bipartite subgraphs); the biclique vertex-cover problem asks whether the vertex-set... more
Abstract: The framework of Bodlaender et al.(ICALP 2008) and Fortnow and Santhanam (STOC 2008) allows us to exclude the existence of polynomial kernels for a range of problems under reasonable complexity-theoretical assumptions. However,... more
The problem of deciding whether the edge-set of a given graph can be partitioned into at most k cliques is well known to be NP-complete. In this paper we investigate this problem from the point of view of parameterized complexity. We show... more
The parameterized complexity of the face cover problem is considered. The input to this problem is a plane graph, G ,o f ordern. The question asked is whether, for any fixed k ,t here exists a set of k or fewer vertices whose boundaries... more