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A Minimum Vertex Cover is the smallest set of vertices whose removal completely disconnects a graph. In this paper, we perform experiments on a number of graphs from standard complex networks databases addressing the problem of finding a... more
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      MathematicsComplex NetworksGreedy AlgorithmsMathematical Sciences
We introduce a novel stochastic local search algorithm for the vertex cover problem. Compared to current exhaustive search techniques, our algorithm achieves excellent performance on a suite of problems drawn from the field of biology. We... more
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      Stochastic Local SearchVertex Cover
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      EngineeringTheory Of ComputationComputational ComplexityInformation Processing
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      Distributed AlgorithmsTheoretical Computer ScienceProbabilityOptimization
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      Statistical MechanicsRandom Graph TheoryMathematical SciencesPhysical sciences
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      EngineeringDistributed AlgorithmsTheoretical Computer ScienceFault Tolerance
Let C be a clutter and let I be its edge ideal. We present a combinatorial description of the minimal generators of the symbolic Rees algebra Rs(I) of I. It is shown that the minimal generators of Rs(I) are in one to one correspondence... more
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      Vertex CoverContemporary MathematicsPerfect Graph
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      Computational ComplexityData StructureCombinatorial ProblemsComplexity Analysis
We give a new proof of K\"onig's theorem and generalize the Gallai-Edmonds decomposition to balanced hypergraphs in two different ways. Based on our decompositions we give two new characterizations of balanced hypergraphs and... more
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    • Vertex Cover
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      Applied MathematicsDistributed ComputingParameterized ComplexityVertex Cover
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      Theoretical Computer ScienceMathematical SciencesApproximationGraph
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      Nuclear Magnetic ResonanceQuantum ComputerQuantum MeasurementHigh performance computer
We explore opportunities for parameterising constant factor approximation algorithms for vertex cover. We provide a simple algorithm that works on any approximation ratio of the form \frac 2l+1l+1\frac {2l+1}{l+1} and has complexity that... more
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      Approximate AlgorithmVertex Cover
The remarkable discovery of many large-scale real networks is the power-law distribution in degree sequence: the number of vertices with degree i is proportional to i− β for some constant β> 1. A lot of researchers believe that it may... more
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      Graph TheoryTheoretical Computer ScienceOptimization ProblemMathematical Sciences
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      Graph TheoryPure MathematicsDiscrete MathematicsRecurrence Relation
A function � : V ! {1,...,k} is a broadcast coloring of order k if �(u) = �(v) implies that the distance between u and v is more than �(u). The minimum order of a broadcast coloring is called the broadcast chromatic number of G, and is... more
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      Pure MathematicsVertex CoverArs CombinatoriaChromatic Number
Multiple-interval graphs are a natural generalization of interval graphs where each vertex may have more then one interval associated with it. We initiate the study of optimization problems in multiple-interval graphs by considering three... more
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      Approximation AlgorithmsOptimization ProblemApproximate AlgorithmMaximum Clique Problem
The minimum vertex cover (MVC) and maximum independent set (MIS) problems are to be determined in terms of a graph of the small set of vertices, which cover all the edges, and a large set of vertices, no two of which are adjacent. MVC and... more
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      Vertex CoverMinimum Vertex Cover
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      EngineeringAlgorithmsMathematical SciencesAnalysis of Algorithms
The MINIMUM 2SAT-DELETION problem is to delete the minimum number of clauses in a 2SAT instance to make it satisfiable. It is one of the prototypes in the approximability hierarchy of minimization problems Khanna et al. [Constraint... more
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      Applied MathematicsComputational ComplexityApproximate AlgorithmLower Bound
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      Pure MathematicsVertexIdealBipartite Graph
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      Data StructureGraph RepresentationFRONTIERSExact Algorithm
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      Pure MathematicsVertex CoverDomination numberMinimum Degree
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      Applied MathematicsSpectrumApproximate AlgorithmSpanning Tree
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      Ant Colony OptimizationMathematical SciencesVertex CoverHeuristic algorithm
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      Computational ComplexityComplexityTheoretical Computer ScienceOptimization Problem
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      SAT Solver DesignSoftware VerificationRoute PlanningBoolean Satisfiability
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      Applied MathematicsAPPROXIMATION ALGORITHMBipartite GraphBipartite graphs
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    • Vertex Cover
An odd graceful labeling of a graph G = (V ,E ) is a function f :V (G)® {0,1,2, . . .2 E(G) −1}such that |f (u)−f (v)| is odd value less than or equal to 2 E(G) −1 for any u ,v ÎV (G) . In spite of the large number of papers published on... more
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      AlgorithmsVertex CoverEdge-labelingOdd Graceful
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      AlgorithmsParameterized ComplexityVertex CoverDomination number
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      Theoretical Computer ScienceMathematical SciencesGraph ColoringBIN packing
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      Applied MathematicsCombinatoricsComputingDirected Graph
In this paper, we show that the number of edges for any odd harmonious Eulerian graph is congruent to 0 or 2 (mod 4), and we found a counter example for the inverse of this statement is not true. We also proved that, the graphs which are... more
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      K-vertex ConnectivityVertex Cover4 Vertex TheoremLower bounds for dominating Cartesian products
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      Pure MathematicsPolynomial RingBipartite GraphVertex Cover
A variety of efficient kernelization strategies for the classic vertex cover problem are developed, implemented and compared experimentally. A new technique, termed crown reduction, is introduced and analyzed. Applications to... more
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    • Vertex Cover
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      Computational GeometryPure MathematicsNumerical Analysis and Computational MathematicsApproximate Algorithm
A set D of vertices of a graph G is a dominating set if every vertex in V \ D is adjacent to some vertex in D.

In this paper, we provide a constructive characterization of trees with unique minimum dominating set.
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      Graphic DesignMinumum Connected Dominating SetDecision TreeN-Point Functions for a Vertex Operator Superalgebra with a Real Grading
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      Optimization ProblemSampling methodsApproximate AlgorithmSteiner Minimal Tree
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      Approximation TheoryComputer ScienceApproximation AlgorithmsGraph Partitioning
Wireless sensor and actor networks (WSANs) consist of powerful actors and resource constraint sensors that are linked together in wireless networks. They mostly rely on actors to make proper decisions and perform desired coordination to... more
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      Sensors and SensingComputer NetworksWireless Sensor NetworksTolerance
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      Information SystemsApplied MathematicsBusiness and ManagementVertex Cover
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      Computational GeometryPure MathematicsAPPROXIMATION ALGORITHMDimensional
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      AlgorithmsGraph TheoryProperty TestingLower Bound
Given a graph and an integer k, the biclique cover problem asks whether the edge-set of the given graph can be covered with at most k bicliques (complete bipartite subgraphs); the biclique vertex-cover problem asks whether the vertex-set... more
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      Theoretical Computer ScienceMathematical SciencesParameterized ComplexityVertex Cover
Broadcasting in processor networks means disseminating a single piece of information, which is originally known only at some nodes, to all members of the network. The goal is to inform everybody using as few rounds as possible, that is to... more
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      Applied MathematicsOptimization ProblemTraveling Salesman ProblemVertex Cover
In this paper we present a detailed study of the hitting set (HS) problem. This problem is a generalization of the standard vertex cover to hypergraphs: one seeks a configuration of particles with minimal density such that every hyperedge... more
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      EngineeringProbability TheoryStochastic ProcessStatistical Mechanics
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      Biological SciencesProtein Sequence AnalysisMultiple Sequence AlignmentGreedy Algorithm
Abstract: The framework of Bodlaender et al.(ICALP 2008) and Fortnow and Santhanam (STOC 2008) allows us to exclude the existence of polynomial kernels for a range of problems under reasonable complexity-theoretical assumptions. However,... more
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      Computational ComplexityData StructureParameterized ComplexityVertex Cover