Most cited papers in Peternakan
Nutrient Requirements of Nonhuman Primates
This study was conducted to evaluate the meat characteristic of crossbred local chicken fed diet containing both dahlia tuber powder as inulin source and probiotic Lactobacillus sp. The experimental animals were 168 crossbred local... more
The objectives of this study were to evaluate polymorphism of microsatellite DNA through the investigation of microsatellite loci of CSSM18, ILST54 and IDVGA30 and its possible association with body weight of local sheeps. A total of 266... more
A research was conducted to study the effectivity of Test Day records using a Fixed Regression model for genetic evaluation of dairy cattle. The data were collected from first and second lactations of Frisian Holstein dairy cattle from... more
Puji dan syukur penulis ucapkan kehadirat Allh SWT yang telah melimpahkan rahmat dan karunia-Nya kepada penulis, sehingga penulis dapat menyelesaikan pembuatan Laporan Semester Pratikumn Biologi. Penulis menyadari bahwa laporan ini... more
Broiler agribusiness is currently leading to consolidation of farmers and broiler industries with a contract farming partnership. The broiler industry that implements cooperation between plasma/farmers and the nucleus/large integrator has... more
This research aims to describe the level of competence of farmers in composting, and to draft extension and try out the implementation of counseling about composting in group of livestock of Mekar. The research was conducted in... more
Resume tentang analisis usaha penggemukan sapi potong terdiri dari analisis finansial dan nonfinansial
Reproductive hormones are often used in the animal production, including in rabbits to increase the rate of production, e.g. in the AI practices. Rabbit is prolific animal, yet their reproductive rate in Indonesia is slow. A preliminary... more
Hemolisis adalah pecahnya membrane eritrosit sehingga hemoglobin bebas ke dalam medium sekelilingnya. Kerusakan membran eritrosit dapat disebabkan oleh antara lain Pemberian larutan hipotonis dalam darah, penurunan tekanan permukaan... more