This proposal seeks to highlight three strategies for Phillips to improve innovation from research to market and provides examples of best practice techniques, which Phillips stands to benefit from
Portfolio Introduction The impact of People is notable in every aspect of organisation; furthermore, the organisation platform is reflected on people performance. The reaction between People and organisation is continuous; any change in... more
Portfolio Introduction
The impact of People is notable in every aspect of organisation; furthermore, the organisation platform is reflected on people performance. The reaction between People and organisation is continuous; any change in one of them will be reflected on the behaviour of the other.
During this portfolio we will discuss in three chapters the following:
1) The factors that influence people outcome by addressing their singularity learning style. We will examine Kolb’s learning style theory. We will conduct a structured interview with a colleague using a researcher survey compare the outcomes against Kolb’s survey.
2) Explore the organisational behaviour by examining its cultural norms and structure of Coca-Cola and Philips using Trompenaar framework and the impact of the culture on staff and management.
3) We will do study-case on Unilever strategic HRM and will engage in an exploration its role and associated tasks in management development an job analysis & organisation structure.
All mentioned points will spotlight the importance of studying people & organisation behaviour and measuring the activity of both to enhance the performance in a challenging era.
“Poeme electronique” was one of the first comprehensive multimedia works, which consistently used the handling of audio material in architectural space. This work was prepared by a trio of artists Le Corbusier, Edgard Varese and Iannis... more
“Poeme electronique” was one of the first comprehensive multimedia works, which consistently used the handling of audio material in architectural space. This work was prepared by a trio of artists Le Corbusier, Edgard Varese and Iannis Xenakis for the presentation of the Philips company at the World Exhibition in Brussels in 1958. Poeme electronique is used in this book as a comprehensive term for a set of artistic acts associated with the Philips pavillion. A particular emphasis is placed on the personality of the solitaire and pioneer of electroacoustic music, Edgard Varese. The present publication attempts to trace the lines of the development of the three main protagonists intersecting an interpretive framework designed by the aesthetics of contemporary art groups and movements.
Guvernul comunist de la Bucureşti a anunţat la 11 iunie 1948 naţionalizarea principalelor mijloace industriale de producţie din ţară. Drept urmare, „Philips S.A.R.”, „Radiomet” şi „Starck” au fost preluate de statul român şi comasate la 1... more
Guvernul comunist de la Bucureşti a anunţat la 11 iunie 1948 naţionalizarea principalelor mijloace industriale de producţie din ţară. Drept urmare, „Philips S.A.R.”, „Radiomet” şi „Starck” au fost preluate de statul român şi comasate la 1 iulie 1948 pentru a înfiinţa fabrica „Radio Popular”. Deoarece autorităţile comuniste de la Bucureşti au promis că vor acorda despăgubiri proprietarilor străini pentru naţionalizarea făcută la 11 iunie 1948, însă nu s-au ţinut de cuvânt, producţia în România de aparate de radio „Philips” a încetat. Până în anul 1958, inclusiv, la Bucureşti s-au realizat doar radioreceptoare echipate cu tuburi electronice (triode) şi care se bazau pe seturile de părţi componente şi piese importate mai întâi din U.R.S.S., apoi şi din Ungaria (uzina „Tungsram”) şi Cehoslovacia. De-abia la 30 septembrie 1960 a fost încheiat între reprezentanţii României şi Olandei un protocol financiar în scopul reglementării unor arierate financiare acumulate în relaţiile dintre cele două state, fără a se rezolva însă problema despăgubirilor care se cuveneau părţii olandeze pentru proprietăţile şi bunurile deţinute în România la 11 iunie 1948 şi care au fost naţionalizate de guvernul condus de dr. Petru Groza. După încă şapte ani, reprezentanţii României au reuşit să convingă autorităţile olandeze să accepte încheierea la Haga, la 8 mai 1967, a unui acord financiar în valoare de 4.270.000 de florini (sumă forfetară achitată de partea română) în scopul rezolvării definitive şi complete a tuturor revendicărilor pe care partea olandeză le avea după naţionalizarea de la 11 iunie 1948. Problema despăgubirilor care se cuveneau pentru naţionalizarea proprietăţilor străine aflate pe teritoriul României la 11 iunie 1948 este importantă şi în contextul discuţiilor care au avut loc la Bucureşti privind alegerea unei licenţe de fabricaţie pentru televizoarele tranzistorizate care urmau să fie realizate la uzina „Electronica” din Bucureşti începând din anul 1965.
Dataflow analysis techniques are key to reduce the number of design iterations and shorten the design time of real-time embedded network based multiprocessor systems that process data streams. With these analysis techniques the worst-case... more
Dataflow analysis techniques are key to reduce the number of design iterations and shorten the design time of real-time embedded network based multiprocessor systems that process data streams. With these analysis techniques the worst-case end-to-end temporal behavior of hard real-time applications can be derived from a dataflow model in which computation, communication and arbitration is modeled. For soft real-time applications these static dataflow analysis techniques are combined with simulation of the dataflow model to test statistical assertions about their temporal behavior. The simulation results in combination with properties of the dataflow model are used to derive the sensitivity of design parameters and to estimate parameters like the capacity of data buffers.
ABSTRACT Heart Rate Variability Coherence (HRV-C) biofeedback is exciting new technology that has broad-based applications for health and Wellness and for performance enhancement. Based on research done at the Institute of HeartMath... more
ABSTRACT Heart Rate Variability Coherence (HRV-C) biofeedback is exciting new technology that has broad-based applications for health and Wellness and for performance enhancement. Based on research done at the Institute of HeartMath psychophysiology laboratory and at other institutions, heart rhythm coherence feedback training has proven to facilitate rapid, profound, and enduring improvements in a wide variety of conditions. An important reason this technology is effective in diverse applications is that it facilitates the maintenance of a highly efficient and regenerative internal state, characterized by reduced nervous system chaos and increased synchronization and harmony in human system-wide dynamics. This psychophysiological mode, termed physiological coherence, is conducive to healing, rehabilitation, emotional stability, learning and optimal performance. A heart rhythm coherence training and feedback system known as the emWave PC is now being used in a wide variety of settings for clinical, workplace, school, sports and fitness, and home applications.
Page 1. A WEARABLE EMG MONITORING SYSTEM FOR EMOTIONS ASSESSMENT Cecilia Vera-Munoz, Laura Pastor-Sanz, Guiseppe Fico, Maria Teresa Arredondo, Francesca Benuzzi and Angel Blanco Abstract The automatic ...
The technology as used for passive integration is discussed. The build-up of passive components (integrated resistors, capacitors, and inductors, including interconnect) and the (eventually) following mounting and assembly technologies... more
The technology as used for passive integration is discussed. The build-up of passive components (integrated resistors, capacitors, and inductors, including interconnect) and the (eventually) following mounting and assembly technologies are described. The adaptations of the basic technology are described using a number of demonstrator examples from different application fields. Depending on these application areas, different constraints are valid. This is
Ambient intelligence (AmI) depends on the existence of vast quantities of wireless sensors distributed throughout the environment. While advances in IC fabrica- tion technologies, circuit designs, and networking techniques have greatly... more
Ambient intelligence (AmI) depends on the existence of vast quantities of wireless sensors distributed throughout the environment. While advances in IC fabrica- tion technologies, circuit designs, and networking techniques have greatly reduced the cost, size, and power consumption of potential wireless sensor platforms, the development of suitable power sources for many applications lags. The purpose of this chapter is both
Dataflow analysis techniques are key to reduce the number of design iterations and shorten the design time of real-time embedded network based multiprocessor systems that process data streams. With these analysis techniques the worst-case... more
Dataflow analysis techniques are key to reduce the number of design iterations and shorten the design time of real-time embedded network based multiprocessor systems that process data streams. With these analysis techniques the worst-case end-to-end temporal behavior of hard real-time applications can be derived from a dataflow model in which computation, communication and arbitration is modeled. For soft real-time applications these static dataflow analysis techniques are combined with simulation of the dataflow model to test statistical assertions about their temporal behavior. The simulation results in combination with properties of the dataflow model are used to derive the sensitivity of design parameters and to estimate parameters like the capacity of data buffers.
Wireless networking technology will interconnect the consumer devices in the future homes. The capacity of the wireless technology is just sufficient to transport one or two high quality videos. When the wireless transmission is perturbed... more
Wireless networking technology will interconnect the consumer devices in the future homes. The capacity of the wireless technology is just sufficient to transport one or two high quality videos. When the wireless transmission is perturbed by the switching on of a microwave or a Bluetooth telephone, many artifacts appear on the screen during the display of the video. Two “scalable