Philosophy of Astrobiology
Recent papers in Philosophy of Astrobiology
For many astronomers, the progressive development of life has been seen as a natural occurrence given proper environmental conditions on a planet: even though such beings would not be identical to humans, there would be significant... more
Although existing international instruments such as the Outer Space Treaty and Moon Agreement generally express sentiments for minimizing missions' extraterrestrial environmental impacts, they tend to be limited in scope, vague and... more
This article compares how the ethical systems of Kant, Mill, and Aristotle might react towards and treat extraterrestrial non-life, extraterrestrial non-intelligent life, and extraterrestrial intelligent life. It concludes that even in... more
The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) typically presupposes contact with extraterrestrial civilizations much longer lived than humanity. Many have argued that given humanity’s ‘‘youth,’’ the burden of transmitting should be... more
We present an empirical study of the long-term evolution of several social indicators (e.g. human population growth, statistics of deadly quarrels, diffusion of democratic systems, etc.). We assume that the human species emerge, develop... more
One chapter of the 2015 Lutheran University Press Festschrift for Ted Peters, this chapter looks at Ted Peters work on theology and ethics as it relates to astrobiology. It first considers possibilities for convergences and divergences... more
All technological civilizations that already have passed through their technological adolescence, and have avoided their self-destruction (by misuse of advanced technologies or by environmental degradation of their home planet), must have... more
It's time to find a new way to talk to possible extraterrestrial civilisations, says Douglas Vakoch.
Conferencia: "Filosofía de la Astrobiología: el estado de la cuestión" (28/03/2015). II Seminario de Astrobiología en el Perú, Ciclo de Conferencias, Auditorios del Museo de Historia Natural del Perú y de la Universidad de las Américas,... more
In the 21st century the majority of humans including most of the scientists are convinced that there is extraterrestrial life somewhere in the Universe. But recent findings in astronomy, astrobiology, geology and chemistry have... more
V Congreso Internacional de Astrobiología (Barranquilla, Colombia, 11-14/11/2020). Organizado por el Instituto de Astrobiología de Colombia (IAC) y la Universidad del Atlántico, con el apoyo del Ministerio de Medio Ambiente. Conferencia... more
Aretxaga-Burgos, Roberto, Astrobiología y Filosofía. Presentación. Letras de Deusto (Bilbao) vol. 33, nº 98 (2003): 189-198.
"Congreso Internacional Reflexiones desde la Tierra: Repensando el papel del individuo ante la exploración espacial". Organizado por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid y la Universidad de Alcalá (Madrid, España, 28-29/10/2021).... more
As scholars involved with the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) have contemplated how we might portray humankind in any messages sent to civilizations beyond Earth, one of the challenges they face is adequately representing... more
The question of the origin of life is a tenacious question that challenges many branches of science but is also extremely multifaceted. While prebiotic chemistry and micropaleontology reformulate the question as that of explaining the... more
Some characteristics of terrestrial music may be meaningful to extraterrestrial civilizations by virtue of the connection between acoustics and mathematics—both of which might be known by technologically advanced extraterrestrial... more
The project “A Plurality of Lives” was funded and hosted by the Pufendorf Institute for Advanced Studies at Lund University, Sweden. The aim of the project was to better understand how a second origin of life, either in the form of a... more
It is obvious that modern astrobiology, being essentially concerned with life, consciousness and intelligence as cosmic phenomena, implies new philosophical and theological ideas. We can even say that astrobiology will trigger new... more
Tomando como fundamento la historia y literatura astrobiológicas, exploramos la posibilidad y necesidad de una Filosofía de la Astrobiología, proponemos una definición de Filosofía de la Astrobiología y su consideración como subdisciplina... more
En este trabajo mostramos algunos aspectos de la astrobiología que hacen de ella una ciencia revolucionaria, así como algunas de sus implicaciones culturales, con la intención de contribuir a suscitar en nuestro país el interés de la... more
Astrobiología, una visión transdisciplinaria de la vida en el universo introduce al lector en esta reciente disciplina que hace uso de diversas ciencias, como la astronomía, biología, química, ecología, geología e incluso la filosofía. A... more
Aretxaga-Burgos, Roberto, Astrobiología y Filosofía (IV). Presentación. Letras de Deusto (Bilbao) vol. 42, nº 134 (2012): 17-22.
If space explorers discover a biosphere supporting life on an off-Earth body, should they treat that life as possessing intrinsic value? This is an ethical quandary leading to a further question: how do we ground a universal moral norm to... more
El 5 de junio de 2008, el astrónomo estadounidense Frank Drake, pionero del programa de búsqueda científica de inteligencia extraterrestre Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence (SETI), fundador y presidente del SETI Institute, visitó... more
LA ENTREVISTA, de unos 20 minutos de duración (programa nº 45 de "A Hombros De Gigantes", de fecha 18/07/2008), se desarrolló en torno a las siguientes cuestiones: Introducción al tema y presentación. Definición y bases científicas de... more
This book describes the state of astrobiology in Europe today and its relation to the European society at large. With contributions from authors in more than 20 countries and over 30 scientific institutions worldwide, the document... more
In my presentation I will suggest how philosophy, in particular ethical theory but also philosophy of science, can be used to identify and possibly provide constructive advice regarding how to handle potential value conflicts in... more
Denna artikel är den andra i en serie om två artiklar som introducerar astrobiologins filosofi. Detta är ett förhållandevis nytt och i Sverige nästan okänt forskningsfält som dock befinner sig i snabb tillväxt internationellt. Ämnet... more
Aretxaga-Burgos, Roberto, Astrobiología y Filosofía (III). Presentación. Letras de Deusto (Bilbao) vol. 38, nº 118 (2008): 9-12.
Astrobiology and Humanism: Conversations on Science, Philosophy and Theology. Julian Chela-Flores, Newcastle upon Tyne (United Kingdom), Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2019, 166 pags. (XVI + 150), ISBN (10): 1-5275-3436-7, ISBN (13):... more
Title: "Astrobiology as Scientific Exploration" There are those who consider astrobiology as a discipline without an object of study and, therefore, that it is not a science at all. Certainly, if astrobiology is the study of... more
The purpose of the Seminar on the Cultural Impact of Extraterrestrial Contact, sponsored by the Foundation For the Future, was the study of the long-term impact—for our terrestrial civilization—of a dialogue between humankind and a highly... more
What is covered in this report? Policy related to autonomous machines and artificial intelligence. Policy related to space exploration and microbial and other life potentially found there. Why are these two covered in the same... more
This book addresses important current and historical topics in astrobiology and the search for life beyond Earth, including the search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI). The first section covers the plurality of worlds debate from... more
Why should we spend resources on planetary protection, and how much resources should we spend on it? These questions are not in a strict sense scientific questions, but value questions. That is, they are axiological questions. They are,... more
A high standard of planetary protection is important for astrobiology, though the risk for contamination can never be zero. It is therefore important to find a balance. If extraterrestrial life has a moral standing in its own right, it... more
En este trabajo mostramos algunos aspectos de la astrobiología que hacen de ella una ciencia revolucionaria, así como algunas de sus implicaciones culturales, con la intención de contribuir a suscitar en nuestro país el interés de la... more