Recent papers in Phonosemantics
A preview of the first chapter from my forthcoming book "The Elvish Writing Systems of J.R.R. Tolkien", covering Tolkien's history in writing systems, the origins of Sindarin and Quenya, the Tengwar, Cirth and Sarati, a history of Arda... more
The sound-symbolic value of phonemes has been associated with geometric assessments since the beginning of linguistic question. In practice, the imitative character of human language is based on analogies of shape, and shapes can only be... more
Per descrivere il carattere imitativo del linguaggio naturale, altresì noto come fonosimbolismo, alcuni autori ricorrono all’analogia con la pittura. Questa similitudine è molto antica e suggestiva, ma si presta a fraintendimenti ed... more
The article deals with the problem of diachronic development of onomatopoeic lexicon and discusses how regular sound changes affect imitative words. The classification according to the degrees of the impact of regular sound changes is... more
Commercial names have been thoroughly studied from the point of view of linguistics (Sjöblom 2016: 456). We also know which name properties can affect consumer perception (Lowrey – Shrum – Dubitsky 2003). However, the influence of name... more
In this paper, we present the results of preliminary experiments on finding the link between the surface forms of Russian nouns (as represented by their graphic forms) and their meanings (as represented by vectors in a distributional... more
The recognition of homonymic expressions is one of the most significant tasks in etymology and lexicography. Sound symbolism should be recognized as a mighty source of homonyms which however didn’t attract the investigators’ attention to... more
Based on the vocabulary of 66 genealogically distinct languages, this study reveals the biased association between phonological features and the 100 lexical meanings of the Leipzig-Jakarta List. Morphemes whose meanings are related to... more
On the Typological Criteria for the Recognition of Words of Sound Symbolic Origin in Etymological Research (On the Basis of Indo-European Languages) The recognition of the words of sound symbolic origin is a weak point in etymology.... more
Словарь лексики комиксов Кевина Тейлора 'KA-BOOM! A Dictionary of Comic Book Words, Symbols and Onomatopoeia’ содержит 1335 английских звукоизобразительных междометий, бóльшая часть из которых не зафиксирована ни в каких других... more
This research proposes a procedure for recognition and investigation of the words of synesthetic sound-symbolic origin in etymology. Since some features of the sounds are changing according to the phonetic laws in the language evolution... more
This paper deals with the most burning issues of phonosemantics, iconicity, and sound symbolism. The problem of iconic nature of a linguistic sign is capturing the attention of more and more linguists. Widening the perspectives of... more
Chi volesse compilare una storia del fonosimbolismo e della fonosemantica, dovrebbe ovviamente menzionare il Traité de la formation méchanique des langues et des principes physiques de l'étymologie pubblicato nel 1765 da Charles de... more
L'episodio biblico della denominazione degli animali da parte dell'uomo, può essere interpretato con riferimento al carattere imitativo del linguaggio umano. Al più basso livello di interpretazione, cioè letterale, l'origine del... more
Iconicity is when linguistic units are perceived as 'sounding like what they mean,' so that phonological structure of an iconic word is what begets its meaning through perceived imitation, rather than an arbitrary semantic link.... more
Some Notes on Icelandic Onomatopoeia
A preview of the third chapter from my forthcoming book "The Elvish Writing Systems of J.R.R. Tolkien", covering the Starlight writing systems including the Sarati, Cirth and the most common Rune orthographies such as the Moon Letters.
Having been peripheral both in terms of occurrence in language and in terms of its representativeness in scholarly literature, every single instance of the documented recognition of relationships of similarity or analogy between sound... more
The article is devoted to the description of iconic words in a reconstructed Proto-Germanic language and to the problems of their detection and study.
Sur la base des analyses effectuées par Lévi-Strauss et Severi sur l'efficacité thérapeutique du chant curatif guna "Muu Igala", et en s'inspirant des considérations de Jakobson sur la morphophonologie, cet essai formule l'hypothèse que... more
The paper represents the results of a linguistic experiment aimed at establishing if the sounding of different fantasy brand names can cause the same associations in collective consciousness. The experiment drew upon crowdsourcing. The... more
Biblical legal collections employ various means of presenting casuistic law, including the particle כי to mark the protasis throughout Exod 21:2-22:14, casuistic participial laws that mark the protasis by use of a participial form, the... more
Human language has two complementary functions: cognitive and communicative. Consequently, the language also has two antithetical characters: one imitative and natural, which is most suitable to cognition, and the other arbitrary and... more
The present research considers crowdsourcing as a method of linguistic experiment. The paper features an experiment with the following algorithm: 1) problem statement, 2) development, 3) and questionnaire testing. The paper includes... more
The sound symbolism in language is investigated in the light of the orthogenetic principle of Heinz Werner, which states that " wherever development occurs it proceeds from a state of relative globality and lack of differentiation to a... more
[Manuscript.] The present paper deals with onomatopoeic designations of knocks (Instants) and their relationship with onomatopoeic designations of vibrating dissonance-like sounds (Frequentatives). Moreover one case of figurative meaning... more
Although sounds are considered the cornerstones in the linguistic form, the relation between the single sound and its meaning, especially in Arabic, has not been studied sufficiently yet. This is maybe due to two main reasons: first, the... more
The article is devoted to the diachronic study of the iconic vocabulary of the English language. Language iconicity manifests itself either in acoustic copying of natural sounds (onomatopoeia) or in articulatory, mimetic copying of... more
The claim that words are only arbitrarily related to the meaning that they represent has been unanimously accepted in the field of linguistics. A rose, by any other name, would, and does, smell as sweet. However, recent studies utilizing... more
Flaksman, M. A. Preservation of long vowels in onomatopoeic words denoting pure tones: phonosemantic inertia / Материалы международной конференции Индоевропейское языкознание и классическая филология XVII (чтения памяти И.М. Тронского),... more
Arabic language is considered one of the hardest natural languages for adults to learn in the world. In addition to being a difficult language, the Arabic alphabet makes learning and even acquiring Arabic much more difficult. There are 28... more
The present paper deals with semantic typology of ideophones by the material of Finno-Ugric (Permic and Volgaic) languages and discusses some phonosemantic issues. Some semantic features of ideophones are discussed in a typological... more
The article attempts to trace how the difference in approaches to the question of language origin in the Democritus’ and Epicurus’ traditions is reflected in modern linguistics. According to the monograph by Alexander Verlinsky (2006),... more
Iconicity is when linguistic units are perceived as ‘sounding like what they mean,’ so that phonological structure of an iconic word is what begets its meaning through perceived imitation, rather than an arbitrary semantic link.... more
The article attempts to trace how the difference in approaches to the question of language origin in the Democritus’ and Epicurus’ traditions is reflected in modern linguistics. According to the monograph by Alexander Verlinsky (2006),... more
A preview of the second chapter from my forthcoming book "The Elvish Writing Systems of J.R.R. Tolkien", covering Tolkien's history in writing systems, the origins of Sindarin and Quenya, the Tengwar, Cirth and Sarati, a history of Arda... more