Policy-change theory
Recent papers in Policy-change theory
There is increasing pressure in international development to demonstrate that aid spending has an impact. This includes spending on policy research. While there is much debate about appropriate methods and evidence for demonstrating... more
El presente documento tiene por finalidad presentar un esbozo sobre el desarrollo teórico en políticas públicas (policy theory) y en las teorías sobre el cambio político (policy-change theory), identificando las tendencias actuales, así... more
Jarvis, Darryl S.L. and Caner Bakir (2018), ‘Institutional and Policy Change: Meta-theory and Method,’ in Jarvis, Darryl S.L. and Caner Bakir (eds.), Institutional Entrepreneurship and Policy Change: Theoretical and Empirical... more
Employing a policy network approach within a multiple theories framework, this paper explicates a unifying analytical framework for examining state-level policy change in educational subsystems. In the politically fluid context of current... more
In policy change study, there are at least two main methods used, namely the domestic and international approaches. The classification of approaches is not only based on who the actors are involved in the policy change process or where... more
Después de lustros de implementar iniciativas diversas de igualdad y de incorporar el principio de transversalidad de género o gender mainstreaming en la normativa de los países europeos, persisten grandes interrogantes acerca de su grado... more
""Resumen: En las últimas tres décadas, las políticas de drogas en el Uruguay han cambiado considerablemente, pasando de un modelo prohibicionista a uno de reducción de daños. Actualmente, el Gobierno uruguayo se plantea la regulación... more
The term 'Narrative Change’ seems to have become a catch-phrase in the philanthropic world. A number of foundations have engaged in narrative change work and a number of donors have funded narrative change projects. However, when a term... more
This paper presents an interdisciplinary nested multilevel analytic framework to study public policy changes and institutional reform. Interdisciplinary, because the methodological choices are based upon existing compatible theories and... more
Pressures have increasingly been put upon social scientists to prove their economic, cultural and social value through 'impact agendas' in higher education. There has been little conceptual and empirical discussion of the challenges... more
En las últimas décadas, los estudiosos de la política pública demostraron especial interés en la búsqueda de una explicación para los cambios y continuidades en las instituciones y en las políticas públicas. Los principales desarrollos... more
The cultural policy domain can be considered a relevant object of study for analyzing policy change processes in which policy discourse and the ambiguity of language have a central role. However, there are few studies that analyze... more
Policy change, especially the significant one, is something rare in Greece. Ruling political parties, as the legitimate decision makers, are not inclined to impose any significant change due to its unforeseen consequences. And yet, since... more
The objective of the paper is to explain a case of social innovation in mental health services, moving from a psychiatric hospital, classically a total institution, to a healthier, diversified, and personalized care service. The research... more
Employing the critical juncture theory (CJT), a discursive institutionalist approach, this paper examines the nature of the changes to Irish social partnership policy at the end of the decade of the 2000s. Did these policy changes... more
Employing the critical juncture theory (CJT), a discursive institutionalist approach, this paper examines the nature of the changes to Irish social partnership policy at the end of the decade of the 2000s. Did these policy changes... more
Resumen: En las últimas tres décadas, las políticas de drogas en el Uruguay han cambiado consi- derablemente, pasando de un modelo prohibicionista a uno de reducción de daños. Actualmente, el Gobierno uruguayo se plantea la regulación... more
En el contexto de la denominada cuarta revolución industrial se han dado transformaciones profundas en la sociedad en relación con las políticas de Acceso a recursos genéticos y la Distribución de Beneficios (adb), que impactan a quienes... more
Institutions are norms that undergird organisations and are reflected in laws and practices. Overtime institutions take root and persist, as they are path dependent. This makes them change-resistant. So, it is puzzling when institutions... more
Toda política es un cambio de política (All policy is policy change) pregonaron Hogwood & Peters en 1983. Posterior a esa época el debate se ha ampliado buscando comprender los cambios en la política (changes within policy) y los cambios... more
Much of the disaster risk reduction (DRR) scholarship has focused on failures while neglecting positive developments, particularly in developing countries. In part, this bias reflects the adaptation deficit argument, which suggests we... more
Introduction/Abstract. [1]This chapter's goal is to provide an overview of some key issues in the relationship between business, science, and technology, with a focus on science, technology and innovation (STI) governance or... more
This paper utilised and builds upon the critical junctures framework developed by Hogan and Doyle (2007; 2008). That framework consists of three separate elements that must be identified in sequence in order for the researcher to be able... more
Ever since the publication of George Tsebelis's " Veto Players " , political scientists have constructed measures of policy stability on the basis of his theory's implications. In this research note, we indicate two popular... more
Fondé sur une étude de cas sur le développement des politiques culturelles du gouvernement de la Catalogne, cet article vise à mieux comprendre comment, quand et pourquoi les politiques publiques changent-elles. La continuité et le... more
Ever since the publication of George Tsebelis’s “Veto Players”, political scientists have constructed measures of policy stability on the basis of his theory’s implications. In this research note, we indicate two popular misunderstandings... more
Our project proposes to study a sample of 4 countries of the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean (SEMC): Turkey, Israel, Morocco and Tunisia, which are among the most committed to EU integration, on the one hand the relations between money... more
This chapter's goal is to provide an overview of some key issues in the relationship between business, science, and technology, with a focus on science, technology and innovation (STI) governance or policymaking. First, the topic of... more
Esta investigación tiene como objetivo conectar las teorías cognitivas e institucionales para explicar cómo evolucionan las políticas públicas. Partiendo de los límites identificados en el modelo propuesto por los enfoques cognitivos, el... more
Employing the critical juncture theory (CJT), a discursive institutionalist approach, this paper examines the nature of the changes to Irish industrial policy, and Mexican macroeconomic policy, during early the 1980s, a time when both... more
This paper departs from the suggestion of combining the Advocacy Coalition Framework with an interest-oriented approach to understand policy change. The subject of study is the policy process of Swedish self-regulation of advertising... more
Adaptando la propuesta de D. Beetham (Beetham 1991) para el estudio de la legitimidad en ciencias sociales, y tomando en cuenta los avances teóricos existentes en el estudio de la dinámica de las políticas, este trabajo propone un enfoque... more