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Quantitative evaluations might be insufficient for measuring the impact of interventions promoting the right to health, particularly in their ability to contribute to a greater understanding of processes at the individual, community, and... more
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      Health PromotionHuman RightsPalestinePhilippines
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesViolenceMigrationConflict Transformation
Preparing, managing and evaluating educational technology initiatives, including projects that involve computer support for collaborative learning (CSCL), is a difficult task due to the numerous variables involved. In this paper, we... more
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      Educational TechnologyICT Educational designICT in EducationICT4D
This paper aims to demonstrate how cooking and sharing food helped the integration process of Syrian refugees in Berlin through the work of the German NGO Überdentellerrand. The paper positions cooking as an intangible heritage and... more
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      Intangible Cultural Heritage (Culture)Cultural DiplomacySoft PowerIntegration
Comment peut-on croire à l’incroyable ? Il semble déraisonnable d’adhérer aux croyances les plus extrêmes, invraisemblables ou ubuesques. Il paraît tout aussi irrationnel qu’un adepte continue à croire fervemment alors que les faits sont... more
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      ReligionNew Religious MovementsSociologySocial Psychology
This document aims to be a guide for designing a Theory of Change applied to social change interventions. The approach and the contents of the guide emerged from the synthesis of my learning as Theory of Change process facilitator, which... more
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      Social ChangeOrganizational ChangeLifelong LearningStrategic Management
A stepwise approach to develop a theory of change, plus some learning about key issues regarding ToC development (assumptions,  contribution assessment, 4 dimensions of change, etc.)
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    • Theory of Change
The Information Commons (IC) was opened at Sheffield University in 2007; a new building designed to enhance student learning through the provision of forward-looking learning spaces. This paper discusses a retrospective evaluation of the... more
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      Academic LibrariesImpact EvaluationInformation CommonsTheory of Change
The Right to Know (R2K) campaign launched in August 2010 in Cape Town, South Africa consists of about 400 civil society organizations, social movements and community groups. They have formed a coalition movement to vehemently oppose this... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesTruthDemocracyFreedom of Speech
Sen's Capability Approach (CA) has emerged as holistic lenses for theorising development within Information and Communication Technology for Development (ICT4D) discourses. There is ongoing research on operationalising CA for ICT, with a... more
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      ICT4DCapability ApproachCapabilities ApproachTheory of Change
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      EconomicsStatisticsInternational DevelopmentPoverty
Este instrumento de gestión pública, está alineado y es coherente con otros instrumentos de política nacional e internacional, como son Visión de País y Plan de Nación, Plan Estratégico de Gobierno 2014-2018; II Plan de Acción de... more
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      Strategic PlanningManagement EducationTheory of Change
Community-driven development (CDD) – a widely practiced tool by development donors and practitioners worldwide - strives to empower and develop communities by giving them joint control over aid allocations. This is expected to improve... more
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      GovernanceImpact EvaluationLocal DevelopmentSocial cohesion
De acuerdo con las condiciones planteadas por el proyecto de investigación: “Aplicación de un modelo de mejoramiento productivo de las mipymes del sector marroquinero en el barrio Restrepo en la ciudad de Bogotá” desarrollado bajo el... more
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      Occupational Health & SafetyTheory of ChangeInformalityLean manufacturing in SMEs
This article argues that philanthropic endeavors should be undergirded by a theory of philanthropy. Articulating a theory of philanthropy is a way for a foundation to make explicit what is often only implicit, thereby enabling internal... more
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      Program EvaluationEvaluation ResearchMonitoring And EvaluationEvaluation
S tudent-centered instruction is a shared goal in English as a second or foreign language (ESL/EFL) settings that embrace communicative language teaching (CLT) principles (East 2015). Student-centered classrooms create opportunities for... more
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      Applied LinguisticsTeacher Education in Teaching English to Speakers of Second/Foreign Languages (TESOL)How to Develp Students Autonomy in Efl ClassesTheory of Change
There is a growing field of local administered initiatives using formerly leisure activities or hobbies as tools to achieve social development of different types, from encouraging school attendance to facilitating peace attempts in... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesFootball (soccer)PeacebuildingTheory of Change
Science fiction writer Isaac Asimov developed a Theory of History to explain the invention of science fiction writing. But it may have broader implications for studies of the modern era and human psychology. This paper summarizes Asimov's... more
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      Cultural HistorySocial ChangeSocial TheoryCreativity--Knowledge Invention & Discovery
La evaluación de programas y políticas públicas se ha ido desarrollando con fuerza desde mitad del siglo XX y, en la actualidad, coexisten diversas aproximaciones teóricas y metodológicas. El presente artículo reflexiona sobre la... more
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      Program EvaluationMonitoring And EvaluationEvaluationEvaluación
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      ViolenceMigrationConflict TransformationTrauma
This paper aims to analyze James C Scott's concept of 'Everyday forms of Resistance' which gives an indepth understanding to the socio-psychological behaviour of human beings when they come in interaction with with each other by mapping... more
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      Social IdentityCollective ActionResistance (Social)Theory of Change
Conceptos básicos de la Teoría del Cambio
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      Project ManagementGestión del ConocimientoGestión de ProyectosTheory of Change
This paper has been prepared specially for Fagligt Fokus as an input for the learning process on how Danish CSOs and their partners can integrare Theory of Change in their programme planning. This paper has been prepared for a TOCs... more
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      INGO (international non-governemental organization)DenmarkInternational Development CooperationTheory of Change
New interpretation of Anaximander's theory of matter and of the fragment B 1 DK. Τὸ ἄπειρον is Aristotelian term, not an authentic term of Anaximander who spoke about Φύσις ἄπειρος, ἀΐδιος καὶ ἀγήρως "Boundless nature, eternal and... more
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      Presocratic PhilosophyHistory of ScienceHistory of PhysicsAncient Greek Philosophy
This evaluation responds to Hivos’ interest to assess the extent of a Voice-supported ‘influencing’ project’s effectiveness and its impact in empowering partner communities while improving their participation policy and decision-making... more
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      Program EvaluationSocial Network Analysis (SNA)Theory of ChangePolicy Influence
Estudio de caso del actual debate relacionado a la reforma curricular peruana y el enfoque de género desde los temas de gestión del cambio/ resistencia al cambio,Currículo Oculto,Participación Ciudadana/ Configuración social. Presentado... more
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      InclusionInclusive EducationTheory of ChangeTeoria Curricular
An introduction to the theoretical principles that influence planning practice. The course will examine selected contributions to planning theory and practice. Related issues of professional practice and ethics will be considered. Cities... more
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      Social ChangeComplexity TheoryUrban PlanningTheory of Change
Intercambio de experiencias, generación y gestión permanente de conocimiento comunitario en torno a esta novedosa metodología. Visita: http://teoriadecambio.blogspot.com.es/
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      Gestión del ConocimientoGestión de ProyectosGERENCIA DE PROYECTOSComunidades de práctica y aprendizaje
This paper offers a critical interrogation of a Theory of Change (ToC) on hybrid systems of conflict management, as formulated by The Asia Foundation (TAF) under DFID Component 5: ‘Community-level efforts to improve local security in... more
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      PhilippinesConflict ManagementThe Moros Of Mindanao In Southern PhilippinesMindanao Peace Process
This report presents the results of the Terminal Evaluation (TE) of the project Promoting Peace over Natural Resources in Darfur and Kordofan, Sudan. The project aimed to reduce the incidence of local conflict over natural resources... more
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      Program EvaluationMonitoring And EvaluationNatural Resource ManagementConflict Resolution
Agricultural production in Northern Ghana is dominated by smallholder farm systems, which are characterized by low inputs and low outputs, declining soil fertility, large yield gaps and limited adoption of agricultural technologies. There... more
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      Economic SociologyAfrican StudiesGender StudiesTechnology
This paper focuses on Physics VIII, especially VIII.4. A version of the paper appeared in L. Judson (ed.), Aristotle's Physics, Oxford, 1991, and then appeared in a volume on Self Motion M. L. Gill and J. G. Lennox (eds.), Princeton, 1994.
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      AristotleActivity TheoryAristotle's PhysicsTheory of Change
I turn to Europe in the twentieth-century, a region rife with revolutionary fervour and thus a hotbed for new political ideas. While a plethora of research has helped clarify the causes, the outcomes, and the main actors during periods of... more
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      European HistorySoviet HistoryDemocratic TheoryRevolutions
This paper looks at the technical issues associated with the representation of Theories of Change and the implications of design choices for the evaluability of those theories. The focus is on the description of connections between events... more
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      Complexity TheoryPredictive AnalyticsTheory of ChangeEvaluability Assessment
This paper explores the relationship between complexity thinking, group process facilitation, and the use of Theory of Change (ToC) from an action-learning perspective. For the purpose of this paper, Theory of Change is understood as a... more
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      Social ChangeNon-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)Action LearningINGO (international non-governemental organization)
Many intervention studies focus on resultant outcomes without empirically exploring the causal pathways to the effect or the enabling and disabling characteristics that result in different effects among subgroups of the target population.... more
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      Impact EvaluationTheory of ChangeModeratorIntervention research
In political systems that we identify as ‘violent political marketplaces’, policy priorities for democracy activists and external actors include ending armed conflict, building governance institutions in a postconflict setting, reforming... more
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      ConflictPolitical ScienceTheory of Change
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      Cultural StudiesBritish HistoryPublic DiplomacyBritish Politics
A theory of change is a purposeful model of how an initiative—such as a policy, a strategy, a program, or a project—contributes through a chain of early and intermediate outcomes to the intended result. Theories of change help navigate... more
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      Knowledge ManagementCausal reasoningOrganizational DevelopmentStrategy
This study aimed at understanding how, when, and under what circumstances interventions succeed (or fail) to improve male involvement in maternal and child healthcare in Uganda. A realist synthesis approach was used to unpack the... more
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      EvaluationGender and DevelopmentMaternal and Child HealthTheory of Change
Background: An Aboriginal-developed empowerment and social and emotional wellbeing program, known as Family Wellbeing (FWB), has been found to strengthen the protective factors that help Indigenous Australians to deal with the legacy of... more
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      Indigenous HealthImplementation ScienceEmpowermentPublic Health
Latent Change Score models (LCS) are a popular tool for the study of dynamics in longitudinal research. They represent processes in which the short-term dynamics have direct and indirect consequences on the long-term behavior of the... more
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      Structural Equation ModelingLongitudinal data analysisTheory of ChangeDynamic Modeling
How can evidence from economic evaluations of the type the Disease Control Priorities project have synthesized be translated to better priority setting? This evidence provides insights into how investing in health, particularly though... more
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      EquityEvidence-based policyTheory of ChangeEconomic evaluation
Existe un consenso compartido entre las organizaciones de desarrollo respecto a que la situación actual de la cooperación al desarrollo hace necesario profundizar en el refuerzo de sus bases sociales y del trabajo de promoción de una... more
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      Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)Educación para el Desarrollo y la Ciudadanía GlobalTheory of Change
Critically analysing assumptions is a much needed endeavour in international development policy and practice: existing management tools rarely encourage critical thinking and there are considerable political,... more
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      Theory of ChangeTheories of changeProgramme Theory
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesViolenceMigrationConflict Transformation
This study argues that method should work hand-in-hand with theory to be able to generate impactful outcomes. This study provides three methodological, theoretical and practical contributions to the current body of knowledge on tourism... more
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      Tourism StudiesTourism MarketingTourism ManagementResearch Methodology
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      LawReflective PracticeNegotiationConflict Resolution
when it was reduced to a subsidiary internal service lacking all kind of political attributions. The work done in those years had been formidable, but too many things had passed since, especially the 15M Spanish Indignados Movement, the... more
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      Citizen participationTheory of Change
This report features the baseline survey findings for the project Social Cohesion through Community-based Development. The baseline survey, administered at the individual, household, and community levels, and with a sample of 2,000... more
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      GovernanceImpact EvaluationLocal DevelopmentSocial cohesion