Recent papers in Profeminism
Streszczenie Otto Weininger, austriacki filozof z przełomu XIX i XX wieku, jest autorem pracy, która w swoim czasie odbiła się szerokim echem zarówno w kręgach naukowych, jak i literackich, stając się jedną z najpoczytniejszych prac... more
Az írás a társas identitás szociálpszichológiai fogalmának kontextusában értelmezi a „feminista tudatosság” fokozatait, és elhelyezi őket a hagyományos és a progresszív nemi szerepekhez való viszonyaik mentén. Bemutatja azokat a... more
In: skolastin. das mit dem tschänder. Zeitschrift der Südtiroler HochschülerInnenschaft, Ausgabe 02/2010, Bozen, 2010 (S. 38-42)
Men’s responses to #MeToo, and other forms of feminist advocacy on rape and sexual harassment, range from enthusiastic support to hostile backlash. There are common forms of resistance among men to these campaigns, including defensive... more
Arka Kapak Yazısı - SORU VE CEVAPLARLA ERKEKLİKLER Mehmet Bozok Ataerkil erkeklikler günümüzün en can alıcı meselelerinden biri. Erkek egemenliğinin kadınlar ve queer bireyler üzerinde yarattığı yıkıcı sorunlar bunun en önemli... more
Flood, M., with R. Howson (eds.) (2015). Engaging Men in Building Gender Equality. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Press.
Eril tahakküm, öncelikli olarak erkeklik tarafından üretilen ve erkekliği ispatlamak adına kadınlara uygulanan ve temelinde dişi olma korkusunu içinde barındıran kavramdır. Bu problem kadının hayatını doğrudan ya da dolaylı olarak... more
(Auto)biography as an instrument of research in area of women’s equal rights In the article the mechanism of use of autobiographical and biographical record of Polish men supporting emancipatory movements in the second half of the 19th... more
Participant in a Panel Discussion, along with Brit Holmberg (from the USA) and Davud Grosic, on the issues and concerns of fathers trying to raise boys who respect women, and who can become pro-feminist, if not feminists themselves.
Concerned with the ways in which profeminist men’s organizing is taking shape in contemporary Italy and Spain, this article focuses on the collective engagement of men working toward gender justice in the current context of... more