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The aim of this article is to offer a comprehensive analysis of the European Union’s neo-abolitionist approach to prostitution, drawing on the literature that addresses the global rise of neo-abolitionism and using key concepts developed... more
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      European UnionProstitution PolicyNeo-abolitionism
Abstract The article describes and analyzes debates on prostitution policies in Norway from 1970 until the introduction of a ban against the purchase of sexual services in 2009. Throughout these decades, it has varied whether... more
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      Criminal LawGender and SexualityPolicy DevelopmentNorway
This article examines the so-called “Nordic model” in action. Using feminist argumentation, the model aims to abolish commercial sex by criminalizing the buying of sexual services while not criminalizing the selling, as the aim is to... more
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      HumanitarianismMigrationSex WorkNordic Model
"Esse artigo pretende levantar dados sobre a criação da zona de prostituição Jardim Itatinga, na periferia da cidade de Campinas, interior de São Paulo. O interesse por essa história acontece em função de uma peculiaridade do bairro: o... more
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      Gender StudiesUrban PlanningUrban StudiesUrbanism
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      The Politics of ProstitutionNordic Welfare StateProstitution Policy
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      History of ProstitutionKinship and Relatedness (Anthropology)ProstitutionProstitution Policy
This article explains the rise of neo-abolitionism in Europe with reference to the intersection that it enables between the gender and sexual politics of neoliberalism, vulnerability, and security. Analyzing the recent adoption of... more
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      SecurityNeoliberalismEuropeProstitution Policy
Relatively few policy scholars have analyzed prostitution laws and the governance of sex work. This is unfortunate because the policy area is associated with societal problems, and the systematic study of public policy was initially... more
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      Public PolicyStudiesInterpretive policy analysisCritical Policy StudiesPolicy Implementation
In this paper, I argue that the implementation of the BSwedish model^—the criminalization of the purchase of sex—in Northern Ireland in 2014 provides an example of a morality-driven policy process in which the actual concerns of sex... more
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      Sex WorkAgencyNorthern IrelandDecriminalization of Prostitution
Die Situationsanalyse (SiA) ist eine postmodern-feministische Weiterentwicklung der Grounded Theory, die seit den frühen 2000er-Jahren maßgeblich von der US-Soziologin Adele E. Clarke entworfen, in der Politikwissenschaft aber bislang... more
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      Grounded TheoryFeminist CriticismPostmoderneEpistemologie
This paper discusses the genealogy of prostitution policies in Brussels through the lens of morality politics. It uses the analytical framework proposed by Hendrik Wagenaar and Sietske Altink (2012) to compare the formulation and... more
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      History of ProstitutionProstitution Policy
This article reports on the results of a study on men who pay for sex across Ireland. In presenting a detailed picture of the diverse group of sex workers' clients, their motives and attitudes, we debunk the prevalent stereotypes about... more
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      SexualitySex WorkMoralityProstitution
Review of Jay Levy (2015) Criminalising the Purchase of Sex:
Lessons from Sweden
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      SwedenProstitutionProstitution PolicySwedish Model
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      Gender StudiesWomen's StudiesWomen's HistoryGender History
Despite the primacy of the abolitionist policy regime, adopted in 1960 and which is centred on concerns about the wellbeing of the “victims” of prostitution, contemporary French prostitution policy has sustained a variety of inconsistent... more
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      RhetoricPolitical ScienceArgumentationFrance
Prostitution in feminism is always the object of a strong polarized debate, most of which is concentrated on the definition itself. It is considered a synonym of violence, as the abolitionists claim, or an occupational choice, as the... more
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      Sex and GenderSex WorkSex Industry and WorkersProstitution
Recent work in the field of feminist institutionalism has made important progress in furthering our understanding of gendered institutional change. The present paper adds to this body of research by identifying a specific type of... more
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      Institutional ChangeSwedenIdeasFeminist Institutionalism
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      SociologyCultural StudiesSexualitySex Work
In 1998, Sweden was the first country in the world to criminalise the purchase of sexual services, but not the sale of sex. The law represented a new prostitution regime that problematised power relations in prostitution as inherently... more
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      Institutional ChangeSwedenIdeasFrame Analysis
Trotz konzeptueller Gängigkeit mangelt es in der Soziologie sozialer Probleme an moralsoziologischer Aufklärung über Moralunternehmertum. Auf dispositiv- bzw. diskursethnographischer Grundlage analysiert der Beitrag, wie eine... more
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      Social ProblemsSociology of the BodyEmotionsProstitution Policy
This article reports on the results of a study on men who pay for sex across Ireland. In presenting a detailed picture of the diverse group of sex workers' clients, their motives and attitudes, we debunk the prevalent stereotypes... more
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      SociologyCultural StudiesSexualitySex Work
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      History of ProstitutionHistory of international organisationsProstitution Policy
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      Nordic Welfare StateProstitution Policy