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      Russian LanguageArgument StructureAntipassiveReflexive Verbs
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      ReflexivityVoiceSpanish VerbsMiddle Voice
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      HungarianComitativesReciprocal ConstructionsReciprocal, Typology, Verbal Reciprocal Marker
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      Russian LanguageValencyAntipassiveReflexive Verbs
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      SyntaxLinguistic TypologyVerbal CategoriesPassive voice
"This dissertation is about the elements that build verbs, the elements that introduce arguments, and how these elements interact to determine the interpretation of arguments and events. A theory of argument structure is a theory how... more
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      Middle VoiceCausatives and AnticausativesReflexive VerbsNaturally Reflexive Verbs
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      TransitivityMiddle VoiceCausatives and AnticausativesPassive voice
Chapter overview: preliminaries; Middle as a cluster of deagentivized (Intransitivized) syntactic patterns; Middle types/patterns; Middle voice in Indo-European and beyond: The range of variation; Middle and reflexive in a diachronic... more
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      Diachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)Indo-european language reconstructionAncient Indo-European LanguagesSyntactic Change
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      GrammaticalizationLanguage TypologyLinguistic TypologyPast Tense
В статье рассматривается функционирование в чешском языке специфического типа славянских рефлексивных конструкций, общие контуры изучения которых были намечены Р. Мразеком, определившим их в работе 1971 г. как «реляционные», или... more
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      Slavic LanguagesSyntaxPassive Voice, Impersonal Constructions, Corpus LinguisticsCzech language
Резюме. В работе сопоставляются два основных подхода, используемых при семантическом анализе и классификации русских рефлексивных глаголов: «логический», при котором рефлексивные глаголы рассматриваются и классифицируются сами по себе, и... more
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      Russian LanguageValencyWord formationReflexive Verbs
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      SyntaxLinguisticsOld FrenchFrench
In this paper I provide a description of the reflexive syncretism found in some Spanish and Catalan neighbouring varieties. In these varieties, the 3rd person reflexive pronoun se can also appear with 1st person plural and 2nd person... more
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      Catalan LanguageLanguage Variation and ChangeSpanish LinguisticsReflexive Verbs
L'articolo analizza l'uso del riflessivo all'interno di un manuale di economia in lingua tedesca edito nel 2015 in sedicesima edizione e adottato in molti corsi universitari germanofoni. Dopo alcune considerazioni generali su come la più... more
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      Translation StudiesGermanic linguisticsTranslation theoryGerman Language
Się w gramatykach języka polskiego jest najczęściej charakteryzowane jako zaimek zwrotny [Drogosz 2008, s. 40–56]. Niemniej jednak, się jest często używane w sytuacjach, w których semantyczna zwrotność wcale nie występuje. W tej pracy... more
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      SemanticsSyntaxMorphosyntaxCognitive Linguistics
L2 acquisition of reflexive verbs in Slavic languages is a challenging issue. There is much more variation in form and meaning as compared to such languages, as English, German, or French. While Polish, for example, uses a reflexive... more
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      SlavisticsRussian linguisticsLingustics, Slavistics, LiteratureL2 acquisition
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      Reflexive VerbsMovement Verbs
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      ReflexivityTransitivityOld Russian LanguageHistory Of Russian Language, Old Church Slavonic
This article focuses on Slovenian impersonal verbal constructions and compares them with those in other South Slavic languages. Impersonal verbal constructions comprise verbal forms in the third-person neuter that express a general agent... more
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      Slavic LanguagesSyntaxSouth Slavic LanguagesPassive Voice, Impersonal Constructions, Corpus Linguistics
This article takes an analogy-based approach to the analysis of morphological derivation in the framework of Functional Discourse Grammar (FDG), giving an account of English verbs with the prefix self-. Such self-prefixed verbs call on... more
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      ReflexivityAnalogy (Cognitive Psychology)Functional Discourse GrammarMorphology (Languages And Linguistics)
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      SpanishMiddle VoiceReflexive Verbs
L'aspect, ne devrait pas être perçu comme un trait fonctionnel du tour passif et du tour neutre, étant donné que même des éléments syntaxiques contribuent à la généricité des énoncés au sein de ce dernier. L'apparition du SN +humain,... more
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      Middle VoicePassive voiceReflexive VerbsHuman Subjects
Предметом анализа в статье являются встречающиеся случаи образования и употребления возвратных объектных форм непереходных объектных (за это платилось должностями и званиями), а иногда и безобъектных глаголов (берется ранец и идется в... more
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      Passive Voice, Impersonal Constructions, Corpus LinguisticsReflexive VerbsImpersonal PassiveImpersonal Constructions
Reflexive expressions used with transitive verbs convey events in which the same participant fills the agent and the patient role in the action, e.g. ‘John saw himself on TV’. Polish, like other Slavonic languages (e.g. Czech and... more
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      SemanticsSyntaxThe SelfCorpus Linguistics
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      SociologyReflexiveReflexive Verbs
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      LinguisticsReflexive Verbs
... Middle Indo-Aryan witnesses the rise of double causatives, and in some New Indo-Aryanlanguages the system of causatives may include as many as tlrree members. ... Page 10. Bridgingtypology and diachrony ... 145 4. Methodology:... more
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      GrammaticalizationLanguage TypologyLinguistic TypologyPast Tense