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This paper describes an approach, which uses formal specifications, for the classification of REA patterns and their building blocks. In general, classification is essential -especially when the number of patterns of a collection... more
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      Formal SpecificationResource Event Agent (REA) FrameworkUnified Modeling Language
This paper presents a reference model for the registration of economic data that enables the tracking and tracing of product and money flows in the registered data. The model is grounded in the REA ontology, which has its origin in... more
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      Information SystemsSupply Chain ManagementLibrary and Information StudiesInformation Systems Management
Companies model their business processes either for docu- mentation, analysis, re-engineering or automation purposes; usually us- ing normalized business process modeling languages such as EPC or BPMN. Although these models explain how... more
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      Business Process ManagementBusiness Process ImprovementBusiness Process ModelingBusiness Process Redesigning
A number of modeling approaches have been proposed in the literature for designing business information systems. This paper critiques prior data modeling approaches and presents an integrated object-oriented modeling approach that... more
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      Enterprise SystemResource Event Agent (REA) FrameworkObject Oriented
Revenue Information System (RiS) is the product of a research project based on a case study on direct-selling sales point. This study is to determine the resources, events, and agents for Resource-Event-Agent (REA) data model as a... more
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      Accounting Information SystemsResource Event Agent (REA) FrameworkSmart Application
Resources -Events -Agents (REA) is the best known theoretical accounting enterprise database model, while SAP is the dominant enterprise resource-planning system. The purpose of this paper is to investigate some of the relationships... more
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      Information SystemsAccounting Information SystemsSAPData Model
Current Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems are based on double entry bookkeeping. This technique has several disadvantages concerning application neutral financial data storage. Therefore, the Resource Event Agent (REA) ontology... more
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      Business Process ManagementOntology EngineeringFormal languageResource Event Agent (REA) Framework
This paper contains a description of an approach to formalizing REA patterns, their composition, and an analysis of the resulting product. When patterns are used in the design of business models and processes, pattern composition is an... more
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      Resource description frameworkBusiness ModelBusiness rulesResource Event Agent (REA) Framework
In this paper an additional step is taken towards ontology-based conceptual modeling by using ontologies that specify conceptualizations of material domains. Using domain ontologies instead of top-level ontologies for ontology-based... more
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      Conceptual ModellingQuality AssuranceEnterprise ModelingDomain specific language
Business process modeling is an important activity for both organizational design and for the planning and analysis of information systems that support an organization’s business processes. Our goal is to help business analysts produce... more
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      BPMNBusiness Process ManagementBusiness Process ModelingBusiness Process Modeling Notation (BPMN)
Current Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems are based on double entry bookkeeping. This technique has several disadvantages concerning application neutral financial data storage. Therefore, the Resource Event Agent (REA) ontology... more
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      Computer ScienceBusiness Process ManagementOntology EngineeringFormal language
Business domain ontologies offer great opportunities for f acilitating communication between people in business, for improving the enterprise system engineering processes and for creating interoperabili ty between enterprise systems.... more
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      Conceptual ModelEnterprise SystemResource Event Agent (REA) FrameworkDomain Ontology
Companies model their business processes either for documentation, analysis, re-engineering or automation purposes; usually using normalized business process modeling languages such as EPC or BPMN. Although these models explain how the... more
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      Business Process ManagementBusiness Process ImprovementBusiness Process ModelingBusiness Process Redesigning
Revenue Information System (RiS) is the product of a research project based on a case study on direct-selling sales point. This study is to determine the resources, events, and agents for Resource-Event-Agent (REA) data model as a... more
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      Accounting Information SystemsResource Event Agent (REA) FrameworkSmart Application
This paper describes an approach, which uses formal specifications, for the classification of REA patterns and their building blocks. In general, classification is essential-especially when the number of patterns of a collection... more
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      Formal SpecificationResource Event Agent (REA) FrameworkUnified Modeling Language
Abstract. Business modelling can be used as a starting point for business analysis. The core of a business model is information about resources, events, agents, and their relations. The motivation of a business model can be found in the... more
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      Computer SystemsBusiness ModelBusiness modellingResource Event Agent (REA) Framework
This paper describes an approach, which uses formal specifications, for the classification of REA patterns and their building blocks. In general, classification is essential -especially when the number of patterns of a collection... more
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      Formal SpecificationResource Event Agent (REA) FrameworkUnified Modeling Language
The Resources-Events-Agents (REA) model is a semantic data model for the development and integration of conceptual schemas of accounting information systems. Although in the Accounting Information Systems literature, the REA model is... more
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      Information SystemsBusiness and ManagementLaboratory experimentAccounting Information System
This paper presents a laboratory experiment that evaluates the REA approach for modelling enterprise-wide accounting information systems. REA is a pattern-driven conceptual modelling approach that is based on the Resource-Event-Agent... more
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      Information ArchitectureConceptual ModellingInformation StructurePerformance Model
Organizations build information systems to support their business processes. Some of these business processes are industry or organization-specific, but most are common to many industries and are used as is, modulo a few modifications.... more
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      BPMNBusiness Process ManagementBusiness Process Modeling Notation (BPMN)BPM‐Business Process Management, Information System Implementation, Performance Analysis, Quality
This work furthers the work in Transaction Agent Modelling (TrAM) by merging its conceptual catalogue based on the REA (Resources-Events-Agents) accounting model with Sowa's 1984 conceptual catalogue. The merged catalogue features in... more
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      Model CheckingConceptual GraphCgAgent
In this paper we review and discuss some recent attempts at ontological re-engineering of REA in the light of the UFO ontology and the OntoUML language, focusing in particular on different choices concerning the UFO notion of relator. We... more
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      Information SystemsInformation Systems (Business Informatics)OntologyApplied Ontology
This paper contains a description of an approach to formalizing REA patterns, their composition, and an analysis of the resulting product. When patterns are used in the design of business models and processes, pattern composition is an... more
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      Resource description frameworkBusiness ModelBusiness rulesResource Event Agent (REA) Framework
This paper presents a laboratory experiment that evaluates the REA approach for modelling enterprise-wide accounting information systems. REA is a pattern-driven conceptual modelling approach that is based on the Resource-Event-Agent... more
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      Information ArchitectureConceptual ModellingInformation StructurePerformance Model
The Resources-Events-Agents (REA) model is a semantic data model for the development and integration of conceptual schemas of accounting information systems. Although in the Accounting Information Systems literature, the REA model is... more
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      Information SystemsBusiness and ManagementLaboratory experimentAccounting Information System
Business domain ontologies offer great opportunities for facilitating communication between people in business, for improving the enterprise system engineering processes and for creating interoperability between enterprise systems.... more
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      Conceptual ModellingOntology EngineeringEnterprise SystemResource Event Agent (REA) Framework
Business frameworks offer great opportunities of communication between people for working on the enterprise system engineering processes, as well as for eliciting services that the enterprise can offer in collaboration contexts. However,... more
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      Information ScienceModel Driven DevelopmentFormal LogicBusiness Model
Current Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems are based on double entry bookkeeping. This technique has several disadvantages concerning application neutral financial data storage. Therefore, the Resource Event Agent (REA) ontology... more
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      Business Process ManagementOntology EngineeringFormal languageResource Event Agent (REA) Framework
This paper introduces a new REA reference model that integrates the transaction and conversion reference models provided by McCarthy, which aimed at designing databases for accounting information systems, and Hruby, which aimed at... more
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      Reference modelResource Event Agent (REA) Framework
The Resources-Events-Agents (REA) model is a semantic data model for the development of enterprise information systems. Although this model has been proposed as a benchmark for enterprise information modelling, only few studies have... more
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      Information SystemsBusiness and ManagementLaboratory experimentAccounting Information System
We propose formal analysis of access control poli-
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      Access ControlFormal AnalysisLanguage PolicyFormal Verification
Applications such as business modelling, model-driven software development, active use of knowledge specifications and enterprise application integration benefit from formal ontology specifications. In this paper we create two formal... more
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      Formal OntologyKnowledge RepresentationEnterprise Application IntegrationCase Study
This paper presents a reference model for the registration of economic data that enables the tracking and tracing of product and money flows in the registered data. The model is grounded in the REA ontology, which has its origin in... more
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      Information SystemsSupply Chain ManagementLibrary and Information StudiesInformation Systems Management