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(Duplicate entry) This book is a translation of the _Itinerarium peregrinorum et gesta regis Ricardi_, a contemporary and near-contemporary account of the Third Crusade. It includes an introduction setting out the context of the original... more
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      CrusadesThird CrusadeRichard I The LionheartThe Third Crusade
A obra que contem dois dos manuscritos que vão ser abordados e analisados na realização deste trabalho: as Chronicles of the Crusades, em que contem a Chronicon de rebus gestis Ricardi Primi, de Richard of Devizes, que relata os 3... more
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      Papacy (Medieval Church History)Middle AgesPapal HistoryHistory of Gender
Conference paper from the April 2015 Annual Meeting of the Society for Military History. [*Working draft only*--citations and quotes are probably correct but not a finished copy by any means!]
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      GeneralshipMedieval WarfareRichard I The Lionheart
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      Kingship (Medieval History)Medieval EnglandCrusades and the Latin EastRichard I The Lionheart
This essay explores the extent to which the Templars and Hospitallers were responsible for the result of the Third Crusade
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      CrusadesKnights TemplarThe military religious orders of the Middle Ages : the Hospitallers, the Templars, the Teutonic knights, and othersThird Crusade
Book review of Thomas Asbridge's Richard I: The Crusader King, and W.B Bartlett's Richard the Lionheart: The Crusader King of England
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      CrusadesHistory of CrusadesMedieval EnglandMedieval France
SALÂHADDİN EYYÛBÎ VE HAÇLILAR Dünya tarihindeki yeri oldukça önemli olan birçok olay vardır. Bu olayların başında Haçlı Seferleri’nin daha farklı bir misyonu olduğunu söyleyebiliriz. Seferlerin vuku bulduğu dönemde... more
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      CrusadesRichard I The LionheartNureddin Mahmûd ZengîŞîrkûh
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      The PlantagenetsRichard Coeur de LionLimoges EnamelsRichard I The Lionheart
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      HistoryKing John IRichard I The Lionheart
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      The PlantagenetsImprisonmentAnglo Norman and Angevin EnglandCaptivity
A discussion about Richard I's involvement in the Third Crusade and the legitamacy of modern day claims of his character.
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesCrusadesHistory of Crusades
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      Art HistoryMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesFuneral Practices
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesCrusadesPolitical History
L’edizione critica della celebre canzone di Riccardo Cuor di Leone, Ja nuns hons pris ne dira sa raison, è corredata da un’ampia introduzione sulle circostanze storiche che hanno condotto alla cattura del re inglese e utili... more
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      Romance philologyTextual CriticismEcdoticsThe Plantagenets
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      Gift ExchangeSymbolismColor symbolismMiddle Ages
A dissertation for the study of a Masters in Medieval History at the University of Birmingham. It details the ups and downs the Cistercian Order had with King Richard and John, within the confines of the Angevin Empire. Sorry the Latin... more
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      CisterciansMonasticismHistory of MonasticismAngevin Kings
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      CrusadesByzantine StudiesHistory of CrusadesByzantine History
Published in "Francia", vol. 36 (2009). This study is about the ceremonies of coronation and investiture of the dukes of Aquitaine at Limoges during the 11th and 12th centuries. This ceremony is compared to other royal and ducal... more
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      Medieval EnglandMedieval FranceThe PlantagenetsCeremony, Ritual and Performance
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      Richard Coeur de LionOeuvre De LimogesLimoges EnamelsRichard I The Lionheart
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      Translation StudiesMiddle EnglishTranslation of PoetryMiddle English literature and culture
The Prophecies de Merlin is an Old French prose work written in the final third of the thirteenth century, and combines factual, ‘prophetic’ material relating to recent history with fictional material relating to Arthurian legend.... more
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      CrusadesArthurian StudiesArthurian RomancesThird Crusade
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      Middle AgesPhilipp II, king of franceRichard I The Lionheart
Following the death of Emperor Henry VI on September 28th 1197 in Messina, Sicily, a dispute arose over the accession to the throne of the Holy Roman Empire. A large opposition to the Staufer dynasty, centred around the “kingmaker” Adolf... more
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      HistoryCultural HistoryGerman StudiesGerman Literature
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      Medieval HistoryKingship (Medieval History)AngevinsHenry III of England (1216-1272)
The Third Crusade (1187–1192) is renowned as a conflict between King Richard I of England and the Muslim Sultan Saladin—a reductionist perspective that reflects an enduring fascination with these protagonists both inside and outside... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesCrusadesHistoriography
Hubert Walter was doubtless an extremely talented man. He was often the intermediary between Richard and Saladin during the crusades and had already been chancellor. Richard showed his favour towards the man by electing him archbishop of... more
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      Angevin KingsArchbishop of CanterburyRichard I The Lionheart
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      Richard Coeur de LionOeuvre De LimogesLimoges EnamelsRichard I The Lionheart
The Chertsey tiles (c. 1250) rank among the most well-known and elaborate medieval floor tiles in England. Their pictorial tile roundels, some of which display Richard the Lionheart and Saladin in combat, have received substantial... more
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      Medieval StudiesMedieval EnglandLatin EpigraphyMedieval Art
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesCrusadesHistory of Crusades
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      French HistoryMedieval HistoryFrench StudiesEarly Modern History
Disponible en: https://santanderestudiospatrimonio.unican.es/index.php/sanespat/article/view/50 Ricardo I de Inglaterra, conocido como Corazón de León, es uno de los personajes más famosos de la Historia y también de los más legendarios.... more
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      Literature and cinemaRobin HoodSir Walter ScottRichard Lionheart
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      High Middle AgesMedieval HistoryNorman SicilyHohenstaufen in Sicily
Zur Richard-Löwenherz-Ausstellung im Historischen Museum der Pfalz
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      History of CrusadesMedieval EnglandThe PlantagenetsEngland
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      Medieval HistoryGerman HistoryMedieval StudiesAnglo-German relations
The De Ortu Walwanii is a Latin prose romance, surviving in a single early fourteenth century manuscript, BM Cotton MS. Faustina B VI. Scholars agree that it is by the same author as the Historia Meriadoci which is preserved in the same... more
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      CrusadesArthurian StudiesMedieval Latin LiteratureHistory of the Crusades
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      The PlantagenetsMatthew ParisKing John of EnglandLouis IX
Ανάλυση των συνθηκών κάτω από τις οποίες η Κύπρος περιήλθε στην κατοχή του Άγγλου βασιλιά Ριχάρδου Α΄ του Λεοντόκαρδου το 1190, καθ' οδόν προς τους Αγίους Τόπους προκειμένου να συμμετάσχει στη Γ' Σταυροφορία. Παράλληλα εξετάζονται οι... more
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      CrusadesHistory of CrusadesHistory of the MediterraneanHistory of Cyprus
This article presents long siege of Acre during the Third Crusade. Small crusaders troop under the command of king Guy de Lusignan reached the foreground of harbor fortress and started siege. Though many attacks from the garrison of City... more
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      History of CrusadesRichard I The LionheartThe Third CrusadeKrucjaty
Hljo de dos de los más grandes personajes de la Edad Media europea, Ricardo I de Inglaterra quizá no haya pasado a la historia como un monarca competente, pero su arrojo en el combate y su excepcional valor, reconocido Incluso por... more
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      Medieval HistoryAnglo-Saxon StudiesMedieval StudiesCrusades
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      Romance philologyRichard I The LionheartChastelain de CoucyBlondel de Nesle
Un acercamiento a diversos aspectos de la Edad Media mediante la revisión de diferentes videojuegos, analizando su verosimilitud y otros aspectos históricos.
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      HistoryMedieval HistoryCrusadesHistory of Crusades
Scholars of the Albigensian Crusade in 13th century Occitania have tended to focus on the dissident Cathars as the only explanation for the crusade, where they have used them as weapons in their own contemporary political and religious... more
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      Chansons De GesteProsopographyKingship (Medieval History)The Plantagenets
This article explores the Anglo-Norman military intervention during the Third Crusade on the Portuguese coasts, by analysing the narratives of Ralph of Diceto and the Gesta regis Ricardi. It then examines the motives that produced the... more
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      Portuguese HistoryCrusadesNormansAlmohad Empire
«[...] et la chanson un peu particulière de Richard Cœur de Lion». With these words Pierre Bec ends his list of the songs that constitute the elusive genre of the rotrouenge. Indeed, the features of the rotrouenge are not clearly defined:... more
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      MusicologyRomance philologyMedieval MusicGenre Theory
This paper was read a conference in 2012 and is published in the Proceedings of the eighth International Congress on Cyprus Studies (EMU Pubs. 2013). Since then a new edition of Ambroise has been appeared, edited by Catherine... more
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      CrusadesHistory of CyprusCrusades and the Latin EastRichard I The Lionheart
موضوع هذه الدراسة هو المفاوضات التي دارت بين السلطان صلاح الدين الأيوبي والملك الإنجليزي ريتشارد قلب الأسد لمدة عام كامل (1191 - 1192م). ليس الهدف من البحث سرد الأحداث التاريخية، ولكن دراسة وتحليل بعض الجوانب الهامة وهي: الأسباب التي دفعت... more
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      CrusadesSaladinRichard I The Lionheartالحملة الصليبية
La carrière de Robert de Thurnham donne l’exemple d’une ascension spectaculaire permise par le service royal au tournant du xiiie siècle. Lorsqu’à son retour de croisade en 1194 Robert de Thurnham est fait sénéchal d’Anjou par Richard... more
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      Medieval EuropeKingship (Medieval History)Medieval EnglandMedieval France
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      Medieval HistoryCrusadesMedieval IslamHistory of Crusades
Juan Sin Tierra se ha convertido en uno de los reyes medievales ingleses mas conocidos por el gran publico. El cine ha ido variando su imagen, presentandolo a veces como el peor villano imaginable capaz de todo tipo de crueldades y otras... more
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      HumanitiesArtMedieval EnglandRobin Hood