Roman Emona
Recent papers in Roman Emona
Prispevek se ukvarja z dokončanjem in prezentacijo cerkve Marije Pomočnice v komendi nemškega viteškega reda v Ljubljani v letih 1716–1718. Tedaj so bila sicer glavna gradbena dela že končana, trije oltarji s slikami so že prispeli v... more
- by Luka Vidmar
Studia universitatis hereditati je humanistična znanstvena revija za raziskave in teorijo kulturne dediščine z mednarodnim uredniškim odborom. Objavlja znanstvene in strokovne članke s širšega področja kulturne dediščine (arheologija,... more
Železarstvo je bilo na Gorenjskem, predvsem pa v Bohinju, najpomembnejša gospodarska dejavnost vse od starejše železne dobe do 19. stoletja. Sam razcvet železarstva je omogočila kakovostna železova ruda – bobovec, ki jo je na tem območju... more
The article investigates issues related to children’s health status and mortality in Emona. It emphasises the discrepancy between the estimated high child mortality in Roman times and the relatively low percentage of child graves... more
Bohinj je alpska kotlina na jugovzhodnem delu Julijskih Alp. Stalno je poseljena od starejše železne dobe, kolonizirali pa so jo ljudje iz Posočja zaradi bogatih nahajališč železove rude. Nastale so prve vasi v dolini z gospodarskim... more
The Emona Archaeological Park, which comprises several sites in the heart of Slovenia’s capital city, was renovated and opened in its present form in the autumn of 2012. For the team involved in its management, maintenance and marketing,... more
Iz Emone in nekaterih drugih najdišč v Zgornji Panoniji in vzhodnem Noriku poznamo steklene čaše značilne oblike, ki ni zastopana med italskim steklom. Njihova razširjenost govori za delavnico v Emoni. Proučili smo tudi mere teh čaš.
The Emona Archaeological Park, which comprises several sites in the heart of Slovenia’s capital city, was renovated and opened in its present form in the autumn of 2012. For the team involved in its management, maintenance and marketing,... more
The media landscape of the Habsburg Monarchy in the pre-March period was relatively meagre. In Carniola and other Austrian crownlands with a Slovenian population, the opportunities for literary development were limited: this is well... more
In this bachelor thesis, I have presented an archaeological image of the western part of the Sava Hills. The research has focused on the site in Podlipoglav near Ljubljana. In antiquity, the site had been located in the eastern part of... more
Proceedings of the International Colloquium held on the occasion of the 100th Anniversary of the Aquincum Museum 1994 Budapest
Bohinj je alpska kotlina na jugovzhodnem delu Julijskih Alp. Stalno je poseljena od starejše železne dobe, kolonizirali pa so jo ljudje iz Posočja zaradi bogatih nahajališč železove rude. Nastale so prve vasi v dolini z gospodarskim... more
Thirteen Roman inscribed stone monuments (as well as one fragment short of an inscription), are immured in the Ljubljana cathedral (1701-1706) and seminary building (1708- 1713). They are also referred to as the Thalnitscher Lapidarium.... more
The prehistoric settlement in the area of present-day Ljubljana, built at the crossroads of many important trade routes, had acted as a trading centre since the time of the Urnfield culture. Inhabited from the 13th to the 5th century BC,... more
Searching for unknown earthquakes in Slovenia in the first millennium, we performed archaeoseismological analysis of Roman settlements. The Mesto pod mestom museum in Celje exhibits a paved Roman road, which suffered severe deformation.... more
Applying von Thünen model for understanding the settlement pattern of Emona’s territory The article presents the use of geographical infor- mation system (GIS) when applying von Thünen landuse model to Emona’s territory. Some draw-... more
Between the second half of the 18th century and the end of the First World War, metallurgy in Slovenian territory went through numerous changes and technical innovations that left a considerable mark on metallurgical production facilities... more
Exactly who were the exploratores and what function did they fill within the Roman army? By looking at the campaigns of the soldier-emperor Maximinus Thrax (r. 235-238), we can discover some clues. Published in Ancient Warfare 15.1... more
The pre-Enlightenment scholars from the Land of Carniola explored the region, its past, sociality and nature in order to give it praise. They aimed to produce knowledge based on rational reasoning in accordance with the emerging modern... more
New technologies are vehicles for dissemination of cultural values. They also enlarge the number of persons that have access to heritage. This paper presents a web-based platform, developed within the Erasmus+ AD HOC (Accessible and... more
The aim of this work has been the identification of the painter’s materials employed in the wall’s decoration of some destroyed building dating approximately between the first century B.C. and the first century A.D. This research... more
The article presents an interesting cradle from the early 19 t h century in the National Museum of Slovenia and is connected with Srajbarski turn Castle in Dolenjska and the Carniolan nobleman Count Anton Alexander Auersperg, a German... more
Dežela ali Radovljiška ravnina je najbolj zahodna naravno-geografska pokrajina Ljubljanske kotline, katere izgled so ustvarili najprej ledeniki in kasneje še erozija reke Save. Prostor Dežele obsega ravnino v radovljiški kotlini na levem... more
Archaeological excavations on the slope below the prehistoric hillfort on the Gradišče above Hrašče in Vipava valley.
Arheologija na avtocestah Slovenije 88
Arheologija na avtocestah Slovenije 88
IZVLEČEK Vinogradniška zavetišča sodijo v tisto zvrst dediščine, ki jo imenujemo občasno naseljene stavbe ali na kratko zavetišča. Na Vipavskem so to gruntne bajte. Frekvenca vinogradniških zavetišč v Vipavski dolini je velika. Po... more
abstract={The advantages of 3D technologies (3D digitisation, visualisation, 3D printing...) are recognised by various professions in the field of cultural heritage (CH). Today these technologies have been technologically improved to the... more
Eleven inscriptions, discovered on as yet unpublished fragments of monuments from the territor y of Roman Emona, are discussed in this contribution. The monuments, kept in the City Museum of Ljubljana, were most probably discovered in the... more
Glass vessels from the northern emonian necropolis, discovered in years 2007–2013. The following thesis speaks about glass vessels in graves, discovered at the location of northern Emonian necropolis in 2007–2013, excavated at locations... more
The paper presents a study of air pollution caused by black carbon (BC) and fine particulate matter (PM) carried out in the rural area of the municipality of Loški Potok in the winter season of 2017/2018. Measurements of pollutants were... more
- by Matej Ogrin
V tem sestavku predstavljamo znana in potencialna arheološka najdišča v okolici Rodika (občina Hrpelje-Kozina) ter analizo in elaboracijo javno dostopnih lidarskih posnetkov tega območja. Opisi in ugotovitve glede posameznih lokacij so... more
- by Alja Margon
Prispevek obravnava usodo rimske poganske religije v zadnjih stoletjih njenega obstoja, predvsem v obdobju med 3. in 5. stoletjem po Kristusu. Najprej na kratko predstavi temeljne značilnosti rimskega poganstva, kot sta rimsko razumevanje... more