Romanian Film
Recent papers in Romanian Film
In den Geschichten, die das Kino erzählt, werden Identität und Differenz re_produziert. Die vergleichende Untersuchung der Kinofilme FURIA (R. Muntean, 2002) und KNALLHART (D. Buck, 2006) zeigt Überschneidungen und Unterschiede, die sich... more
Un caz care în contextul actual ar trebui să capete noi semnificaţii, contrastând evident cu cel al primilor torţionari pedepsiţi cu închisoarea, Ion Ficior şi Alexandru Vişinescu, este cel al lui Franz Ţandără, torţionarul desprins parcă... more
Volumul prezintă cele șapte filme ale lui Alexa Visarion, așa cum sunt văzute de către lect.univ.dr. Vasilica Bălăiță, dar și prin prisma unor interviuri cu regizorul și a unor conferințe susținute de acesta în cadrul Școlii Doctorale a... more
This chapter examines the ways in which Eastern European cinema has become Europeanized. It looks at how the idea of Eastern Europe and its cinema has been shaped vis-à-vis the West, and redefined after the collapse of communism. Contrary... more
The paper offers a review of how film "speaks" and "thinks" with the help of kitchen scenery about a particular social reality and culture and, on a symbolic level in a more symbolic vein, about the human condition. Michael Haneke's... more
The article analyzes the extent to which the Romanian film and novel after 1989 propose a contrasting vision on the recent past as compared to the official, hegemonic discourse of the political realm. One important event was the official... more
The paper offers an overview on the cinematographic work of Radu Jude. An established director with fourteen films in his portfolio, Jude explores a variety of genres such as classical melodrama (“Alexandra”, 2006), comedy (“The Happiest... more
Our study aims to investigate the Romanian post-communist cinema and how it mirrors the different phases in the process of EU-integration, opposing mainly the transitional period and its post-2007 counterpart through some key features of... more
"Louis Daquin’s Ciulinii Bărăganului (1957): Film Adaptation as Panait Istrati’s Conditional Rehabilitation" in: Dana Radler, Aurora Băgiag, Teodora-Anca Şerban-Oprescu (eds.), Panait Istrati. Littérature et société. Panait Istrati:... more
The allegorical film about a young Romanian victim of the Polish justice system is an upside-down dystopia, in the three-dimensional mirror of the real. A typical Kafkaesque character passes the path to death in a world that refuses to... more
In this paper I show that despite the erasure of individualism attributed to socialism by the liberal West during the Cold War, the concept of the socialist “hero” or “leader,” as it appears in film narratives from the socialist age, in... more
The aim of this paper is to revisit a number of concepts outlined in Friedrich Schleiermacher’s 1813 Academy address Ueber die verschiedenen Methoden des Uebersezens and other writings by him, and link them to fi lm subtitling. It is not... more
A director's profile providing both an overview of Romanian auteur Lucian Pintilie's personal life and the challenges he faced as a dissident filmmaker during Romania's communist years, while also examining his incredible contribution to... more
This paper examines the contrast between the official political discourse In Romania after 1989 and the alternative discourses (of film especially, but also the novel) regarding the representation of the Communist past.
The article examines the Romanian and American reception of Cristian Mungiu’s 4 weeks, 3 months, 2 weeks (2007), arguing that the film’s representational minimalism indirectly caused an excess of interpretation across cultural contexts.... more
In: Louis Bayman, Natalia Pinazza (szerk.) Journeys on Screen: Theory, Ethics, Aesthetics. 312 p.
Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2018. pp. 147-163.
Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2018. pp. 147-163.