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Universität Turin, 13.05.2021, ESCL-Tagung "Narrations des origines" Der Vortrag möchte den funktionalen Zusammenhang von Nacktheit und Imagination untersuchen und aufzeigen, wie innerhalb einer Kultur der Bekleidung das Begehren, unter... more
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      18th Century German (Literature)WinckelmannThe Body in LiteratureReception of Antiquity
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      LawMedieval HistoryBodyViolence Against Women
Esta proposta de discussão é fruto do desenvolvimento das pesquisas originadas do Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso, que objetivou analisar a construção do imaginário acerca da figura do Diabo na sociedade católica europeia no século XV.... more
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      ReligionInquisitionMiddle AgesDevil
The opposition between the naked and the clothed body is one of the most productive elements of cultural history and is often associated with the dichotomy between nature and culture. According to tradition, nudity stimulates the... more
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      PsychoanalysisGerman LiteratureAnthropology of the BodyCultural Theory
The concept of "virtual" widely used today is polysemantic, but the reasons for this are not quite clear. The article is devoted to the study of some linguistic (semantic) and philosophical reasons for the existence of “Platonic” (real,... more
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Spørsmålet vi vil forfølge i dette kapitlet, er: Hvordan kan vi skape rom for å uttrykke tanker og følelser rundt døden, og hva kjennetegner det som vanligvis blir liggende «under overflaten»? Vi baserer oss på et forskningsprosjekt hvor... more
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      Cultural StudiesPsychoanalysisResearch MethodologyDeath
The medieval imaginary emerged as a corpus of discursive formations, which do not always have a strictly Byzantine source. Some elements of ethics and justice, of social organization or relationship between the perceptible and the... more
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      Romanian HistoryRomanian StudiesByzantine StudiesAnthropology of Power
En el presente trabajo se abordan los temas de revolución tecnológica y virtualidad, bajo la perspectiva de las representaciones de las ciudades posmodernas, incorporando para ello algunas visiones surgidas desde la literatura, el cómic y... more
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      CyberpunkPosmodernismImaginaryCinematic Urbanism
This paper retraces the histories of two Italian networking projects of the mid-19990s: the national infrastructural plan named Socrate, launched by the monopolist Telecom Italia in 1994 and the civic network Iperbole, launched by the... more
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      Internet StudiesImaginarynetwork histories
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      ImaginationImaginaireImaginarySocial imaginary
As opposed to traditional nomads, backpackers, or tourists, digital nomads are defined as Internet-enabled remote workers, who maintain a focus on connectivity and productivity even in leisure. This essay discusses the relationship... more
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La mort et l’immortalité hantent par excellence l’imaginaire depuis l’aube des temps au point d’apparaître comme une des directions vertébrales des mythologies et comme un élément structurant de la culture humaine et de la vie en société.... more
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      DeathScience FictionAnthropology of DeathLifespan Development
Unexpected Encounters is an architectural board game for two players, in which these players create diagrammatic models of 'the home' they imagine against and with each other, and in which this act of play creates a spatial language that... more
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      ImaginationRepresentation of OthersBoard GamesPretend Play
We develop the concept of the distant future as a new way of seeing the future in collective efforts. While a near future is represented in practical terms and concerned with forming expectations and goals under conditions of uncertainty,... more
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      Organizational BehaviorFuture StudiesOrganizational TheoryClimate Change
« Que le cinéma aille à sa perte, c’est le seul cinéma. Que le monde aille à sa perte, qu’il aille à sa perte, c’est la seule politique. » (Le Camion, premier projet). Si l’on a beaucoup glosé sur la vocation politique de cette double... more
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      Avant-Garde CinemaLiterature and cinemaApocalypticismImage Analysis
Résumé : Le présent article vise à mettre au jour les soubassements imaginaires d’un objet socio-technique urbain contemporain : l’Autolib’. Sur la base d’une enquête de terrain approfondie, elle-même couplée à une phénoménologie... more
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      Anthropology of KnowledgeCosmology (Anthropology)ArgumentationPostmodernism
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Cet article prend le débat américain sur la mort du roman, qui a éclaté dans les années 1960, comme un exemple de crise culturelle. C'est que la mort du roman n'est qu'une crise parmi d'autres, un épisode dans une longue... more
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      DeathLiterary studiesImaginaryFin
No presente artigo, apresentamos uma reflexão sobre a noção de imagem a partir da fotografia que ficou conhecida como The Falling Man, feita durante o atentado de 11 de setembro de 2001 em Nova Iorque. Essa discussão toma o sistema do... more
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      Critical TheoryPhilosophyPolitical PhilosophyPragmatism
This text was originally written for the tenth anniversary issue of the Journal of Environmental Thought and Education (Japan). This is an expanded and revised version (June 20, 2018). Links to several earlier versions are included.
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      BuddhismSocial ChangeSocial MovementsSocial Theory
In this paper we take an inside look at Franz Innerhofer's novel "Schöne Tage", questioning the role of the author in the autobio-graphic work and trying to reveal the type of images and imagery which describes Innerhofer's fiction the... more
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      ImaginaryAnthropological Imaginarypsychological imaginary
The article raises the hypothesis that the activity of imagination cannot be fully described by a functional description. To this end, two positions are analyzed: the philosophy of Cornelius Castoriadis, who emphasizes social imaginary... more
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      PsychoanalysisPhilosophyPhilosophical AnthropologyGilbert Simondon
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      Baruch SpinozaImaginary
La nueva versión de WSS hace un excelente trabajo situando la historia en una más justa perspectiva. No se limita a la mera rivalidad entre pandillas sin causas, sino que elabora sus contornos económicos, culturales, raciales y de género.... more
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      ScreenwritingPopular CultureCollaborationStereotypes and Prejudice
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      Social TheoryPhilosophyPolitical PhilosophyHumanities
The prominent role played by algorithmic platforms in people’s everyday lives has in recent years triggered a growing interest towards algorithmic imaginaries, intended as worlds of experience users make of the algorithmic media, thereby... more
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      AlgorithmsMusicCultural SociologyMusic Industry
If humans construct and imagine their worlds, what then is the common grounding condition of that construction? Or, more prosaically, what are the dominant social imaginaries, local and global, through which we as humans live in these... more
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      GlobalizationCritical Social TheoryJacques LacanCharles Taylor
"In this paper we seek to outline some aspects evidencing imaginary’s communicational dimension. This means we need to pay attention to the way collective imagining shapes social reality and how publicity contributes to this process.... more
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      CommunicationCommunication TheoryPhilosophy of CommunicationJean Paul Sartre
In this paper we revisited the concept of “scenario” as a heuristic and narrative structure used in various disciplines as a prognostication and testing tool, but also as a tool for creative thinking and imaginative modeling. In contrast... more
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      SemioticsNarratologyFictionalityModeling and Simulation
Une traduction ne peut se résumer à un échange clair et univoque de signes, qui seraient automatiquement remplaçables l’un par l’autre. La notion d’imaginaire permet d’éclairer les choix traductifs, d’une part en mettant à jour certaines... more
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      Comparative LiteratureTranslation StudiesImaginary
Η πρόταση επικεντρώνεται στην ανάλυση των διαφορετικών εκφράσεων της ετερότητας και της πολυπλοκότητας μέσα στην αρχιτεκτονική παραγωγή του χώρου, του χρόνου και του σώματος, ή αλλιώς στον ενσώματο μεταβαλλόμενο χρονότοπο της... more
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      InterdisciplinarityImaginaryEmbodied knowledge
Resumo: Este artigo trata da viagem imaginária de um leigo chamado Amaro e seu percurso em busca do Paraíso Terrestre. A obra anônima é de origem portuguesa e foi produzida no Mosteiro de Alcobaça (códice 266) entre fins do século XIV e... more
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This paper attempts to frame a hermeneutic narratology of interactive digital storytelling in light of Paul Ricoeur's philosophy and the narratology of the French New Rhetoric. For starters, I propose to bring to light an underlying... more
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      NarratologyJ. R. R. TolkienManga and Anime StudiesPaul Ricoeur
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      Contemporary ArtPublic ArtCultureCreative City
Little introduction to the history of the origins of astrology, between antique and modern myths and what History can say.
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      Mythology And FolkloreHistory of AstrologyAntiquityImaginary
O artigo aqui apresentado tem como objetivo uma análise do Imaginário Romano do Oriente no século I E.C.. Pretende-se fazê-la a partir de trechos retirados do texto anônimo intitulado “O Périplo do Mar Eritreu”, o qual narra portos,... more
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      AfricaChinaAncient Near EastImperial Rome
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      OntologyHeterosexualityPhenomenologyLuce Irigaray
TRAMA é um projeto que envolve mais que o batom vermelho em si. Ele foi a criação de uma instalação para explorar a formação, a agregação de valor e o estudo do imaginário, utilizando um espaço multimídia com exposição de fotos, vídeo... more
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      Performance ArtVideo ArtFeminismComunicação
The dissertation investigates how military UAV’s (unmanned aerial vehicles), or so-called drones, are represented within the aesthetic field as a “drone imaginary,” reflecting radical changes in the history of warfare. Using the imaginary... more
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesComparative LiteraturePopular Culture
Les Mains d'Orlac, roman de Maurice Renard publié en 1920, relate l'histoire d'une double greffe de mains sur un pianiste accidenté. Nous en faisons ici une triple analyse concernant l'épistémologie implicite du discours, le travail sur... more
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      SurgeryScience FictionTransplantationScience-Fiction
https://en.unipress.dk/udgivelser/a/ascending-and-descending-the-acropolis/ This chapter discusses one of the ancient Greek rituals associated with maenads, during which the participants left their homes and the city to worship Dionysus... more
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      Greek LiteratureGreek TragedyAltered States of ConsciousnessGreek Religion
Don Quixote, in addition to being a literary masterpiece, is also an inexhaustible epistemic reservoir that we need to draw on in order to understand what the relationship between imaginary and reality is... more
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      Social ChangeEpistemologyLiteratureComplexity Theory
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      ArtHumorContemporary ArtPsychogeography
Having for many years the theme of "complex thought" as developed by Pavel Florensky at the centre of his philosophical and theological research interest, the author of the article highlights an important aspect of complexity, namely, the... more
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      RelativityComplexity TheoryGeneral RelativityComplexity
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      HistoryMythologyClimate ChangeEcotourism
What is architecture's ontological status?
A paper about the notions of utopia, radical, daydream and practice in the search for a definition of architecture: architecture as architectureness
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      ArchitectureIdealismPostmodernismSpeculative Realism
The book identifies the predominant archetypes and images in Dracula, showing to what extent they represent relevant issues to Victorian society and the audiences the novel has had since then. The work is published in a crucial historical... more
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      Victorian LiteratureCarl G. JungImaginaryDracula
Simulacrumul nu este acela care ascunde adevărul – el este adevărul care ascunde faptul că nu mai e nici unul.
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      IdealismMaterialismTheories Of TruthJean Baudrillard