Recent papers in SQL
SQL dilinin yeteneklerinin sınırlı olması sebebiyle, SQL üzerine çeşitli iyileştirmeler ve eklemeler yapılmıştır. Microsoft kendi platformu için SQL üzerine yaptığı iyileştirmeleri standart haline getirmiş ve T-SQL ismini vermiştir.... more
Examen de Base de Données 2 (PL/SQL_Dictionnaire de données)
FSDM 2015/2016
Prof : MR Omar El Beqqali
FSDM 2015/2016
Prof : MR Omar El Beqqali
— SQL Injection Attack (SQLIA) is a method with help of attackers attack the data directly into the database in an unofficial way and accomplish the maximum important information for remove and modifying information from any corporation.... more
We present the SQL Performance Analyzer, a novel approach in Oracle Database 11g to testing database changes, such as upgrades, parameter changes, schema changes, and gathering optimizer statistics. The SQL Performance Analyzer offers a... more
Intelligent interface, to enhance efficient interactions between user and databases, is the need of the database applications. Databases must be intelligent enough to make the accessibility faster. However, not every user familiar with... more
With the ubiquity and pervasiveness of mobile computing, together with the increasing number of social networks, end-users have learned to live and share all kinds of information about themselves. As an example, Facebook reports that it... more
Multi-engine analytics has been gaining an increasing amount of attention from both the academic and the industrial community as it can successfully cope with the heterogeneity and complexity that the plethora of frameworks, technologies... more
This paper presents an approach to convert the Natural language processing (NLP) abbreviation to SQL. SQL is domain specific language which is used for storing, manipulating and retrieving data stored in relational database, but any... more
Appunti del corso di basi di Dati 2 edizione 2014/2015 dell'Università degli Studi di Genova (corso di laurea in informatica). DISCLAIMER: questi appunti li ho presi seguendo le lezioni del corso. Sicuramente contengono errori ed... more
This document is provided "as‐is". Information and views expressed in this document, including URL and other Internet Web site references, may change without notice. This document does not provide you with any legal rights to any... more
The aim of the project was to design a database in Oracle SQL Developer to provide the functional requirements of patient in Hospital management system. The project requirements included: • Describe data using an Entity Relationship... more
Intelligent interface, to enhance efficient interactions between user and databases, is the need of the database applications. Databases must be intelligent enough to make the accessibility faster. However, not every user familiar with... more
Şirket içi sunum için hazırlanmıştır.
Sekilas tentang MySQL, perintah (query) SQL,
We present oPESA, an online examination management system for exam-hall seating arrangement. oPESA is a platform built on PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery and SQL. It is an open platform which can be accessed only by registered users,... more
Resumo. A Internet após a WEB 2.0 vem gerando uma quantidade expressiva de dados e com isso vem a necessidade de agilizar o gerenciamento desses da-dos, bem como seu armazenamento de forma que fiquem disponíveis sempre que precisar. NoSQL... more
Intelligent interface, to enhance efficient interactions between user and databases, is the need of the database applications. Databases must be intelligent enough to make the accessibility faster. However, not every user familiar with... more
Database Management System - Penyeleksian Kondisi dan Trigger
The paper presents a mapping-based and metadata-driven modular data transformation framework designed to solve extract-transform-load (ETL) automation, impact analysis, data quality and integration problems in data warehouse environments.... more
Ce tutoriel revient sur le principe des SGBD : comment créer sa premiere base de données spatiale, importer des couches, faires des requêtes attributaires et spatiales, modifier les tables et les champs en SQL
Waroeng PC Games adalah sebuah perusahaan yang didirikan dengan tujuan untuk menjalankan usaha-usaha di bidang komputer. Perusahaan ini berlokasi di Jalan Raya Tegal Wangi II Sesetan No. 8. Salah satu informasi yang penting dari suatu... more
Apache Flink is a hybrid system for distributed stream and batch data. So the need for an SQL-like query specially advanced query is increased that helps the user to make a deep analysis of the dataset. SQL query has limited scalability... more
El objetivo de este documento es plantear métodos eficientes de estimación y previsión de un gran número de series temporales interrelacionadas de forma que, en un tiempo relativamente corto, permita desarrollar modelos estadísticos... more
Dashboards have become a popular way to display key success indicators at a glance to multiple users across an organization. This paper presents two possible methods for storing, retrieving, displaying and sharing data in a dashboard: 1)... more
This paper presents a novel use of SQL language to solve a practical optimization problem to find the portfolio size and the quantity of money for securities. This problem is known as the Portfolio Selection Problem (PSP). The approach... more