Recent papers in Sapir-Whorf
The goal of this study was to test a weak form of the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis deal-ing with one of the biggest unsolved questions in linguistics: Does language affectthe way we think? Grammatical systems in the world’s languages differ in... more
Synonyms Cognitive universals; Human nature; Human universals Definition The “psychic unity” idea denotes the existence of a set of psychological and cognitive capacities universally shared by human beings and grounded in biological... more
Despite the need for more study on the theory, linguistic relativity may help towards understanding the inter-relatedness of society, culture, and language by looking at the phenomenon of linguistic relativity as it may have affected New... more
En este artículo se pone de manifiesto cómo la concepción occidental (no científica) del tiempo determina nuestra cultura; particularmente, cómo la concepción de tiempo absoluto interviene en los métodos de castigo-reinserción de nuestra... more
Edward Sapir was one of those men, rare among scientists and scholars, who are spoken of by their colleagues in terms of genius. His writings on frontier problems in cultural anthropology, psychology, and linguistics are outstanding for... more
Although current discussions of linguistic relativity tend to concen- trate on obligatory grammatical categories, the original architects of this school of thought, including Boas, Sapir, and Whorf, all argued strongly for the role of... more
"The primary focus of this study is to assess the impact of a spoken language on its speaker’s thoughts, perception and cognitive abilities. It is postulated that language, to a certain extent, can influence a person’s thought and his... more
A wider view of Husserl's philosophic influence in the USA; corrects philosophic history about "origins" of phenomenology in the USA. Focus on Ernst Cassirer and Wilbur Urban at Yale University.
This paper-presentation explores the sci-fi short story “Story of Your Life” from Ted Chiang’s anthology “Stories of Your Life” and its cinematic adaptation, “Arrival” released in 2017. This story and its film adaptation are interesting... more
Questa tesi consiste in un lavoro di compilazione delle più importanti fonti bibliografiche con il fine di sintetizzare gli studi condotti, nel corso dei decenni, dai linguisti riguardo una specifica varietà di American English: il Black... more
Аннотация: Статья посвящена анализу современных тенденций в изучении проблемы влияния естественного языка на когнитивные процессы, а также формулировке новой программы междисциплинарных исследований по теме «язык и познание». Сначала... more
В книге рассматривается вопрос о воздействии структуры языка на познавательные способности его носителей, или проблема лингвистической относительности. В первом разделе представлен подробный анализ развития релятивистских идей с конца... more
Монографію присвячено аналізові проблеми співвідношення мислення і мови в аспекті теорії лінгвістичної відносності – міждисциплінарного напряму наукових досліджень, який на початку XXI ст. перетворився на масштабний... more
Ho realizzato questo lavoro come tesi di laurea (relatore il Prof. Massimo Dell'Utri e correlatore il Prof. Antonio Pinna, dell'Università di Sassari) perché ritengo che le lingue plasmino l'individuo portandolo a percepire la realtà che... more
a Moppy, a cui ho detto la prima parola V la tematica dell'universalismo linguistico, dai suoi primi sviluppi negli anni '60 agli ultimi lavori vent'anni dopo. Saranno in esso ricordate le critiche di Ekkehart Malotki e Steven Pinker a... more
У статті розглянуто гіпотезу лінгвальної відносності Сепіра – Уорфа стосовно проблеми перекладності. Проаналізовано статус гіпотези як однієї з засад концепції неперекладності, а також виявлено труднощі перекладу, пов’язані з існуванням... more
Winning arguments by insisting on definitions (the definist fallacy, persuasive definition) is a powerful and increasingly popular tactic in the 21st century. Yet this tactic is rarely highlighted or explicitly analyzed. If there is no... more
This paper is a meta-commentary on a pioneering paper “bhaSar ottacar” (“Torture of Language”, first published in probaSi, joysTho, 1322 Bangabda [May 1915 A.D.]) by Sukumar Ray. The author of this paper interpreted the discourse of Ray... more
This paper is a discussion of basic concepts in linguistics, including the nature of linguistics itself, and methodology in linguistics, based around a review of The Language Myth, by Vyvyan Evans.
Este capítulo trata de: Etnolingüística en sentido amplio. La forma interior y su interpretación en la Lingüística hispánica. Lengua e interpretación del mundo: la llamada “hipótesis Sapir-Whorf”. Un peculiar concepto de raza. El... more
Analysis of Roberto Saviano masterpiece "Gomorra. Viaggio nell'impero economico e nel sogno di dominio della camorra" and of the challenging German translated version created by Friederike Hausmann and Rita Seuss. Diving deeply into... more
Debates about linguistic relativity commonly focus on one question: Does language affect thought? This yes-or-no question does not do justice to the complexity of Whorf’s ideas and skirts several issues of great importance to Whorf. My... more
Course covers an introduction to the problematic of the linguistic relativity. Emphasis was made on the experimental investigations from the end of XXth to the begininng of XXIst centuries. But also there is careful consideration of the... more
The classic version of the linguistic relativity principle, formulated by Boas and developed especially in the work of Whorf, suggests that the particular lexicogrammatical patterns of a given language can influence the thought of its... more
(Italiano) Abstract: Uno degli assunti fondamentali della linguistica e psicologia cognitive è che ogni percezione ed espressione è connessa alla nostra biologia, e più di quanto si pensasse in precedenza. Dopo una panoramica della... more
A világ nyelvei különféle aspektusokban eltérnek egymástól. Vajon a nyelvek különbségei gondolkodásbeli különbségekhez vezetnek-e? Amennyiben igen, akkor a nyelv mely aspektusai okoznak gondolkodásbeli különbségeket, és milyen mértékben?... more
This paper is the introductory section of an essay meant to rethink the theoretical principles of contemporary realist practice in several modes of expression (literature, cinema, video, the graphic arts).
What makes it the case that we draw the boundary between “blue” and “green” where we draw it? Do we draw this boundary where we draw it because our perceptual system is biologically determined in this way? Or is it culture and language... more
Does language modulate perception and categorisation of everyday objects? Here, we approach this question from the perspective of grammatical gender in bilinguals. We tested Spanish–English bilinguals and control native speakers of... more
This paper aims to shed light on the terminological and conceptual area around linguistic relativity (nowadays a mostly empirically conceived problem), namely the relations with relativism as a philosophical position. Throughout history... more
For fifty years the general semantics movement has endured, where many other educational organizations of seemingly greater popularity and influence have withered and died. This longevity has not depended upon widespread public... more
To achieve adjustment and sanity and the conditions that follow from them, we must study the structural characteristics of this world first and, then only, build languages of similar structure, instead of habitually ascribing to the world... more
This article is about translating oral literature in indigenous societies, especially in multilingual and multicultural areas such as Northwestern California, where shared, regional material becomes ethnically marked when seemingly small... more
Culture is a crucial part of human life and every society has its own. Culture can be defined as roughly as ‘humans’ perception of the world’. Today we know that culture and language have a sincere relationship. According to Everett,... more
Palestra apresentada ao Curso de Museologia, da Faculdade de Ciência da Informação, da Universidade de Brasília em 15 de março de 2022, às 14h. (duração 02 horas), via plataforma TEAMS. Discussões sobre Linguística com base nos textos... more
Colour perception and conceptual metaphor are areas where language and cognition interact. Different languages categorize colours differently (cf. Kay et al. 2009). In order to investigate whether there is a relation between the type of... more
In the current conflict in Ukraine, one of Russia’s most effective propaganda weapons is its ability to fuel the fear in Ukraine’s eastern regions that the new government in Kyiv will enact laws against use of the Russian language and... more
Discovery is crucial to the progress of science. At a minimum, a scientific discovery involves coming to know something that was not known previously. Because discovery is an epistemic phenomenon, it is also factive. One cannot therefore... more
This thesis looks at theories of the emergence of linguistic difference put forward by three philosophers of the (long) eighteenth century—Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1646–1716), Étienne Bonnot de Condillac (1715–1780), and Johann... more
The paper aims to evaluate the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis with a focus on grammatical gender. Much emphasis is done on the work of Dr. Lera Boroditsky, Assistant Professor of Psychology at Stanford University.
Whorf is now mostly either worshipped (by the same sort of people who like to mention Gödel's Theorem to prove something that it does not) or denounced (by those who either understand this theorem or on the other hand do not wish to... more