Scanner Data
Most cited papers in Scanner Data
The effects of topography on the radiometric properties of multispectral scanner (MSS) data are examined in the context of the remote sensing of forests in mountainous regions. The two test areas considered for this study are located in... more
We examine retail and wholesale prices for a large supermarket chain over seven and one-half years. We find that prices fall on average during seasonal demand peaks for a product, largely due to changes in retail margins. Retail margins... more
In recent years, manufacturers have become increasingly disposed toward the use of sales promotions, often at the cost of advertising. Yet the long-term implications of these changes for brand profitability remain unclear. In this paper,... more
The data acquired from the hyperspectral airborne sensor DAIS-7915 over Izrael Valley in northern Israel was processed to yield quantitative soil properties maps of organic matter, soil eld moisture, soil saturated moisture, and soil... more
what has been referred to as theory applications (TA) research in which the main focus is on laboratory experiments with student subjects and high internal validity. In this article, the author argues that external validity concerns... more
One of the mysteries of store-level scanner data modeling is the lack of a dip in sales in the week(s) following a promotion. Researchers expect to find a postpromotion dip because analyses of household scanner panel data indicate that... more
a b s t r a c t X-ray fluorescence (XRF) scanning of unlithified, untreated sediment cores is becoming an increasingly common method used to obtain paleoproxy data from lake records. XRF-scanning is fast and delivers high-resolution... more
Using supermarket scanner data, we test a variety of hypotheses from trade journals about the invasion of private-label food products. According to conventional industry wisdom, name-brand firms defended their brands against new... more
Management of brand equity has come to be viewed as critical to a brand's optimal long-term performance. The authors evaluate the usefulness of brand equity estimates obtained from store-level data for monitoring the health of a brand.... more
We empirically compare the forecasting ability of artificial neural network (ANN) with multinomial logit model (MNL) in the context offrequently purchased grocery products for a retailer. Using scanner data on three grocery product... more
Four multi-method studies show that the more elongated a container, the lower its purchase quantity. Study 1, in the lab, shows beer bottles are perceived to contain more than beer cans, particularly for infrequent beer drinkers. Study 2... more
This paper uses over two years of weekly scanner data from two small US cities to characterize time and state dependence of grocers' pricing decisions. In these data, the probability of a nominal adjustment declines with the time since... more
Stimulation of the vagus nerve in the neck can reduce seizures in epilepsy patients, and may be helpful in treating depression. PET studies have shown that vagus nerve stimulation (VNS) in epilepsy patients causes acute dose (intensity)... more
In this paper we introduce a new flexible mixed model for multinomial discrete choice where the key individual-and alternative-specific parameters of interest are allowed to follow an assumptionfree nonparametric density specification... more
The purpose of this paper is to examine the dynamic effects of sales promotions. We create dynamic brand sales models (for weekly store-level scanner data) by relating store intercepts and a brand's own price elasticity to a measure of... more
This article uses revealed preferences of consumers to study the consumer benefits from rBST-free and organic labeled milk. The article specifies and estimates a quadratic AIDS demand system model for different milk types using US... more
This study characterises the ‘deal-proneness’ of consumers by analysis of the consumer-level characteristics of price sensitivity and brand loyalty. The study first develops a multinomial logistic (MNL) latent class model suitable for use... more
Neuroimaging studies in bipolar disorder report gray matter volume (GMV) abnormalities in neural regions implicated in emotion regulation, including ventral/orbital medial prefrontal cortex (OMPFC) GMV decreases and, more inconsistently,... more
B rain-computer interfaces (BCIs) utilize neurophysiological signals originating in the brain to activate or deactivate external devices or computers . Different neuroelectric signals have been used to control external devices, including... more
Asymmetric pricing is the phenomenon where prices rise more readily than they fall. We articulate, and provide empirical support for, a theory of asymmetric pricing in wholesale prices. In particular, we show how wholesale prices may be... more
This paper outlines the potential use of bar-code scanner data from retailers for the measurement of in¯ation. The source bene®ts from its extensive coverage in providing data on prices, quantities and values of transactions of each model... more
New technologies for processing transactions, together with increases in the ability to store and process information, provide tremendous opportunities for measurement. When data are based on actual transactions, as opposed survey samples... more
The use of 3D digitization and modeling in documenting heritage sites has increased significantly over the past few years. This is mainly due to advances in laser scanning techniques, 3D modeling software, image-based-modeling techniques,... more
The workhorse brand choice models in marketing are the multinomial logit (MNL) and nested multinomial logit (NMNL). These models place strong restrictions on how brand share and purchase incidence price elasticities are related. In this... more
Rapidly available and accurate information about the location and extent of avalanche events is important for avalanche forecasting, safety assessments for roads and ski resorts, verification of warning products, as well as for hazard... more
Airborne laser scanners enable the geometric acquisitionof the terrain surface, including objects liketrees or buildings which rise from the terrain. Eventhough for a number of applications a so#called DigitalSurface Model #DSM#... more
Cognitive deficits in Huntington's disease (HD) have been attributed to neuronal degeneration within the striatum; however, postmortem and structural imaging studies have revealed more widespread morphological changes. To examine the... more
We study the optimal levels of advertising and promotion budgets in dynamic markets with brand equity as a mediating variable. To this end, we develop and estimate a state-space model based on the Kalman filter that captures the dynamics... more
Positron emission tomography (PET) is a non-invasive molecular imaging technique using positron-emitting radioisotopes to study functional processes within the body. High resolution PET scanners designed for imaging rodents and non-human... more
Landmark-based navigation of autonomous mobile robots or vehicles has been widely adopted in industry. Such a navigation strategy relies on identification and subsequent recognition of distinctive environment features or objects that are... more
Pioneering observations of the diffuse HeI-58.4 nm background radiation were performed with a series of satellites in the 70's. Today, their published results on the flow of interstellar helium atoms in the heliosphere are still in... more
A criticism of purchase-based brand loyalty measures is that they are confounded by the marketing mix variables that affect brand choice. This paper investigates the magnitude and direction of the associations for share of category... more
This paper employs a nation-wide sample of supermarket scanner data to estimate a large brand-level demand system for beer in the U.S. using the Distance Metric method of Pinkse, Slade and Brett [Pinkse, J., Slade, M., Brett, C., 2002.... more
While a significant literature has emerged recently on the longer-term effects of price promotions, as inferred from persistence models, there is very little if any attention paid to whether such longer-term effects vary across different... more