Este artículo analiza, en primer lugar, la magnitud del déficit de viviendas en buenas condiciones de habitabilidad desde los días de la posguerra. A continuación, se centra en el discurso y las motivaciones del régimen franquista para... more
Este artículo analiza, en primer lugar, la magnitud del déficit de viviendas en buenas condiciones de habitabilidad desde los días de la posguerra. A continuación, se centra en el discurso y las motivaciones del régimen franquista para poner en marcha la política de construcción de casas baratas, especialmente en los años sesenta, así como en su alcance tanto cuantitativo como cualitativo. Por último, aborda la recepción “a ras de suelo” de esta política social de la dictadura y su potencial para generar consentimiento entre la población, tratando de dilucidar quiénes fueron los beneficiarios y qué papel desempeñó la propaganda dictatorial.
Planlı eskitme stratejisi, doğasındaki düalizmin gereği olarak, ekonomik büyüme ve gelişme, tüketim hızı, israf ve çevresel sorunlar gibi olgularla birlikte var olmaktadır. Bu çalışmada bu olgulardan ikisi olan “ekonomik gelişme” ve... more
Planlı eskitme stratejisi, doğasındaki düalizmin gereği olarak, ekonomik büyüme ve gelişme, tüketim hızı, israf ve çevresel sorunlar gibi olgularla birlikte var olmaktadır. Bu çalışmada bu olgulardan ikisi olan “ekonomik gelişme” ve “çevrenin korunması” esas alınarak Türkiye’de son 25 yıl içinde planlı eskitme stratejisine yönelik toplumsal tutum düzeyi, bu tutumun ardındaki toplumsal ve psikolojik dinamikler araştırılmaktadır. Türkiye’de planlı eskitme stratejisi ile ilgili çalışma (Çerçi ve Tosun, 2021; Geçit, 2020; Aydın, 2018; Akçay, 2018) sayısı çok azdır. Dünya çapında ve Türkiye’de konuyla ilgili çalışma ve araştırmalar incelenerek araştırmanın soruları belirlenmiş ve yapılan analizlerle bu sorulara cevap aranmıştır. Çalışmanın; toplumun tüm katmanlarındaki bireylerde, insanlığın çürümesine sebep olan üretim-tüketim çarkının merkezinde yer alan planlı eskitme stratejisi hususunda farkındalık yaratması, bundan sonraki araştırmacılara interdisipliner bir yaklaşımla inceleme yapmaları bakımından kılavuz ve vesile olması umulmaktadır.
Semantic description of nouns of doctrines, ideologies, beliefs, movements, attitudes... ending in -ism according to both their form (morphology) and a context of rivalry as their raison d'être (pragmatics).
This article critically discusses the field of political culture research. It reviews the historical development of the concept of political culture since the 1950s. It examines some of the key authors and approaches in political science... more
This article critically discusses the field of political culture research. It reviews the historical development of the concept of political culture since the 1950s. It examines some of the key authors and approaches in political science and political sociology. Special attention is paid to the conceptual and methodological innovations of the last few decades, including neo-Tocquevillian, multi-causal and neo-Durkheimian approaches to the study of the concept.
Human capital is one of the most valuable resources of libraries. The age of librarians is a variable that may affect their attitudes and behaviours. The purpose of the paper is to pinpoint such correlations. The paper presents the... more
Human capital is one of the most valuable resources of libraries. The age of librarians is a variable that may affect their attitudes and behaviours. The purpose of the paper is to pinpoint such correlations. The paper presents the results of research conducted among librarians in 20 countries of the world analysing the impact of age on individual social capital, social activity, social attitudes, civic engagement, level of trust, attitude to patrons and professional preferences. The research was conducted based on the Questionnaire for the Measurement of Individual Social Capital (KPIKS) developed by the Polish psychologist Rafał Styła. The study confirms that there is a correlation between age and attitude and behavioural changes. The age of librarians statistically and significantly differentiates their behaviour and social attitudes. The results may be used in library management processes, e.g. in the area of task and role allocation.
The concept of work life imbalance and eventually role conflict of employed women, has gathered attention in the recent times on the work life balance. The study of work/life balance involves the examination of employees especially... more
The concept of work life imbalance and eventually role conflict of employed women, has gathered attention in the recent times on the work life balance. The study of work/life balance involves the examination of employees especially women’s ability to manage simultaneously the multi-faceted demands of life. Although work/life balance has traditionally been assumed to involve the devotion of equal amounts of time to paid work and non-work roles, more recently the concept has been recognized as more complex and has been developed to incorporate additional components.
Chapter 5
Public Opinion Polls on Property Rights in Kosovo: A correlation between attitudes and practices in public opinion polls of society in transition regarding women’s property rights (Author Driton Zeqiri)
In the past corporal punishment was widely accepted or even recommended as effective means in upbring- ing. Nowadays corporal punishment is seen as invalid, ineffective but also more as inconsistent with the idea of human rights, rights... more
In the past corporal punishment was widely accepted or even recommended as effective means in upbring- ing. Nowadays corporal punishment is seen as invalid, ineffective but also more as inconsistent with the idea of human rights, rights of the child and also, what has been proved by research for last decades, as harmful practice that not only affects the current development of a child but also has destructive meaning to the quality of whole long live. Corporal punishment today is treated as violence in upbringing. According to international standards many states have already introduced a total prohibition of violence in upbringing and many others are on the legal way to do it. Apart from legal means the primary area in elimination corporal punishment is changing the social and cultural norms and activities toward the social attitudes that accept violence in child raising. Because of this, diagnosing, monitoring of social attitudes is the basic activity. In 2011 in Poland, the Ombudsman for children’s rights ordered the special monitoring of social attitudes towards violence in upbringing. The paper presents results of the sixth edition of the monitoring in several issues: the acceptance of violent behaviors in relation to a child, the dynamic of this acceptance across the years, and the social awareness on the legal ban.
El Miércoles de Ceniza de 1950 varios vecinos de Albanchez (Almería) desafiaron la prohibición de celebrar el carnaval escenificando el «entierro de la sardina». Disfrazados de sacerdotes y monaguillos, se lanzaron a la calle. Allí se les... more
El Miércoles de Ceniza de 1950 varios vecinos de Albanchez (Almería) desafiaron la prohibición de celebrar el carnaval escenificando el «entierro de la sardina». Disfrazados de sacerdotes y monaguillos, se lanzaron a la calle. Allí se les fueron uniendo otros muchachos, mujeres y niños, formándose espontáneamente un grupo que fue recorriendo el pueblo. Pero al llegar a la calle General Mola la Guardia Civil los disolvió a base de bofetadas y golpes con la porra. Según las autoridades, uno de ellos portaba un palo de escoba en el que había colocado un calabazón simulando una cruz. Además, aseguraban haber escuchado entre la multitud «palabras propias de un sacerdote al verificar un funeral». A partir de estas evidencias, interpretaron los hechos como una mofa hacia la religión. A través de pequeños sucesos como este, Franquismo de carne y hueso se adentra en el franquismo «realmente» vivido. Con ello pretende indagar en las experiencias cotidianas de aquellos cuyas existencias transcurrieron bajo la dictadura. El libro examina las complejas e incluso contradictorias percepciones que suscitaron las políticas del régimen entre la gente de a pie. Y muestra cómo la atracción popular por determinados aspectos del franquismo coexistió durante todo el periodo con la resistencia frente a otros.
La huella del terror franquista en Bizkaia trata sobre el funcionamiento y el impacto de la jurisdicción militar tras la entrada de las tropas sublevadas en la villa de Bilbao. Los primeros tres bloques de la obra ofrecen una radiografía... more
La huella del terror franquista en Bizkaia trata sobre el funcionamiento y el impacto de la jurisdicción militar tras la entrada de las tropas sublevadas en la villa de Bilbao. Los primeros tres bloques de la obra ofrecen una radiografía integral de la represión jurídico militar, pues no se limita a consignar únicamente las sentencias de cárcel y de muerte en tanto que aborda también el desenlace de aquellos expedientes que finalizaron tanto con el sobreseimiento de la causa, la absolución, así como con la conmutación de la pena, proporcionando además un retrato completo del perfil político y social de los procesados.
Ahora bien, pese a que la represión fue elemento configurador de la identidad del régimen franquista y el pilar donde se fundamentó su asentamiento, la consolidación del nuevo régimen no pivotó exclusivamente sobre las estrategias del miedo y la represión. La pervivencia y la longevidad del nuevo Estado requirieron inexorablemente tanto la neutralización de la disidencia así como la adhesión, o al menos, el consentimiento de una gran parte de la sociedad civil. Así pues, la presente obra dedica también un espacio a analizar las políticas de captación implementadas y las actitudes sociales acontecidas en Bizkaia durante la inmediata posguerra.
En el artículo se estudian las actitudes, opiniones y evaluaciones de los ciudadanos españoles acerca del sistema de enseñanza. En primer lugar, se pasa revista a los principales ejes del debate político y mediático sobre la educación,... more
En el artículo se estudian las actitudes, opiniones y evaluaciones de los ciudadanos españoles acerca del sistema de enseñanza. En primer lugar, se pasa revista a los principales ejes del debate político y mediático sobre la educación, subrayando tanto su fuerte sesgo negativo como la creciente importancia del tema de la “calidad”, que proporciona el encuadre desde el cual se interpretan los demás temas. En segundo lugar, se describe la imagen de la educación y el sistema de enseñanza predominante en la opinión pública. Finalmente, se contrastan las valoraciones que los ciudadanos hacen de la situación de la educación en general con sus valoraciones de los centros de enseñanza de los que tienen conocimiento y experiencia de uso directos. La disociación entre experiencia (satisfactoria) e imagen (más negativa) revela la influencia del catastrofismo político-mediático sobre la opinión pública.
The article deals with citizen attitudes, opinions, and evaluations on the education system. Firstly, we review the main axes of the political and media debate on education, emphasizing both its negative bias and the rising relevance of the “quality” issue as frame from which other issues are interpreted. Secondly, we describe the image of education and the education system prevailing in public opinion. Finally, we contrast citizens’ general evaluations of the state of education and their evaluations of the educational institutions about which they have direct knowledge and use experience. The partial dissociation between (satisfactory) experience and (more negative) image reveals the influence of political and media “catastrophism” on public opinion.
Much research has been conducted on the relationship between ideology, voter preferences and electoral choice. However, due to the complexity of the relationship, differences in the understanding of ideology and the diversity of political... more
Much research has been conducted on the relationship between ideology, voter preferences and electoral choice. However, due to the complexity of the relationship, differences in the understanding of ideology and the diversity of political systems, the issue has not yet been fully explored. Current research approaches the problems by monitoring the dynamics of change in the association between ideological position and party preferences over time in Croatia. Data for the study were collected in three surveys conducted in 2003 (N=1248), 2014 (N=1000) and 2016 (N=750) on nationally representative samples of the Croatian adult population. The ideological position of an individual was measured in two ways, using General Social Attitude Scale (SAS_G) and left-right dimension self-placement. Political party preferences were measured by the reported electoral choice in the previous elections and the expressed voting choice in the forthcoming elections. The results of the current study indica...
In this article, we describe the construct validation of a General Social Attitudes Scale (SAS_G), designed to measure the basic dimensions of social attitudes in both self-reports and peer-ratings. A large sample of Croatian university... more
In this article, we describe the construct validation of a General Social Attitudes Scale (SAS_G), designed to measure the basic dimensions of social attitudes in both self-reports and peer-ratings. A large sample of Croatian university students (N = 452) used the SAS_G to describe their own social attitudes, which were also described by 452 of their acquaintances using the same instrument. All SAS_G subscales showed reasonably high internal consistency reliability estimates as well as appropriate convergent and discriminant validity based on self/peer correlations. Separate Confirmatory Factor Analyses (CFA) of both self-reports and peer ratings yielded five replicable factors and acceptable indices of fit. However, the validation analyses against lexically based Saucier’s (2008 ) ISMS instrument showed little convergence, indicating that these two approaches to general social attitudes scale construction can lead to the identification of different basic constructs.
Las diversas prácticas violentas puestas en marcha durante los días de la guerra civil, así como las diferentes modalidades represivas activadas por el bando vencedor tras abril de 1939 dejaron su impronta en el imaginario colectivo de la... more
Las diversas prácticas violentas puestas en marcha durante los días de la guerra civil, así como las diferentes modalidades represivas activadas por el bando vencedor tras abril de 1939 dejaron su impronta en el imaginario colectivo de la comunidad local. Pero, ¿cómo se ha ido construyendo la memoria de aquellos hechos traumáticos? La dialéctica recuerdo-olvido no está en modo alguno desprovista de intencionalidad, sino que responde a unos anhelos y cumple una determinada función tanto a nivel individual como colectivo. En este texto nos preguntamos si la memoria y la desmemoria selectivas pueden leerse en clave de adhesión o de resistencia al Nuevo Estado franquista.
Despite advances in historical research into social attitudes during the Franco regime, many studies have been based upon a dichotomous interpretive scheme of consent and resistance. This article sets out to redefine the debate by paying... more
Despite advances in historical research into social attitudes during the Franco regime, many studies have been based upon a dichotomous interpretive scheme of consent and resistance. This article sets out to redefine the debate by paying special attention to the intermediate sectors of the population and the influence of their contradictory and dynamic attitudes and behaviours during the consolidation of the regime. By taking into account the changing relationship between state and society, this article portrays a complex panorama, in which adaptation and the desire for relative normality characterised everyd
Bisher existieren im deutschsprachigen Raum nur wenige empirische Studien über einen Zusammenhang zwischen sozial-politischer Einstellung und Musikpräferenz. Allerdings beziehen sich diese lediglich auf einige Genres oder Anhänger... more
Bisher existieren im deutschsprachigen Raum nur wenige empirische Studien über einen Zusammenhang zwischen sozial-politischer Einstellung und Musikpräferenz. Allerdings beziehen sich diese lediglich auf einige Genres oder Anhänger spezifischer Musikpräferenzen oder messen sozial-politische Einstellung nur über sekundäre Variablen (beispw. Parteienzugehörigkeit; z.B. Dollase et al.,1978 u. 1986; Ebbecke & Lüschper, 1987; Schmücker,1993; Pfaff, 2006). Daher sind allgemeine Aussagen über Unterschiede zwischen verschiedenen Musikpräferenzgruppen hinsichtlich politisch-sozialer Einstellungsdimensionen kaum möglich. Eine der wenigen Studien, die auch standardisierte Tests mit einbezog (Rentfrow & Gosling, 2003), ergab beispielsweise einen positiven Zusammenhang zwischen der Musikpräferenz Upbeat & Konventionell und einer selbst eingeschätzten konservativen politischen Orientierung, einer geringeren Intelligenz sowie geringere kognitive Flexibilität; Hörer von Reflexiver & Komplexer sowie von Energetischer & Rhythmischer Musik zeigten hingegen eine liberale politische Einstellung. Neben skalentheoretischen Problemen der Erfassung der politischen Orientierung beschränkt sich die Studie auf den angloamerikanischen Raum. Die vorliegende Studie untersucht, ob sich in Anlehnung an die existierenden Studien tatsächlich ein Zusammenhang zwischen politisch-sozialen Einstellungsdimensionen und Musikpräferenz nachweisen lässt.
OBJECTIVE: The aim of the research was to investigate societal attitudes towards families with disabled children perceived by the parents of children with intellectual disabilities. DESIGN: Pilot study. PARTICIPANTS: 110 parents, 75... more
OBJECTIVE: The aim of the research was to investigate societal attitudes towards families with disabled children perceived by the parents of children with intellectual disabilities. DESIGN: Pilot study. PARTICIPANTS: 110 parents, 75 mothers, 35 fathers of children with intellectual and complex disabilities. METHODS: The survey questionnaire contained 30 statements devoted to affective, cognitive and behavioral components of an attitude. RESULTS: In the parents' opinion: society experiences em-pathy; freedom in contact with these families; accepts them as guest and neighbors; their child's friend; recognizes their Original Article
Aadhaar-based biometric authentication is now compulsory for most users of the public distribution system in Jharkhand. Based on a recent household survey, this paper examines various issues related to this measure, including exclusion... more
Aadhaar-based biometric authentication is now compulsory for most users of the public distribution system in Jharkhand. Based on a recent household survey, this paper examines various issues related to this measure, including exclusion problems, transaction costs, and its impact on corruption. The findings raise serious questions about the appropriateness of this technology for rural Jharkhand.
The recent commemoration of Heritage Day and Heritage Month raised questions about the state of social cohesion and national identity in the country after 20 years of democracy. Are we proudly South African? What are we most proud of and... more
The recent commemoration of Heritage Day and Heritage Month raised questions about the state of social cohesion and national identity in the country after 20 years of democracy. Are we proudly South African? What are we most proud of and what shames us about our country?
Author’s research discussed in the following article was aimed at determining which model of intellectual disability is preferred by teachers and students, and what the differences are between these respondents in this... more
Author’s research discussed in the following article was aimed at determining which model of intellectual disability is preferred by teachers and students, and what the differences are between these respondents in this respect. The assumptions characteristic for the individual model focused on the person with disability, and in particular, on his or her biological (physical) defects. The defects that caused limitations in functioning were treated as the basis of disability. Professional activities (mostly medical) focused on adjusting to the state of limited functioning, seen in a reductionist way: as accepting the loss of ability or independence. The social model situated the origin of disability in society. In this perspective, it defined disability as the product of specific social and economic structures, and its main interest focused on the problems of oppression and discrimination of persons with disability. Research was carried out with special needs teachers who work with individuals with intellectual disability, teachers working with able-bodied individuals, and students of special pedagogy. The Likert type scale, called “The model of an intellectual disability”, was used to determine the model of intellectual disability. The research had a cognitive goal but also a significant practical goal related to the specialists’ professional training. The article offers general recommendations for shaping attitudes and assessments connected with noticing possibilities in the lives of individuals with intellectual disability, taking into account the influenc e of environmental factors
Despite a long-term decline in the size of the working class, the proportion of the public who identify themselves as working class has remained stable over time. This chapter explores the reasons for this apparent contradiction and its... more
Despite a long-term decline in the size of the working class, the proportion of the public who identify themselves as working class has remained stable over time. This chapter explores the reasons for this apparent contradiction and its implications for social and political attitudes and politics more generally.
This is an expanded version of a talk I gave at The Big Debate: Women and Politics in the 21st Century, in Aberdeen. The other participants were Bonnie Greer, Debbie Orr and Heather Wakefield. It was subsequently published as a series of... more
This is an expanded version of a talk I gave at The Big Debate: Women and Politics in the 21st Century, in Aberdeen. The other participants were Bonnie Greer, Debbie Orr and Heather Wakefield. It was subsequently published as a series of blogs for The Conservative Woman. It explores the possibility that female members of Parliament do not help to represent women's interests and that feminist politics undermine participatory processes and contribute to a top heavy political system.
The text attempts to highlight different aspects of participative criminal policy in Greece by researching citizens’ attitudes towards the Local Crime Prevention Councils and restorative justice in low, median and high crime areas in... more
The text attempts to highlight different aspects of participative criminal policy in Greece by researching citizens’ attitudes towards the Local Crime Prevention Councils and restorative justice in low, median and high crime areas in Athens.
Το παρόν κείμενο επιχειρεί να αναδείξει επιμέρους όψεις της συμμετοχικής αντεγκληματικής πολιτικής μέσα από την εμπειρική διερεύνηση των στάσεων των πολιτών απέναντι στα Τοπικά Συμβούλια Πρόληψης της Παραβατικότητας και την aποκαταστατική δικαιοσύνη σε περιοχές με διαβάθμιση εγκληματικότητας στην Αθήνα.
We study the economic structure of the life of Harry Potter and his co-actors as an economic model that governs the social organization of their economic activities. Our goal is to study and understand the internal consistency of the... more
We study the economic structure of the life of Harry Potter and his co-actors as an economic model that governs the social organization of their economic activities. Our goal is to study and understand the internal consistency of the Potterian economic model and explore the relationships between its assumptions and the situation in the real world, as reflected in the Potterian model. To accomplish this, we focus on a textbook version of Solow’s economic growth model. The analysis of the Potterian economy reveals that the Potterian model fits quite well the predictions of the economic growth model. We discuss potential implications of this finding, and explore the link between Potterian economic structure and performance in a broader context by discussing the link between economic institutions and economic outcomes.
Published in June 2021, Faith & Belief 2040 offers a cross-sector insight into the UK's rapidly changing faith and belief landscape and what it might look like by 2040, based on current trajectories. This short report, written by Hannah... more
Published in June 2021, Faith & Belief 2040 offers a cross-sector insight into the UK's rapidly changing faith and belief landscape and what it might look like by 2040, based on current trajectories.
This short report, written by Hannah Timson, outlines key themes from the Cumberland Lodge conference, Faith & Belief 2040, convened online in November 2020 involving people of diverse ages, and faith and non-faith backgrounds, from across the UK.
Drawing on these cross-sector discussions, it outlines ideas and areas of focus for addressing the challenges and opportunities that these changes may bring.
In this article, we describe the construct validation of a General Social Attitudes Scale (SAS_G), designed to measure the basic dimensions of social attitudes in both self-reports and peer-ratings. A large sample of Croatian university... more
In this article, we describe the construct validation of a General Social Attitudes Scale (SAS_G), designed to measure the basic dimensions of social attitudes in both self-reports and peer-ratings. A large sample of Croatian university students (N = 452) used the SAS_G to describe their own social attitudes, which were also described by 452 of their acquaintances using the same instrument. All SAS_G subscales showed reasonably high internal consistency reliability estimates as well as appropriate convergent and discriminant validity based on self/peer correlations. Separate Confirmatory Factor Analyses (CFA) of both self-reports and peer ratings yielded five replicable factors and acceptable indices of fit. However, the validation analyses against lexically based Saucier’s (2008) ISMS instrument showed little convergence, indicating that these two approaches to general social attitudes scale construction can lead to the identification of different basic constructs.
As sociological research develops, attention of sociologists to the analysis of the sphere of values, value attitudes, and value orientations is growing. From a sociological perspective, the role of value orientations in human life is one... more
As sociological research develops, attention of sociologists to the analysis of the sphere of values, value attitudes, and value orientations is growing. From a sociological perspective, the role of value orientations in human life is one of the important factors determining people's behavior. In the study of value orientations of a personality, emphasis is placed on the influence of social attitudes of society on the internal motives of individual's behavior.