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Basé sur une recherche ethnographique détaillée, cet ouvrage explore les représentations qui se produisent autour de l'identité des Zafimaniry, une communauté des Hautes Terres malgaches, à partir de trois domaines différents : l'art... more
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      Tourism StudiesAnthropology of TourismAnthropology of MadagascarTourism and Culture (Anthropology of Tourism)
We investigate the role of culture in sustaining essential ecosystem services in the arid and erratic climate of an agropastoral landscape in southern Madagascar. Our fieldwork and interviews in Ambovombe subprefecture in Androy addressed... more
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      DroughtMixed Methods (Methodology)Social Sciences in MadagascarAGROPASTORALISM
Following the WHO recommendations made in the late 1970s, many countries in Africa have implemented dynamics of recognition of traditional medicine and traditional healers. This dissertation focuses on the development of « integrative... more
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      Medical AnthropologySocial and Cultural AnthropologyIntegrative MedicineTraditional Medicine
Dans ce bulletin 2021 les voix de : Guillaume #Suing , Marinella #Correggia , Rene #Sansa, Dr Romeo #Quijano, Michel #Chossudovsky, Vanessa #Beeley, Adel #Samara, Ariel #Petrucelli, Fulvio #grimaldi tous ont participe a l’Edition de ce... more
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      Medical SciencesPolitical ScienceModern Chinese HistoryAlternative Economies
À Diégo-Suarez, le sens et la portée de la politique publique de l’eau ont été remis en cause par la marchandisation imposée par différents acteurs de l’aide internationale. Comme dans d’autres contextes urbains post-coloniaux, les... more
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      WaterWater resourcesSustainable Water Resources ManagementAnthropology of Madagascar
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      Malagasy StudiesMadagascarSocial Sciences in MadagascarMalagasy Speech
todo bien
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    • Social Sciences in Madagascar
State of science, legal framework and political context.
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      Decentralisation processes and development issuesMadagascarSocial Sciences in Madagascar
In 2011, Liberty 32 asked 6,381 people from Antananarivo a question: « In your opinion, what are the main qualities that a good political leader has to have? ». 39 clusters of answers have been identified from the results of the survey... more
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      MadagascarSocial Sciences in Madagascar
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      African HistoryIndian Ocean HistoryHistory of the Western Indian Ocean XV-XIX CenturyAnthropology of Madagascar
Cet article part de l’ethnographie d’une réunion de travail entre les agents d’une commune malgache et leurs « partenaires » étrangers. On y observe une lutte entre ceux qui considèrent que l’échelle légitime de décision pour le «... more
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      Development StudiesAnthropology of MadagascarMadagascarSocial Sciences in Madagascar
Les habitants de Madagascar, une île marquée par un passé visiblement violent, semblent avoir fait au XXe siècle un choix exceptionnel. En s’imposant la vision d’une société paisible, dénommée usuellement fihavanana malagasy (solidarité... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesSocial SciencesNormativityAnthropology of Madagascar
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      History of the Western Indian Ocean XV-XIX CenturyEconomic history/Trade history/Oriental tradeIndian Ocean WorldIndian Ocean Trade
Cet article envisage le lien profond qui unit la monarchie malgache et la société à travers un fait social total, le fandroana ou rite du bain. Le fandroana est plus qu’un rituel de nouvel an. C’est un moment d’échanges symboliques et... more
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      African HistoryIndian Ocean HistoryHistory of the Western Indian Ocean XV-XIX CenturyAnthropology of Madagascar
This paper analyzes the perspectives and priorities of Indian Ocean island states—especially Sri Lanka—in a region of great powers. Analysis of international relations in the Indo-Pacific is understandably focused on the great powers such... more
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      Indian studiesSouth Asian StudiesSouth AsiaSri Lanka
Cette contribution n'a aucune prétention à vouloir renouveler l'étude de la poésie en langue malgache. Elle n'a d'autre ambition que de proposer, très sommairement, quelques pistes pour une approche littéraire des débuts de la poésie... more
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      African LiteratureMadagascarAfrican PoetrySocial Sciences in Madagascar
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      Ethiopian StudiesSocial and Cultural AnthropologyIslamic StudiesCultural Anthropology
(Abstrait du recueil dont l'article fait partie) Les habitants de Madagascar, une île marquée par un passé visiblement violent, semblent avoir fait au XXe siècle un choix exceptionnel. En s’imposant la vision d’une société paisible,... more
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      RitualNormativityReligion, Conflict and PeacebuildingSpirit Possession (Anthropology)
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      African HistoryAnthropology of spaceColonialismIndian Ocean History
Les politiques de santé africaines s'attachent, depuis des décennies, à valoriser leur médecine traditionnelle, marginalisée depuis le développement du système biomédical dominant. En prenant le cas de Madagascar, le présent article... more
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      TransnationalismIntegrative MedicineEthnopharmacologyPublic Health
Les monuments mégalithiques du Néolithique européen ont longtemps été considérés comme des copies grossières des réalisations architecturales monumentales des premières civilisations du Proche-Orient et de la Méditerranée orientale. Mais... more
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      EthnohistoryPrehistoric ArchaeologyAnthropologyEpistemology
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      Carbon MarketMadagascarSocial Sciences in MadagascarREDD+ or Reducing Emissions form Deforestation and (Forest) Degradation
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      African HistoryHistory of SlaveryIndian Ocean HistoryHistory of the Western Indian Ocean XV-XIX Century
At the beginning of the Third Republic (1992-2010), foreign partners of the Malagasy government were wary of the decentralization process, perceived as a sensible political stake. At the end of this period, they came though to develop a... more
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      Development StudiesPolitical ScienceDevelopment AidMadagascar
Version française d’un essai publié en malgache (FES, 2014) sur les relations entretenues par les dirigeants malgaches successifs avec la France. Des relations fluctuantes qui sont de plus en plus décriées par la population malgache... more
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      International PoliticsMadagascarFrench coloniesHistory of Madagascar
L’église catholique est un acteur majeur de la société civile malgache. Elle a également acquis ses lettres de noblesse dans la vie politique malgache, notamment à travers les écrits de la Conférence Episcopale de Madagascar (CEM) qui, en... more
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      Civil Society and the Public SphereMadagascarSocial Sciences in Madagascar
Entamer une étude sur la géopolitique de Madagascar implique d’analyser les décisions politiques et économiques prises en considération de la situation géographique du pays. Le choix a été délibérément fait de ne pas toucher au domaine... more
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      MadagascarSocial Sciences in Madagascar
Consultation is an important feature of research and, increasingly, researchers are required to work in partnership with stakeholders to increase the impact of their work. Our aim is to demonstrate what can be learned from the scholarship... more
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      Computing In Social Sciences, Arts And Humanities, ProfessionsSocial Research Methods and MethodologySocial SciencesResearch Methods and Methodology
La société malgache est politiquement et socialement instable, victime d’une perte progressive de ses repères dans un contexte de mondialisation accélérée. La priorisation des intérêts particuliers sur l’intérêt général et le besoin... more
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      Catholic Social TeachingThe Church in MadagascarSocial Sciences in Madagascardoctrine sociale de l'Eglise
Africa and India each have a big island off their south-eastern tips – Madagascar and Sri Lanka respectively. These two islands share many commonalities: their populations today are 22 and 24 million respectively 1 ; each has multi-ethnic... more
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      FinanceDevelopment EconomicsEnvironmental EconomicsGreen Economics
There is a broad set of human beliefs, attitudes and behaviours around the issue of magical animals, referring to both mythical animals not recognized by science and extant animals that are recognized by science but have magical... more
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      CryptozoologyGeographyIndigenous StudiesConservation Biology
Over the last twenty years Madagascar has become a poster child for global biodiversity conservation. The environmental discourse is dominated by the issue of deforestation and the blame for forest loss is usually placed on poor rural... more
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      Political EcologyEnvironmental HistoryMadagascarSocial Sciences in Madagascar
This article focuses on the connection between the Merina monarchy and society through a total social fact: the fandroana, or bath ceremony. The fandroana ritual is more than a New Year’s celebration. It is a moment of symbolic and... more
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      Indian Ocean HistoryAnthropology of MadagascarPrecolonial African HistoryHistory of Madagascar
Other sacral things
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      Indonesian HistoryIndonesian StudiesAustronesian LanguagesPolynesian Studies
Anthropologists coined the term human niche construction theory (HNCT) to apply the ecological concept of niche construction to the study of human society. Most of the work done on HNCT focuses on the biological and economic aspects of... more
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      EthnohistoryArchaeologyAfrican HistorySocial Memory
Ce papier fut écrit en août-septembre 1988 après un séjour à Madagascar en juillet-août 1988.
Je le reproduis en l'état.
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      Anthropology of MadagascarMadagascarPolitical TransitionsSocial Sciences in Madagascar
Elections in Madagascar are a constant failure. Recent data derived from the Malagasy Civil Society and Democracy Barometer (Rafitoson, 2015) show that, from citizens as well as civil society's perspective, the quality of democracy in the... more
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      Political ScienceElectionsMadagascarSocial Sciences in Madagascar
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      African HistoryIndian Ocean HistoryFrench colonialismDecolonization (African History)
Despite conservation discourses in Madagascar increasingly emphasizing the role of customary institutions for wildlife management, we know relatively little about their effectiveness. Here, we used semi-structured interviews with ... more
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      Conservation BiologyConservationBats (Mammalogy)Wildlife Conservation
Drawing on ethnographic data collected among a group of coastal villagers in Southwest Madagascar between 2006 and 2011, this article looks at the relationship between hospitality towards strangers and land dispossession, a major issue of... more
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      AnthropologyAnthropology of TourismHospitality StudiesAnthropology of Madagascar
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      African HistoryIndian Ocean HistoryHistory of the Western Indian Ocean XV-XIX CenturyIndian Ocean World
Les tensions permanentes entre les autorités et les journalistes – individuellement, à travers les organes de presse auxquelles ils appartiennent ou par le biais de leur syndicat – reviennent régulièrement au cœur des débats à Madagascar.... more
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      Political ScienceDemocratizationCivil Society and the Public SphereMedia and Democracy
Drawing from data gathered in South Western Madagascar in 2011, the work explores the combination of poverty and traditional gender roles as a critical factor in determining unequal school access among young people from semi-nomadic... more
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      Anthropology of MadagascarSchool effectiveness and school improvementEducation and DevelopmentMadagascar
Cycle des conférences de l'Institut d'ethnologie de l'université de Strasbourg jeudi 3 mars 2016, de 18h à 20h Conférence de Bernard Moizo (socio-anthropologue, directeur de recherche à l’Institut de recherche pour le développement-IRD,... more
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      ZoologyAfrican StudiesAnthropologySoutheast Asian Studies
1er semestre 2014-2015 2 octobre 2014, 17h : Séminaire d'ouverture (D. Nativel, S. F. Sanchez) 16 octobre 2014, 17h30 : Nicolas Courtin, (discutant J.P. Bat) "Enjeux et méthodes de la recherche en archives : le cas des archives de... more
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      African HistoryIndian Ocean HistoryHistory of the Western Indian Ocean XV-XIX CenturySwahili
A quick and brief exploration of the relationship between the individual, mass events and their reflection in the Society.
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      SociologyEnvironmental SociologyEconomic SociologyMedia Sociology
Cet article envisage le lien profond qui unit la monarchie malgache et la société à travers un fait social total, le fandroana ou rite du bain. Le fandroana est plus qu’un rituel de nouvel an. C’est un moment d’échanges symboliques et... more
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      African HistoryIndian Ocean HistoryAnthropology of MadagascarIndian Ocean World
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      African HistoryIndian Ocean HistoryHistory Of Body, Time And SpaceTime Perception
The foundation of the Boeny Kingdom at the end of the 17th century marks the emergence of a new political unit, which was added to similiar constructions of the same dynasty along the west coast of madagascar. Within a few years the Boeny... more
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      EthnohistoryAnthropology of MadagascarMadagascarHistory of Madagascar