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This article builds upon earlier risk narrative research, focusing upon their historical development primarily in the US and UK and drawing upon a wide range of key historical and contemporary moments and examples. It proceeds from an... more
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      Environmental StudiesEnvironmental HistoryDisaster risk managementSociology of Risk
Hay un progresivo desgaste, con tendencia hacia la autodestrucción, de las instituciones y organizacones de una economía mundial plutocráticamente controlada. Para sustituirlas, la humanidad del planeta tierra requiere darse, a sí... more
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      Rural SociologyContractsPeace and Conflict StudiesSociology of Work
The problem of garbage and waste disposal in Goa seems unsolvable. Day in and day out there appear in all, that is local and national papers, different reports about the exponential and uncontrollable growth of garbage and waste. With... more
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    • Sociology of Environment
As an Article Contributor, this article paper has been published through DURREESAMIN JOURNAL, March Volume 4 Issue 1, Year 2018 Edition in align with the ”Environment and Climate Change with the ENVIRONMENTAL POSSIBILISM.” Environment... more
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      EngineeringEnvironmental EngineeringEnvironmental ScienceEnvironmental Economics
Le travail de la bourse aux arbres consiste à éviter les coupes accompagnant les échanges de terres entre exploitants agricoles lors des remembrements. L’analyse par Léo Magnin de son fonctionnement montre une façon de gérer les conflits... more
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      Environmental SociologySociology of agricultureAnthropology Of NatureSociology of food and agriculture
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      SociologyParticipatory Action ResearchSociology of EnvironmentSociology of Development and Environmental Resource Management
Es mucho lo que se ha escrito acerca de la globalización y sus efectos sobre el medio ambiente, así que este capítulo pretende ser una compilación de algunos de sus efectos e impactos más destacados, de manera que pueda ser una... more
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      Globalisation and DevelopmentEnvironmental SustainabilitySociology of Environment
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      Environmental StudiesEnvironmental SustainabilitySociology of Environment
If the rise of literatures and activism around environmental justice and political ecology can be seen as marking the first and second movements of a revisionist wave moving through environmental studies, this book suggests that we can... more
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      Environmental StudiesEnvironmental PoliticsEnvironmental HumanitiesSociology of Environment
My aim is to conceptualize power using social science theory and to demonstrate why and how the concept of power can complement resilience studies and other analyses of social-ecological interaction. Social power as a scientific concept... more
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      Environmental SociologyPower (social)Political EcologyResilience
Climate change challenges established development planning in Zambia: floods and drought are expected to have a serious impact on the country’s development. However, climatic effects are not only felt through concrete effects, but also... more
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      Climate change policySociology of Environment
El objetivo del presente trabajo es contribuir al conocimiento del concepto de escala para la comprensión geográfica integral de los problemas de socio-ambientales en México. Este objetivo se lleva a cabo mediante la comparación de las... more
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      Environmental SociologySociology of EnvironmentGeografia SocialGeografia Ambiental
Media play a vital role in giving information to the viewers through presentation of different issues. In this study, environmental issues presented by media are determined by the viewers based on news content. This presentation created... more
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      PhilippinesEnvironmental IssuesSociology of EnvironmentSociology of Media
The book “Towards a just transition: coal, cars and the world of work “presents two faces of a just transition towards a net-zero carbon economy by drawing lessons from two carbon-intensive sectors: coal-based energy generation and the... more
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      Sociology of WorkClimate JusticeTrade unionsSociology of Environment
Bangladesh was not familiar with the uses of plastics as containers a few decades ago. However, in recent years, particularly its large cities like Dhaka have experienced a widespread and growing use of plastic products that posits the... more
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      Environmental SustainabilitySociology of Environment
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      Environmental SociologyEconomic SociologyHuman EcologyPolitical Sociology
A B S T R A C T This article examines the social and material politics of coal, focusing on mobilizations against opencast mining in the United Kingdom and Indonesia. Contested spaces and practices elicited by coal extraction provide... more
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      SociologyGeographyHuman GeographyPolitical Geography and Geopolitics
Resumen — Las problemática socio-ambiental de la Cuenca Matanza-Riachuelo es la más grave del país y una de las más graves del mundo. Sin embargo, su incorporación como objeto de políticas públicas ambientales se ha dado recién a mediados... more
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      Sociology of EnvironmentSociology of Law and Systems of Justice
Università degli Studi di Bologna - X Convegno Sociologi dell'Ambiente - Società globale, Città, Questione ambientale X Convegno nazionale dei Sociologi dell’Ambiente in ricordo di Fulvio Beato 18 e 19 Giugno 2015 Università di Bologna -... more
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    • Sociology of Environment
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      Social DemographyDemographyAfrican StudiesDevelopment Studies
The metropolization area of Dunkirk is obviously concern by industrial risk. By the way, the City and its suburbs along the seaside are among the most important industrial port zone in France within 13 sites that are classified as SEVESO... more
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      Environmental StudiesStakeholdersEnvironmental Policy and GovernanceSociology of Environment
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      Human GeographyEnvironmental MovementSociology of Environment
An intimate history of plastics, especially Bakelite and polystyrene

Links to the TEDx talk (San Francisco 2017) and documentary short (via FrankNew) inspired by American Petro-topia below
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      Environmental HistoryMemoirSociology of EnvironmentEnviornmental Health
English: The 'ecological question' is culturally subordinated to the languages of the natural sciences. The article aims to highlight his exquisitely anthropological character, in the framework of Ecology of the mind of Gregory Bateson... more
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      Ecological AnthropologyHuman-wildlife conflictsGregory BatesonRené Girard
Tesi di laurea in Sociologia del Diritto - Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Giurisprudenza
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      Environmental LawEnvironmental StudiesEnvironmental SustainabilitySociology of Environment
La propuesta consiste en diseñar, probar, validar y aplicar la metodología que permitirá la exitosa operación, en el mercado de bonos de captura de carbono, de una asociación de los ejidos asentados en los estados mexicanos de Quintana... more
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      Climate ChangeCommunity Engagement & ParticipationClimate change policyEnvironmental Management
Over the past decades, industrial societies have produced a range of substances whose effects humans increasingly identify as toxic—a prominent example is radioactive waste and the question of its disposal. This fabricated “object of... more
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      SociologyPosthumanismNature CultureNuclear Wastes Management
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    • Sociology of Environment
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      SociologyEnvironmental SociologySociology of EnvironmentEco-criticism
Dalla fine del secolo scorso, i movimenti sociali hanno ripensato radicalmente la questione agraria, decostruendo la visione classica che l'ha sistematicamente collocata nella gabbia teorica della modernizzazione agricola. In tale... more
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      Economic GeographyDevelopment StudiesPeasant StudiesFood Sovereignty
Excessive exploitation of marine resources by using traditional fishing gear by the Bajau-Laut (sea gypsies) community has an impact on sustainability around marine park conservation zones. Is it possible for the Bajau-Laut community to... more
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      Community DevelopmentQualitative Methodology (Sociology)Sociology of EnvironmentBajau People
La définition de la nature de la vie, ainsi que de sa physionomie, est, en quelque sorte, l'objet même du politique et de sa décision. Si une société sait comprendre et respecter la vie en elle-même, elle saura établir un rapport... more
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      SociologyEthicsSocial and Cultural AnthropologyBiopolitics
Call for papers Exit, Voice and Loyalty: Alternative Economic Models and Responses to Decline in Contemporary Society Poland, Warsaw, 21-22 May 2018 Guest speakers Barbara Czarniawska (University of Gothenburg) José Ossandón... more
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      SociologyEconomic SociologyPolitical SociologyEconomics
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      PsychologyEnvironmental ScienceEnvironmental EducationEnvironmental Health
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      Environmental SociologyEconomic SociologyHuman EcologyPolitical Sociology
En las tierras ejidales de los tres estados que conforman la Península de Yucatán viene realizándose -gratuitamente- la captura de importantes volúmenes de bióxido de carbono y de otros gases de efecto invernadero. Los ejidatarios y sus... more
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      Rural SociologySocial ChangeSustainable DevelopmentCarbon Dioxide
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      Computer ScienceSustainable Water Resources ManagementSociology of EnvironmentRassegna Italiana di Sociologia
Ce deuxième numéro du Volume 21 de VertigO, La revue électronique en sciences de l’environnement soulève une problématique générale portant sur les interrelations entre les sociétés humaines et leur environnement, et plus précisément sur... more
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      Sociology of EnvironmentVertigoécologie PolitiqueInterdisciplinarité
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      Environmental StudiesStakeholdersEnvironmental Policy and GovernanceSociology of Environment
La protección del entorno es un proceso de resurgimiento del medio ambiente en lo que concierne a la amenaza de la paz global y la seguridad emergente. Es un esfuerzo pluridimensional que involucra la seguridad mental, económica, social,... more
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      Network SecurityInternational SecurityPolitical ScienceSecurity Studies
Questo articolo si propone di dare un contributo all’analisi del ruolo del sindacato nella costruzione di una transi-zione energetica giusta, considerando i risultati di alcune recenti ricerche condotte sul tema a livello nazionale ed... more
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      Economic SociologySustainable DevelopmentSocio-Technical SystemsSociology of Environment
Öz Modernite öncesinde genel doğa paradigması, insanı doğanın bir parçası sayan ve doğayı kutsal kabul eden bir nitelikteydi. Fakat modernite ile birlikte, bu paradigma insanı doğanın hakimi sayan insan merkezci bir anlayışa doğru... more
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      SociologySocial MovementsSociology of ReligionEcology
In rural France, tree exchange systems seek to avoiding the felling that typically accompanies exchanges of parcels between farmers resulting from land-consolidation procedures. Leo Magnin's analysis of how this system operates reveals a... more
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      Environmental SociologyEthnographySociology of agricultureEnvironmental Anthropology
The oil spill incident is one of the worst ecological disasters caused by humans in the last century. The United States is no exception, which is one of the countries that have the most pipelines, oil refineries, and tankers in the world.... more
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      SociologySociology of Environment
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      AnthropologyAfricaSociology of Environment
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      AnthropologyAfricaSociology of Environment
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the socio-economic development policies of energy efficiency in Italy, in terms of impact on employment and professional expertise. In the light of policy objectives for energy efficiency, set both... more
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      Economic SociologySociology of WorkTraining and DevelopmentSustainable Development
En vertu de la « bonne condition agroenvironnementale » n° 7 (BCAE7), tout bénéficiaire d’une aide de la Politique agricole commune a depuis 2015 l’obligation de maintenir les haies qui sont présentes sur son exploitation. Cette règle,... more
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      Environmental SociologySociology of agricultureAgricultural PolicyAgroforestry