Sound Culture
Recent papers in Sound Culture
This article attempts to understand the fundamental principles of bell theology in Chinese religions: ideally cast by spiritual beings, bells emit sounds that are supposed to carry the message of the sacred texts far and wide, and are... more
Cast in Peking around 1420 and covered with rich religious inscriptions in Chinese and lantsa, the great Buddhist bell of the Yongle reign was first placed in the Wanshou temple from 1607 to 1743 and then in the Juesheng temple, where one... more
Sound may be conceived as a fleeting, yet patterned “sonic fabric” of place, which can partly be rooted in cultural practice. Which are the “symbolic orders” or “sonic regimes” that guide these social practices as well as the perception... more
Este libro es el primer tomo de la colección Instrumentos sonoros prehispánicos mayas, en él ofrecemos una propuesta de clasificación e interpretación de los artefactos sonoros maya, así como sus variantes de usos y contextos, en... more
What kind of research goes into the design, creation, and maintenance of a museum dedicated to the culture and history of sound? Now’s your chance to find out, as we unlock our Research Library and present the Museum of Portable Sound... more
Sonic singularities The article introduces the most important philosophical and musicological contexts of Jakub Momro's book "The ear has no eyelid. Sonic primordial scenes". The author of the book places the music and sonic practices of... more
En el terreno de las ciencias sociales el sonido, quizá por su percibida fugacidad, ha quedado tradicionalmente relegado como objeto de estudio. Pero, ¿podríamos realmente hablar de la existencia de una cultura sonora diferenciada? Y, en... more
This chapter contributes to the discussion of New Materialism through a focus on sound. The contention is that the sonic sensibility, articulated in sound practice and discourse, precedes and enables the concerns of New Materialism.... more
Luis Edgar Carrasco Filisola estudia este sonido «artificial», generado probablemente de manera involuntaria —por el estado aún precario de la tecnología, incapaz de suprimir el «ruido» provocado por la máquina— pero pronto integrado a un... more
The article investigates the mediation of homey ambiences or domestic atmospheres and their relation to the outdoors in film and media productions. The article examines how human mediation impacts the perception of site-specific ambient... more
Evolutionary Economists have modeled a cultural thermodynamics which allows for valuations of novelty in the form of creative works. These models can act as lenses through which the creation, modulations, and destructions of artistic... more
From the earliest days of sound recording technology shared a fraught relationship with the pre-modern cultures of South Asia, and in particular with traditional music and sounds. Imperial companies and colonial ethnographers introduced... more
As the covert and clandestine practices of states multiplied in the twentieth century, so did these practices' footprint in public life. This footprint is not just visual and material but sonic and aural, sounding the 'secret state' into... more
Este diplomado propone un abordaje transdisciplinario de los fenómenos del sonido y la escucha, situado en la intersección entre la socioantropología de los sentidos, la historia sensorial, la psicoacústica, las ciencias de la... more
Music has one of the most prominent functions in Chinese culture for over 3000 years. Music has been used for all life and death situations. Confucius believed that music is the best way to teach people about social and moral ethics, such... more
Recensione al libro "Black Noise. Tecnologie della diaspora sonora" di Brian D'Aquino
Los ciudadanos se manifiestan a través de actividades que emiten sonidos como el comercio, el transito, el ocio, el habla, además de los sonidos naturales de la fauna, la vegetación y el clima, son sonidos que la identifican a cualquier... more
The concept of phonosphere is presented and considered. The study of a soundscape or any conceptual sonic space is based on an understanding of its structure and specificity. We consider the definition and implementation of the concept in... more
This chapter is about listening, and more specifically about how listening isn’t singular but plural—or better, multiple. This is by no means a new idea, and throughout the following sections I trace how different authors and disciplines... more
"Freeze Frame" is a creative writing project that imagines a world in which cinema and the afterlife are inextricably linked. The world's last remaining cinema is attended by a group of curious youths and run by environmental refugees,... more
The chapter contributes to an understanding of the theology of sound and visuality. It explores two related spheres of Christian theology and biblical studies, principally: sound in the Bible and the Bible as sound. In particular, the... more
This interdisciplinary conference brings together scholars working on Asia to examine sound as an essential aspect of global cultural, social, political and technological change. Emotional, ephemeral and subjective, rather than concrete,... more
From the link between bird calls & human speech evolution, reconstructing an ancient Tamil harp, performance & politics in early Hindi film talkies, sonic imaging of ancient archaeological remains, and specialty music production with... more
A partir de una reconstrucción de cómo Maurice Merleau-Ponty explica la percepción y su función cognitivo-social, donde la percepción produce objetos perceptuales y culturales, se examinará a detalle cómo opera la percepción sonora.... more
What is the urban soundscape? Is it one unified entity? Is it something that we can describe accurately? In cities, or for that matter wherever infrastructure exists, is being built, modified and reimagined, do its sounds impact us? If we... more
Filmontologie der phonosphärischen Präsenz. Auditive Differenzierungen zwischen Zeichenpotenzialen und Leibaffektion
Wciąż nie do końca wiadomo, jak opisywać i oceniać dźwięk, skoro ściśle naukowe odkrycia fizyki są rażąco niewystarczalne, a w tym samym czasie tak zwana krytyka impresjonistyczna, oparta na indywidualnych wrażeniach słuchającego, nie ma... more
For this year’s ISSG conference (April 2022), we take inspiration from recent work that connects labor, the body, sound and listening. Please submit abstracts of no longer than 250 words to by February... more
Comment on Andrew Brandel's article : The Prosody of Social Ties
Poetry and Fleeting Moments in Global Berlin
Poetry and Fleeting Moments in Global Berlin
"Kad si mlađi i ne razumeš, drma te, ali uzmeš nešto i pročitaš, saznaš dalje, odlaziš u nevine teritorije. To je ta razlika između prošlog i sadašnjeg vremena, jer su nevine teritorije tada postojale, danas bi ti trebao elektronski... more
This article focuses on an analysis of the peculiarities of the Jerusalem sonic panorama. The flavor of the urban sonorities of Jerusalem soundscapes is a unique one, and it is revealed and discussed here in detail. Jerusalem's historical... more
Resumo: O interesse inicial deste artigo é problematizar algumas situações das pesquisas atuais sobre as sonoridades dos jogos eletrônicos para, em seguida, recobrar uma abordagem que articule comunicação, memória e cultura, na tentativa... more
This interdisciplinary conference brings together scholars working on Asia to examine sound as an essential aspect of global cultural, social, political and technological change. Emotional, ephemeral and subjective, rather than concrete,... more
The paper is conceived as a contribution to the theology of sound and visuality. It explores two related spheres of Christian theology and biblical studies: sound in the Bible and the Bible as sound. In particular, the discussion draws... more
The article makes a case for a pragmatist approach to sound studies. My starting point is the ostensible lack of language for analysing the agentic, creative and expressive aspects of sound outside of domains of speech and music. At the... more
I wrote this introduction to Stuart Hyatt, Janneane Blevins, and Benjamin Blevins, eds., Metaphonics: The Field Works Listener’s Guide (Heijningen, Netherlands: Jap Sam Books, 2018). It is also included in FIELD WORKS: THE COMPLETE FIELD... more
Literatuurwetenschapper Laurens Ham heeft met Op de Vuist een rijk boek over Nederlandse protestliedjes geschreven. Het boek is voor een breder publiek bedoeld, maar schuwt het academische niet. Het levert een prachtige bijdrage aan de... more
In 2003 a unique but severely damaged wax-cylinder recording of Evan Roberts (1878–1951), the charismatic figurehead of the Welsh religious revival of 1904-5, was discovered. The paper examines the making, restoration, and afterlife of... more
Dario Argentos Mordinszenierungen sind autonome Kunstwerke innerhalb seiner (Horror)Thriller und Gialli. Argento kombiniert ungewöhnliche Kameraarbeit, exzentrische Ausstattung, surreale Licht- und Farbregie und innovative Musikeinsätze... more
Call and Response - Issue Two / In Response to Julian Henriques Chara Stergiou - What is a "DJ Lecture"?: Uprooting Sovereignties of Knowledge Through Montaging Songs License: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License... more