Spanish archaeology
Recent papers in Spanish archaeology
In: Ancient fishing and fish processing in the Black Sea region. T. Bekker-Nielsen (ed.). Aarhus University Press: Aarhus, 2005: 47-82.
Digitized collection of public domain works on numismatics of Spain and Portugal Colección digitalizada de obras de dominio público en la numismática de España y Portugal Coleção digitalizada de domínio público funciona em numismática da... more
Moya-Maleno, P.R. (2006): “García y Bellido y la Arqueología del Campo de Montiel (Ciudad Real-Albacete): aproximación historiográfica”, en P.R. Moya (Ed.): Antonio García y Bellido. 1903-2003. Asgarbe. Villanueva de los Infantes. ISBN:... more
La arqueología histórica se ha centrado en el estudio del mundo moderno. El proyecto de investigación “Arqueología e Historia en la colonia española de Floridablanca” analiza una de las diversas trayectorias que siguió la... more
Entre los meses de marzo y junio de 2017 se descubrió y excavó de urgencia en el marco de una actuación de arqueología urbana una pequeña parte del yacimiento bajomedieval del Durdur, ubicado junto al río Tarafa, en el casco antiguo de... more
This paper presents for the first time a significant group of archaeological remains coming from the site named Los Concejiles (Lobón, Spain). All of them are surface findings where stand out the Late Bronze typical «Lapa do Fumo»... more
"[ES]: Se revisa la información disponible sobre los itinerarios de época romana a través de la Cordillera Cantábrica entre las actuales provincias de Asturias y León. El objetivo es cuestionar estos datos a la luz de recientes... more
This book, presented during the 2nd Conference of Archaeology in Extremadura (Mérida 2001), is a wide compilation of all the archaeological bibliography concerning this Spanish region published until the end of the 20th century. It... more
English abstract: Since the discovery in 1860 of La Pastora, one of the most beautiful and outstanding megalithic constructions of Iberia, the Copper Age and Bronze Age site of Valencina de la Concepción – Castilleja de Guzmán has... more
CONTENTS: Prefacio Prólogo (por Gonzalo Ruiz Zapatero) Introducción PARTE I: Historia de la arqueología en España Capítulo 1. La arqueología en España en los siglos XIX y XX: una visión de síntesis. Capítulo 2. Mujeres... more
DVD containing the Proceedings of the 6th Meeting of Southwestern Iberian Archaeology held in Villafranca de los Barros (Spain) in October 2012. These meetings are celebrated since 1993 with assistance of Spanish a and Portuguese... more
RESUMEN: Están documentados desde tiempos del naturalista francés Henri Breuil varios abrigos con arte rupestre esquemático en la sierra de Hornachos. A día de hoy siguen apareciendo nuevos yacimientos por toda la sierra con una gran... more
Julio Martínez Santa-Olalla (1905-1972), the Spanish Commissioner General of Archaeological Excavations (1939-1956) and acting Full Professor of Primitive History of Man at the University of Madrid (1939-1954), was an amateur... more
As a reaction against the so-called “Mercantile pattern”, the traditional explanation for the Phoenician colonization in the Iberian Peninsula, in recent times a series of interpretative alternate theories have been suggested. They can be... more
This paper proposes a new interpretation of the famous fourth century A.D. mosaic of the “Seven Sages” and the “Anger of Achilles”. Discovered in Merida in 1982, this mosaic was previously analyzed and interpreted by J.M. Aharez Martinez... more
The engraved stone plaques of prehistoric Iberia, discovered in hundreds of Neolithic megaliths, caves, and rockshelters throughout southwest Iberia, have enjoyed an enduring place in the imagination of archaeologists since the 19th... more
The aim of this article is to analyze the importance which the appearance of nationalism as a political doctrine had in the formation of archaeology as a scientific discipline in Spain. This question cannot be understood without first... more
García Atiénzar, Gabriel, Barciela González, Virginia, Santos da Rosa, Neemias and Díaz-Andreu García, Margarita 2022. Modelizando el paisaje: iconografía y percepción visual y sonora en el arte rupestre macroesquemático. Virtual... more
Excavations in the Western Flank of the surrounding external area of Cancho Roano main building. The archaeological works (1988-1992) evidenced the same disposition of 6 aligned rooms tested in the Northern Area excavations. The new rooms... more
Pero lo que sí es claro es que, un recorrido por estos fragmentos históricos de la muralla permitirá comprender el desarrollo histórico y urbanístico que ha tenido la ciudad desde su fundación a mediados del siglo IX por el emir... more
- by Paz Quiroz Rios
- Spanish archaeology, Medieval archeology, landscape archeology, Al-Andalus, Arqueologia medieval. Al-Andalus. Arqueología Hispanomusulmana. Califato. Medina de Toledo. Reino taifa de toledo. Hábitar rural. Granjas. Norias. Agricultura. Agricultura de irrigación. Ganaderia. Campo de Criptana. Ciudad Real
"In 2005, a fully backfilled 19.4 metres deep water well was found inside the Menga dolmen, causing an enormous surprise among the scientific community, as there was no knowledge of the existence of such structure, which is unparalleled.... more
In this article I agree with those who see shamanism as a religious technique rather than a type of religion. As a religious technique the similarities in shamanic religious practices all over the world " can be seen as deriving from the... more
Proceedings of the second scientific meeting Sidereum Ana (Mérida, May 2008) dedicated to the Late Bronze Age along the Guadiana Valley. Many important sites such Alarcos, Medellín or Ratinhos with several novelties are treated.... more
The Regional Prehistoric Museum of Merida (Praemerita) is one of the most important museographic collections for the Extremenian Prehistory. It was formed by a group of local outsiders by over 30 years and then donated to the Ayuntamiento... more