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Matt 1:17 indicates that Jesus' genealogy is formed by three series of fourteen generations; however, this total number of generations does not match the preceding list in Matt 1:2-16. Interpreters have proposed multiple ways to... more
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      Reader ResponseGospel of MatthewJesus ChristStanley Fish
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      Law and PoliticsConventionsLegal PragmatismIrish Constitutional Law
This book review is for Essays on the Medieval and the Renaissance: Things Old and New co-edited by Ágnes Matuska and Larisa Kocic-Zámbó. The volume is a fresh rethinking of things old and new in both Medieval and Renaissance literatures... more
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      MedievalismMedieval English LiteratureDramaRenaissance drama
Academic writing classes typically focus on "real world" content. A model essay of a particular type (e.g., cause & effect) is introduced, analyzed and then "applied" to a particular real world topic (e.g., climate change). While such... more
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      Teaching WritingStanley FishESL/EFL WritingHenry Widdowson
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      HermeneuticsReader ResponseBiblical InterpretationStanley Fish
An introduction to the Epic genre focussing on how Milton's Paradise Lost relates to its Homeric, Virgilian and Dantean predecessors.
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      HomerDante StudiesAeneidJohn Milton
The aim of this essay is to illustrate the concept of reader-response criticism as presented by Stanley Fish in Literature in the Reader: Affective Stylistics. I shall define the main ideas that this type of interpretation has brought to... more
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      Critical TheoryReader ResponseReader-Response TheoryStanley Fish
The aim of this thesis is to clarify the role that female interpreters in Britain played at an early stage in the canonisation of William Shakespeare. Shakespeare, one of the popular playwrights in English Renaissance theatre, became... more
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      Intellectual HistoryCultural HistoryGender StudiesEnglish Literature
Die hier vorgelegte Arbeit versucht im Wesentlichen zwei Forschungs-desiderate aufzuarbeiten und Asymmetrien in der bisherigen Auseinander-setzung mit diesen Bereichen auszugleichen: - Es lässt sich ein markanter Kontrast beobachten... more
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      Reception StudiesReception TheoryAudience and Reception StudiesReader Response
Esta contribución, empezando con la confrontación de Is There a Text in This Class? de Stanley Fish, aspira a reproponer la relevancia de la experiencia estética del texto literario como una premisa de la interpretación y la modalidad de... more
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      Reader ResponseUmberto EcoStanley Fish
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      Literary TheoryReader ResponseNew CriticismStanley Fish
Can we think of a Benedictine cloister around the year 1000 as reminiscent of a modern prison or a mental asylum? Was the monastery a medieval type of Erving Goffman's 'total institution' or Benthanian panopticon thoroughly structuring... more
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      Critical TheoryReflexivityPersonhood as RelationalMichel Foucault
In “Responding to Religious Patients: Why Physicians Have No Business Doing Theology,” Jake Greenblum and Ryan Hubbard draw from John Rawls’s Political Liberalism and its central concept of “public reason” to argue that physicians have a... more
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      BioethicsMedical EducationMedical EthicsJohn Rawls
Although Wolfgang Iser is one of the most influential literary theorists of the twentieth century, there is no authoritative study about his oeuvre. The present work remedies that problem by analysing Iser’s German and English writings in... more
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      Critical TheoryBritish LiteratureCultural StudiesRecursion Theory
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      Plato and PlatonismStanley Fish
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      Interpretive CommunitiesStanley Fish
The First is an intervention into the present-day free speech controversies that begs for our attention. Unfortunately, Fish’s new book does little to clarify the issues and in fact only compounds them by introducing a parade of specious... more
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      Academic FreedomFirst Amendment Law (USA)Free SpeechPostmodernism
An early preview of the arguments I'm developing for a  book on Criticism and Politics.
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      DisciplineUniversityBill ReadingsStanley Fish
If liberalism is premised on inclusion, pluralism, and religious neutrality, can the separation of church and state be said to have a unitary and rational foundation? If we accept that there are no self-evident principles of morality or... more
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      John DeweyRichard RortyJohn RawlsSeparation of Church and State
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      Literary StylisticsLiterary TheoryReader ResponseJohn Milton
Er(r)go, czym jest druga strona dyskursu? Oczywistością, oczekującą odkrycia, czy po-dwójną, bo konstruowaną, nieoczywistością metafory i entymemy? Świat jako stabilny, choć ciągle odległy cel poznania, czy jako hipotetyczny projekt... more
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      ConstructivismLiterary TheoryAnthropology Of LiteraturePostmodernism
An analysis of Stanley Fish's interpretive communities
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      Reader ResponseReader-Response TheoryStanley Fish
In the face of the growing influence of postmodern culture, the Christian Church is wrestling with new ideas which relativize meanings of texts, sometimes in alarming ways. This thesis is an effort to reconcile relativity of meaning in... more
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      Theories of MeaningHermeneuticsMartin HeideggerHans-Georg Gadamer
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      Mythology And FolkloreSpiritual EcologySpace and PlaceUtopian Studies
This paper uses the example of an extra-curricular Graphic Novel Reading Group in order to explore the institutional critical reading practices that take place in English classrooms in the senior years of secondary school. Drawing on... more
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      Comics and Graphic NovelsCritical Reading (Education)Extracurricular ActivitiesStanley Fish
Este trabalho analisa se, no Brasil, pode haver uma relação entre o quanto a liberdade de expressão é valorizada e o quanto a liberdade política é exercida, especialmente considerando a pervasividade contemporânea da internet. O World... more
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      John Stuart MillCiencia PoliticaStanley FishParticipação Política
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      PragmatismHermeneuticsStanley FishTalmud and Rabbinics
L’Affaire est la suivante : tout commence par une « catastrophe de la fortune », ou plutôt une avalanche de « catastrophes de la fortune ». C’est le beau nom que Lamartine donne aux terribles déboires financiers qui l’étranglent et, au... more
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      Critical TheoryFrench LiteratureLiterary CriticismCritical Discourse Analysis
Jurga-Wosik E., Paczos S., Rosicki R. (red.) (2014), W poszukiwaniu polityczności, Poznań.
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      Political TheoryLiterary TheoryInterpretationStanley Fish
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      Literary CriticismLiterary TheoryJohn MiltonEnglish Renaissance Literature
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      PsychoanalysisLiterary CriticismDeconstructionLiterary Theory
Berna Köseoğlu – Metin Toprak, Kocaeli Öz 20. yüzyılın ikinci yarısından itibaren edebiyat alanında önemli bir paradigma değişikliğinin gerçekleştiği söylenebilir. Bu değişiklik genel olarak edebiyat kuram ve eleştirilerinin o güne kadar... more
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      Wolfgang IserStanley FishNorman HollandEdebiyat Kuramları ve Eleştiri
Lecteur modèle, lecteurs empiriques et tensions interprétatives dans l'oeuvre de Michel Houellebecq / Raphaël Baroni, in journée d'études "Le lecteurs et ses autres (2)" organisée, sous la responsabilité scientifique de Marie-Josée... more
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      Reception StudiesReception TheoryNarrativeLiterary Criticism
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      HermeneuticsLiterary TheoryRoland BarthesInterpretation
On his New York Times "Think Again" blog, Stanley Fish has added new fuel to an old debate on the relevance of the humanities for moral improvement and for the cultivation of the citizen virtues. Fish, to some extent the liberal... more
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      PhilosophySpeculative PhilosophyStanley Fish
SUMMARY The aim of this chapter is to employ the concept of " interpretive communities " as developed by Stanley Fish, a noted contemporary literary critic, as a tool for accounting for the patriarchal biases in selected Qur'anic... more
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      Islamic LawMuslim Family LawTheological HermeneuticsBiblical Studies
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      Literary TheoryDonald DavidsonInterpretationStanley Fish
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      Music TheoryPolitical PhilosophyPopular MusicBrazilian Studies
Kiedy w ostatnim rozdziale powieści Gwiazda daleka Roberta Bolaño pojawia się Bruno Schulz, utwór na chwilę zyskuje znamiona opisywanej przez Todorova niezwykłości. Krótki fragment, w którym bohater czyta dzieła zebrane drohobyckiego... more
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      Literary TheoryReadingIntertextualityReader Response
The short version is this - reader response theories are essential to explaining what Christians have called 'the clarity of Scripture' although the idea is threatening to most. When we speak of Scripture’s clarity we refer to the... more
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      HermeneuticsTheological HermeneuticsTheological Interpretation of Christian ScriptureHistory of Biblical Interpretation
This book explores the nature of artistic and literary imagination, creativity, aesthetic experience, and genius, while offering a critique of the post-structuralist assault on transcendent values. This involves distinguishing between... more
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      Discourse AnalysisReligionPhilosophyKant
Sözlü iletişim ortamında vukû bulan dinleme alışkanlıklarından okuma pratiğine geçerken, bir dinleyiciden okura evrilen her okur, Kafka’nın ünlü hikâyesinin adı değiştirilerek söylenecek olursa artık yazının önündedir.... more
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      Print CultureReception TheoryOrality-Literacy StudiesHermeneutics
The Biblical World is a comprehensive guide to the contents, historical settings, and social context of the Bible. This new edition is updated with several new chapters as well as a new section on biblical interpretation. Contributions... more
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      Literary CriticismLiberation TheologyLatin American Liberation TheologyBlack Liberation Theology
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      ClassicsGreek LiteratureSecond SophisticLiterary Criticism
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      Critical TheoryDiscourse AnalysisSociologyAnthropology
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      Self ConsciousnessJudicial Decision-MakingSelf-awarenessInterpretive Communities
Stanley Fish is the major American theorist of post-structuralist reader-response criticism, and contributed to the extension to literary studies of the pragmalinguistic theory of speech acts. His critique of formalist linguistics has... more
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      SemioticsLiterary TheorySpeech actsLiterary pragmatics
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      Reception TheoryLiterary TheoryReadingReader-Response Theory
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      Cultural StudiesPolitical TheoryLiteratureLiterary Criticism