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La sharía y el derecho islámico son dos referentes fundamentales para la organización y supervivencia de las comunidades musulmanas en los países occidentales. Les han permitido configurar de una manera informal, pero decisiva, los... more
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      Muslim Family LawLegal PluralismMuslim MinoritiesMuslims in Europe
هذا الكتاب يرصد هذا الكتاب مدى ما وصل إليه الإفساد التشريعى الممنهج الذي تم في مصر، من خلال التعديلات التي تم إجراءها على القوانين المصرية المعنية بالأسرة والمرأة والطفل خلال الفترة من عام 1979 حتى عام 2009. وقد استندت تلك التعديلات إلى... more
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      Islamic LawFamily studiesFamily LawMuslim Family Law
In this article, we would like to provide a general overview of Egyptian personal status law as it stands after the various changes it went through during the last twenty years. Attempts to reform personal status were initiated and... more
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      Legal HistoryMuslim Family LawEgyptArab world
Divorce is not uncommon among Muslims in Senegal and tends to take place outside of court, even if the Senegalese Family Code has made out-of-court divorce illegal. Yet little is known about how women in particular may obtain divorce... more
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      Family LawIslam in AfricaMuslim Family LawSenegal
This document contains the annotated and updated statutes on Family Law in Pakistan.
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      Family LawMuslim Family Law
This research explores the influence of Islamic spirituality on Muslim women’s entrepreneurship in Malaysia, showing the effects of spirituality on their careers, business ventures and general entrepreneurial behavior. An empirical study... more
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      Marriage & Family TherapyMuslim Family LawWomen's EntrepreneurshipSOCIAL & EMOTIONAL WELLBEING OF CHILDREN
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      Sociology of ReligionFamily studiesWomen's RightsMuslim Family Law
Women's right under Family Law pertaining to Marriage, Divorce etc
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      Muslim Family LawSyariah
The recent proposed Muslim Women (Protection of Rights on Marriage) Bill 2017 has raised the new issues, which were long due to Muslim women in India. It has not only criminalised the practice of instant tin talaq (divorce), but also... more
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      SociologyGeographyGender StudiesPolitical Philosophy
Many Jewish and Muslim women in New Jersey too often suffer grave consequences of litigating with husbands who want to punish them for seeking divorce or for demanding their financial marital rights. Such malevolent husbands often use... more
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      Jewish LawFamily LawMuslim Family LawMuslim Women's Religiousity
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      Social WorkLegal EducationFamily LawMuslim Family Law
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      Islamic LawInternational LawMuslim Family LawIslamic Studies
Der vorliegende Artikel befasst sich mit der Regulierung des islamischen Rechts durch Zivilgerichte in Griechenland und Israel.
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      Islamic LawMuslim Family LawIsrael/PalestineGreece
The cases of Israel and Palestine offer a particularly interesting vantage point for analyzing ‘uses of the past’. Both states’ legal trajectories follow from developments in the late Ottoman and British Mandate (1922–1948) periods, and... more
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      Islamic LawIsrael StudiesWomen's RightsMuslim Family Law
Abstract: Rasulullah(S) could have easily gotten multiple gorgeous women as his wives or concubines had he so desired. However, except Ayesha, all his wives were divorced, widowed, or slaves. All of these marriages were divinely ordained... more
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      Islamic LawFamily studiesReligion and PoliticsMarriage & Family Therapy
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      Jewish StudiesMuslim Family LawJewish HistoryMarriage and Divorce
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      Family LawIslamic Contemporary StudiesMuslim Family LawIslamic Studies
Preface + Contents
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      Islamic LawComparative LawMuslim Family LawChild Law
Seminární práce zabývající se problematikou muslimských žen žijících v Indonésii. Práce se zaměřuje především na otázku manželství a rodinného života. This seminar paper deals with the issue of muslim women in Indonesia and is focused... more
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      Muslim Family LawWomen and gender in Muslim societiesIndonésie
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      Islamic LawFamily LawMuslim Family LawSharia
https://www.ciadoslivros.com.br/a-psicanalise-e-os-lestes-1076661-p685509 APRESENTAÇÃO PREFÁCIO Paulo SCHILLER O ANALISTA E OS BÁRBAROS Paulo Sérgio de SOUZA JR. A POSSIBILIDADE DE UMA PSICANÁLISE LACANIANA EM LÍNGUA ÁRABE... more
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      LanguagesHistoryCultural StudiesPsychoanalysis
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      Family LawMuslim Family LawSyria
This article considers the inclusion of the best interests of the child standard in the family law regimes of Bahrain, Qatar, and the United Arab Emirates, as well as its implications for our understanding of families in the Gulf region.... more
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      Islamic LawComparative LawMuslim Family LawChild Law
Key words: legality of Muslim marriage, marriage registration, metriki,  Islamic family law, transformation of shari'a, Russian empire
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      Islamic LawWomen's StudiesDocumentationReligion and Sexuality
📝 MUSLIM FAMILY LAW (BANGLADESH) 📝মুসলিম পারিবারিক আইন (বাংলাদেশ) 🖋 A Comprehensive Discussion on Muslim Family Law in Bangladesh- Written by Advocate Shoaib Rahman URL-... more
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      Muslim Family LawMuslim Law
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      Islamic LawMoroccan StudiesFamily LawMuslim Family Law
The article discusses amendments to the Moroccan family law legislation. The author analyzes the provisions of Mudawana, which is the Moroccan Code of Personal Status, adopted in 2004. Moreover, the author provides analysis of public... more
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      Islamic LawFamily LawMuslim Family LawMudawanna
مع تصاعد هيمنة الغرب على المؤسسات الدولية، واجتياح العولمة الغربية للخصوصيات الثقافية والقيمية لمجتمعاتنا فيسبعينيات القرن العشرين، بدأ اقتحام الغرب لحرمات الأسرة المسلمة، وانتهاك مقدسات منظومة قِيَمِهَا التي وضعها الإسلام، حتى غدت الهجمة... more
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      Islamic LawMuslim Family LawIslamic Studiesfamily laws of Muslim states
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      Islamic LawFamily LawMuslim Family LawInheritance Law
Across history, different societies have exhibited considerable ethnographic, legal, and socio-political similarities in marital and familial customs and patterns. Religio-legal norms and institutions have integrated pre-existing... more
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      Jewish LawCanon LawFamily LawMuslim Family Law
This study examines the growth of a progressive religious Muslim activism among Palestinian women in Israel and the challenges it poses to the religious patriarchy and colonial power structures. Based on semistructured interviews with a... more
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      Muslim Family LawIsrael/PalestineGender EqualityIslamic Studies
The Journal of Islamic Faith and Practice is a new, online, double-blind, peer reviewed, interdisciplinary journal ‎published by Indiana University and sponsored by the Islamic Seminary Foundation (ISF). Produced annually, this ‎journal... more
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      SociologySocial PsychologyBlack Studies Or African American StudiesIslamic Law
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      Domestic ViolenceMuslim Family LawIslamic StudiesMarriage and Divorce
Acknowledgment and Legitimacy under Muslim Law
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      Family LawMuslim Family Law
يستقر تعريف كلمة "العنف" في الوجدان العربي والمسلم بأنه: الشِّدّة، والقسوة، ومجانبة الرفق في القول والعمل... إلخ، لكن في المواثيق الدولية الخاصة بالمرأة والطفل - والتي تصدرها الأمم المتحدة - يحمل مصطلح العنف ضد المرأة - والمصطلحات... more
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      Islamic LawFamily studiesFamily LawMuslim Family Law
The Muslim populous of the UK now numbers almost 3 million people. In this context, with empirical research estimating that 30% of Muslim marriages are not legally valid, there is a clear lacuna between the law and practice. Much has been... more
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      Family LawMuslim Family LawEnglish lawShariah
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      Family LawPrivate International LawMuslim Family LawPrivate International Family Law
persian linguistic influences in english ,filipino, arabic and in the holy quran
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      American LiteratureHistoryAmerican HistoryCultural History
This is a slightly revised version of my article entitled “The Custody of Children in the Muslim Law of Sri Lanka” published in (1979) Meezan 23. Meezan is an annual publication of the Muslim Majlis of the Sri Lanka Law College, and has... more
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      Islamic LawMuslim Family LawEquality and DiversitySri Lanka
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      Family studiesMarriage & Family TherapyMuslim Family LawIslamic Education
Given the intense political scrutiny of Islam and Muslims, which often centres on gendered concerns, Islam and Gender: Major Issues and Debates is an accessible and comprehensive introduction to the key topics, problems and debates in... more
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      Islamic LawGender StudiesPhilosophy Of ReligionSex and Gender
"La famiglia nell'Islam. Dal fidanzamento al matrimonio, il nucleo familiare, sessualità, poligamia e divorzio".

Elaborato per il seminario "Conoscere l'Islam: un dialogo difficile e necessario"
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      Children and FamiliesFamily LawSexualityDialogue
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      Muslim Family LawEnforcement and Recognition of Foreign Judgments and Arbitral AwardsIslamic Family Lawοικογενειακό δίκαιο
"إن الأسرة بمعناها الإنساني المتحضر، لم يعد لها وجود إلا في المجتمعات الإسلامية، رغم التخلف الذي تشهده هذه المجتمعات في شتى المجالات الأخرى". وردت هذه العبارة في التقرير الصادر عن هيئة الأمم المتحدة عام 1975م بمناسبة العام العالمي للمرأة.... more
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      Islamic LawFamily LawMuslim Family LawIslamic Studies
Guide to Tarawih Prayer at Home for Women its better for woman to pray inside But that does not mean that you (female) cannot pray at the mosque. Especially if the benefits are great, such as listening to tawsiah, more enthusiastic and... more
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      Islamic LawIslamic Contemporary StudiesMuslim Family LawIslamic Education
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      Family LawMuslim Family LawPrivate lawMarriage
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      ReligionAbrahamic ReligionsSociologyPolitical Sociology
Первый специализированный библиографический указатель по мусульманскому и обычному праву мусульманских народов на русском языке. Указатель охватывает монографии, статьи и авторефераты кандидатских и докторских диссертаций, опубликованные... more
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      Islamic LawBibliographyMuslim Family LawIslamic Jurisprudence