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The main objective of this work is the evaluation, by means of the finite element method (FEM) of the mechanical stability and long-term microstructural modifications in bone induced to three different kinds of fractures of the distal... more
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      DentistryBiomedical EngineeringBiomechanicsFinite element method
Physiological studies have shown that focal articular surface defects in the human knee may progress to degenerative arthritis. Although the risk of this evolutive process is multifactorial, defect size is one of the most important... more
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      Computer GraphicsMagnetic Resonance ImagingFinite element methodFinite Element Analysis
The model of inclined seam excavation is established acc ording to the deformation characteristics of inclined seam and the principles of FEA. It carried out numerical s imulation method to research rock mass movement, surface subsidence... more
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      Finite element methodStress fieldFinite ElementFinite Element Analysis (FEA)
Metamorphic segregation is defined here as rhe formation and growth of bands or domains of different bulk compositions within an originally unbanded rock. It can result from an instability arising in some deforming rocks when diffusion... more
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      GeologyGeochemistrySilicaStress distribution
In the prediction of bone remodelling processes after total hip replacement (THR), modelling of the subject-specific geometry is now state-of-the-art. In this study, we demonstrate that inclusion of subject-specific loading conditions... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringBiomedical EngineeringBiomechanicsTreatment Outcome
Laboratory testing of rectangular beams using a synthetic rock was used to investigate the onset of dilation and spalling. The beams are axially compressed and subjected to 4-point bending to provide non-uniform compressive stresses. The... more
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      Civil EngineeringMaterials ScienceRock MechanicsModeling
SUMMARY Disc-shaped specimens are frequently tested in order to establish an understanding of the properties of ceramic material. In this study three-dimensional finite element stress analysis has been used to investigate the loading... more
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      DentistryBiomedical EngineeringFinite Element AnalysisPorosity
Controversy remains over the rehabilitation of implant-supported restorations regarding the need to splint adjacent implant-supported crowns. This study compared the effects of simulated occlusal loading of three implants restored with... more
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      DentistryBiomedical EngineeringDental ImplantsBite force
The Brazilian test is the most used test to determine the indirect tensile strength for brittle materials like concrete. ... ........ The results showed that to obtain a meaningful and validated test with the most accurate indirect... more
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      MathematicsConcreteMechanical Behavior Of MaterialsApplied Sciences
The fatigue crack initiation from a surface defect is analysed by means of a new attempt based on multiscale reduction of the stress distribution along the potential crack initiation plane. The reduction is performed by averaging process... more
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      Materials EngineeringCondensed Matter PhysicsComputational Materials ScienceNumerical Simulation
In this work a qualitative analysis of the stress distribution of a cross section of the medial condyle of a human femur by photoelasticity is presented. A model of the cross section was obtained by plaster casting, carefully maintaining... more
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      Stress analysisTrabecular BoneQualitative AnalysisCross Section
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      Materials EngineeringMechanical EngineeringCivil EngineeringFailure Analysis
The horizontal compressive stress orientations for Mandapeta field in Krishna-Godavari (K-G) basin had been calculated from borehole breakout data using four-arm dipmeter caliper logs. The minimum horizontal stress magnitude for Mandapeta... more
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      Earth SciencesGeologyStressFinite Element Modeling
Fibre-reinforced plates and shells are finding an increasing interest in engineering applications. Consequently, efficient and robust computational tools are required for the analysis of such structural models. As a matter of fact, a... more
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      Materials EngineeringFinite ElementShear StressStructure Analysis
A simple practical equivalent continuum numerical model previously presented by Sitharam et al. (Int. J. Rock Mech. Min. Sci. 38 (2001) 437) for simulating the behaviour of jointed rock mass has been incorporated in the commercial finite... more
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      Civil EngineeringRock MechanicsNumerical AnalysisNumerical Modelling
Laboratory experiments on undisturbed specimens of a large number of soft clay deposits, as well as previous measurements on clays and granular soils, were used to examine and explain the magnitude and behavior of the coefficient of earth... more
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      Environmental EngineeringCivil EngineeringGeologySAND
The prediction of refractories thermal shock behavior can be estimated on two basis: heat transfer conditions andror Ž fracture mechanics concept. Materials considered in our analysis were alumina based refractories with different Al O q... more
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      EngineeringHeat TransferHeat transfer coefficientCHEMICAL SCIENCES
In this paper, the numerical solution of the hypersingular integral equation using the body force method in cucved crack problems is presented. In the body force method, the stress fields induced by two kinds of standard set of force... more
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      Materials EngineeringMechanical EngineeringCivil EngineeringFracture
This paper presents an investigation into the sharpness of a surgical scalpel blade. An experiment was carried out in which a surgical scalpel blade was pushed through an elastomeric substrate at a constant velocity. The... more
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      Finite Element AnalysisCuttingFinite Element ModelStress distribution
A set of constitutive laws for describing functionally graded materials behaviour during entire sintering process was developed. It can be used to get stress distribution arising during sintering and cooling as well as to check various... more
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      Materials EngineeringCondensed Matter PhysicsComputational Materials ScienceKinetics
In the design of concrete structures, estimation of the deflection of the structural members under the service loads is often a critical factor. Strains and displacements are linked to the tension stiffening effect, which is not... more
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      Civil EngineeringComposite Materials and StructuresExperimental StudyReinforced concrete
Objectives: Teeth, adhesively restored with resin-based materials, were modeled by 3D-®nite elements analysis that showed a premature failure during polymerization shrinkage and occlusal loading.
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      EngineeringPolymersDental MaterialsElasticity
The characteristics of all heterogeneous polymer systems including composites containing either micro or nanofillers are determined by four factors: component properties, composition, structure and interfacial interactions. The most... more
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      EngineeringSurface modificationResearch and DevelopmentSpecific surface area
Time-lapse traveltime shifts of reflection events recorded above hydrocarbon reservoirs can be used to monitor production-related compaction and pore-pressure changes. Existing methodology, however, is limited to zero-offset rays and... more
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      GeophysicsFirst-Order LogicAnisotropic mediaTravel Time
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of endodontic and restorative treatment on the fracture resistance of posterior teeth. Materials and Methods: Fifty intact premolars were selected and randomly placed into five groups (n =... more
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      DentistryProsthodonticsFinite Element AnalysisComputer Simulation
The ability of the microbond technique to characterise changes in the physico-chemical structure of the interface between ®bre and matrix has been checked using eight epoxyde/glass ®bre systems differing by their matrix chemistry, ®bre... more
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      EngineeringAdhesionPolymerCHEMICAL SCIENCES
This paper presents the results obtained in a failure analysis study carried out in cast steel railway couplings of the trains of one coal transportation line. A significant number of failures have occurred in these components which led... more
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      Materials EngineeringMechanical EngineeringCivil EngineeringFailure Analysis
OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to analyse micromotion and stress distribution at the connections of implants and four types of abutments: internal hexagonal, internal octagonal, internal conical and trilobe. METHODS: A three... more
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      AlgorithmsDentistryStatistical AnalysisComputer Aided Design
An overview is presented of the development of residual stresses in thermal spray coatings and their effects on interfacial debonding. The main experimental techniques for measurement of residual stresses are briefly described, with... more
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      Materials EngineeringMechanical EngineeringThermal Spray CoatingNumerical Method
The blanking of thin sheet (0.1±1 mm) of mild steel has been analysed using an elastic±plastic ®nite element method based on the incremental theory of plasticity. The blank diameters are considered in the range 1±4 mm. The study has... more
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      Materials EngineeringMechanical EngineeringMaterialsFinite element method
Sommario Il presente lavoro trae origini da una rottura verificatasi su un ingranaggio forgiato di grosse dimensioni. Poiché le indagini microstrutturali e microfrattografiche condotte sul manufatto non hanno evidenziato particolari... more
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      Heat TreatmentPhase TransformationMicrostructuresResidual Stress
Frame Seismic behavior Ductility Finite element analysis (FEA) model Mechanical behavior a b s t r a c t
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      Civil EngineeringFinite Element AnalysisDuctilityFrame
The aim of this study was to assess the influence of cusp inclination on stress distribution in implant-supported prostheses by 3D finite element method. Materials and Methods: Three-dimensional models were created to simulate a... more
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      DentistryProsthodonticsComputer Aided DesignTitanium
Purpose: To assess whether splinting can counterbalance the detrimental effects of varying the crown-to-implant (C/I) ratio and crown height space (CHS) by decreasing nonaxial overload stresses. Materials and Methods: Three implants were... more
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      DentistryBite forceOral and Maxillofacial SurgeryAnalysis of Variance
The paper deals with the modelling of riveted joints in aircraft structures with Finite Element Method. Presented works were carried out within Eureka project No. E!3496 called IMPERJA. The goal of the IMPERJA project is to increase the... more
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      Finite element methodLinear ModelService LifeResidual Stress
d e n t a l m a t e r i a l s 2 6 ( 2 0 1 0 ) 83-90 a v a i l a b l e a t w w w . s c i e n c e d i r e c t . c o m j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w . i n t l . e l s e v i e r h e a l t h . c o m / j o u r n a l s / d e m a A... more
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      EngineeringScanning Electron MicroscopyDental MaterialsFinite Element Analysis
In general the stress calculations in interference-fit designs are estimated by using conventional equations. In the event that the parts show an elastic-plastic behaviour the process becomes more complicated. In this study, the stress... more
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      Heat TransferFinite element methodDimensional AnalysisStress analysis
A finite element analysis model for the post-local buckling behaviour of cold-formed steel (CFS) members subjected to axial compression has been developed. The finite element model consists of a Total Lagrangian nonlinear 9-node “assumed... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringCivil EngineeringAerospace EngineeringFinite Element
Reduction of the recoil forces on shotgun parts and even effects on the human body are a considerable importance during design of the semi-automatic shotgun parts. These forces are strongly affected by the dynamics of motion of rifle... more
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      Materials EngineeringMechanical EngineeringCivil EngineeringFinite Element
This paper describes the design, kineostatic and safety analysis of a two legged mobile robot that can climb from one surface to another surface by using suction cups. Three artificial constraint equations are derived to create the... more
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      Distributed ComputingComputer SoftwareMobile RobotSafety analysis
This paper describes a first principles, three-dimensional, wafer scale model that relates chemical mechanical polishing (CMP) non-uniformity (NU) to the distribution of Von Mises stress on the wafer surface. The model describes... more
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      EngineeringTechnologyPhysical sciencesFinite Element Model
Mohr-Coulomb soil model 3D finite element models Capacity of laterally loaded piles Efficiency of fins a b s t r a c t A three-dimensional analysis of laterally loaded fin piles is presented. The behaviour of fin piles is difficult to... more
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      EngineeringFinite Element AnalysisFinite Element ModelThree Dimensional
Slope failure is very common phenomenon in hilly regions, especially in young techno active mountainous like Himalayas. It is hazardous because of the accompanying progressive movement of the slope-forming material. In order to minimize... more
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      PsychologyNatural HazardsNumerical AnalysisFailure Analysis
This paper reviews the design and application of paste backfill in underground hard rock mines used as ground support for pillars and walls, to help prevent caving and roof falls, and to enhance pillar recovery for improved productivity.... more
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      Civil EngineeringRheologySoil MechanicsMine backfilling
CFR-PEEK (carbon fiber reforced-poly ether ether ketone) has been demonstrated to be excellent substitute titanium in orthopedic applications and can be manufactured with many physical, mechanical, and surface properties, in several... more
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      Materials EngineeringBiomedical EngineeringCarbonMaterials
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      Oxidation of MetalsHigh TemperatureStress distributionStress Distribution
Current design provisions comprise broadly described information for the detailing of reinforcement around the openings of pierced shear walls. To address this deficiency, the load capacity and stress distribution around the openings were... more
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      Civil EngineeringStructural EngineeringThree DimensionalStress distribution
This paper reviews the design and application of paste backfill in underground hard rock mines used as ground support for pillars and walls, to help prevent caving and roof falls, and to enhance pillar recovery for improved productivity.... more
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      Civil EngineeringRheologySoil MechanicsMine backfilling
Ridge-buckle defects in cold rolled thin strip originate from the formation of ridges in hot rolled coil and corresponding ridges left in the strip following annealing, cold rolling and tempering. A numerical solution was developed to... more
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      Three DimensionalStress distributionStress DistributionNumerical Solution
A numerical analysis of ®lament-reinforced internally pressurized cylindrical vessels with over-wrapped metallic liner is presented. The method uses the load-bearing liner approach and leak-before-rupture as design criteria. The structure... more
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      EngineeringNumerical AnalysisFinite Element AnalysisComposite structures