Takaful (islamic Insurance)
Recent papers in Takaful (islamic Insurance)
أول بحث يتحدث عن الفروق المحاسبية بين التأمين التقليدي والتأمين الإسلامي
The aim of this research is to examine the factors affecting adoption of Takaful (Islamic Insurance) in the Maldives. Descriptive and explanatory research design was adopted in this research and a cross sectional survey methods using a... more
Takaful (Islamic insurance) has been widely accepted as an alternative to conventional insurance and offered in many Muslim and non-Muslim countries. The unique feature of Takaful is that is suitable and acceptable for anyone regardless... more
Takaful business is a kind of insurance activity within the framework of Shari'ah. To be Shari'ah compliant Takaful operator, it needs to consider not only on the conventional aspect like conventional insurance, but also must take into... more
Some muslim scholars tend to suggest that waqf model is the best model to be applied in the operation of a modern takaful institution. This assignment will explained clearly what is the modus operandi of this model and what are the... more
Перевод книги Р.И. Беккина "Исламская экономическая модель и современность" на узбекский язык.
Translation of R.I. Bekkin's book "Islamic economic model nowadays" into Uzbek language
Translation of R.I. Bekkin's book "Islamic economic model nowadays" into Uzbek language
Takaful in Malaysia is new industry emerged for the last decades and became popular in the world market today, since its new and passed away different stages and still in progress to solve some main issues and conflict arisen in the... more
Sustainable development is not a new concept to Islam, sustainable development principles have existed for centuries in the Holy Qur'an and the Hadith. However, the transformation of the society and the world's economy on a sustainable... more
Insurance in Islam is essentially a concept of mutual help. Insurance business under conventional system is based on uncertainty, which is prohibited in Islamic society under Islamic principles. So there is need to clear the difference... more
This presentation outlined deposit products as well as investment products used in Islamic banking system
Journal of Islamic Banking and Finance volume 5 issue 2
This paper examines the contemporary issue faced by the Islamic insurance (takaful) industry in Malaysia. The paper will then try to highlight the Shariah issues in the current practice of the takaful industry and takaful products.... more
Takaful is Islamic Insurance which is the most appropriate substitute of the conventional insurance for individuals and financial institutions. It is based on the concept of cooperation and mutual assistance which is supposed to function... more
Takaful has become the alternative method of providing insurance services that is deemed acceptable for Muslims. This paper looks at the different views of Islamic scholars on conventional insurance and the legal and practical aspects of... more
The idea and practice of Takaful is not new as it was practiced during the time of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) by its adoption of the concept of Aqilah. Due to the complex nature of business activities and evolving human needs, Takaful is... more
The research investigates the Sharīʿah compliance of the pricing elements used in family takāful products. The reviewed literature has revealed a great deal of emphasis on the Sharīʿah aspects of the takāful contract, distribution of... more
In a continuously changing and growing world of globalization, cultural constructions have provided insight into influence on consumer behavior and financial decision making. Religion plays a vital role in influencing individual and... more
В статье рассматривается восприятие института страхования в среде мусульман Волго-Уральского региона в начале XX в. Авторы анализируют аргументацию богословов, считавших страхование дозволенным с точки зрения шариата и опиравшихся на... more
Insurance has become part and parcel of our contemporary life style. However, given that Islam prohibits the demand for conventional insurance, it is substituted by Takaful. India has the second largest Muslim population in the world... more
From the viewpoint of Maqasid al-Shariah (Objective of Islamic Law), Islam gives the right to all human to acquire and consume their wealth freely without any violation to others. The violation includes taking the others right, fraud,... more
Asuransi sebagai aktivitas bisnis diharuskan memenuhi prinsip-prinsip hukum asuransi. Salah satu prinsip yang harus dipegang teguh adalah principle of utmost good faith, di samping prinsip yang lain. Prinsip ini berbunyi bahwa seorang... more
Human beings are naturally inclined towards safeguarding and protecting themselves from future misfortunes. This natural tendency of risk mitigation has given rise to the concept of insurance which existed thousands of years ago and was... more
Takaful companies have emerged in the Arab and Islamic countries as the face glittery models Takaful and Islamic alternative to traditional insurance models, which could endanger the jurisprudential academies, because of the legitimacy of... more
Purpose Despite extensive studies on predictors and antecedents of organizational commitment, empirical researches on the impact of workplace spirituality on organizational commitment remain scarce. This study aims to examine the... more
Tekafül, konvansiyonel sigortacılığın; faiz, belirsizlik ve kumar gibi etmenlerden arındırılmış bir alternatifi olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Bu çalışmayla tekafül ve diğer sigortacılık sistemlerinin kavramsal... more
Takaful has become the alternative method of providing insurance services that is deemed acceptable for Muslims. This paper looks at the different views of Islamic scholars on conventional insurance and the legal and practical aspects of... more
قضايا معاصرة في صناعة التأمين التكافلي
Even though takaful practices have around forty years of history globally, takaful operations are a comparatively new and underdeveloped sector in the Turkish insurance market. Given its dominant Muslim population, well-developed... more
Takaful is an Islamic concept of modern insurance. It is based on cooperation and mutual understanding. Takaful has a significant position in the financial market. Conventional insurance has also opened the window for takaful in the... more
IFN 15th Anniversary Special
Human beings are naturally inclined towards safeguarding and protecting themselves from future misfortunes. This natural tendency of risk mitigation has given rise to the concept of insurance which existed thousands of years ago and was... more
Islamically, the significance and the socioeconomic benefits of ensuring social security for the citizens cannot be overemphasized, since Islam has provided a very strong and multi-dimensional social protection system, particularly, for... more
The present poor state of Nigerian agriculture has to do with the lack of care on the part of the government and stakeholders on one hand as they failed to formulate and implement right and effective policies that will revive and... more
This article examines the legal issues associated with the application of the dual contract system, tabarru’ and tijārah, in sharia insurance industries in Indonesia. This qualitative study used secondary data. It is linked up with... more
Annuities are being treated as a backup financial strategy throughout the age of retirement and a way of reducing the long-term risk of a person's old age. Takaful markets in Malaysia have wanted to advance an annuity plan backed by... more
Sigorta, bir bireyin ya da kurumun gelecekte karşılaşılması muhtemel zarar ve kayıplarının tazminini sağlamak amacıyla bir sigorta şirketiyle yaptığı sözleşme olarak tanımlanabilir. Sigortacılık sistemi, günümüzde hem reel sektörün hem de... more