Recent papers in Uzbeks
Хан В. С. К вопросу о методологических принципах изучения узбекской идентичности // Цивилизации и культуры Центральной Азии в единстве и многообразии. Материалы Международной конференции. - Самарканд - Ташкент: МИЦАИ, SMI-ASIA, 2010, стр.... more
Abdurauf Fıtrat tarafından ilk olarak 1927 yılında Özbekistan Devlet Neşriyatı aracılığıyla 3053 adet olarak yayımlanan bu eser, Özbek klasik müziği tarihinin belirli bir dönemini kapsamaktadır. Yazar, Özbek müziğiyle ilgili çalışmaların... more
Mâverâünnehir ikliminde XVI. yüzyıl, dini/tasavvufî hayat ile siyasî hayatın iç içe geçtiği bir dönem olmuştur. Bu çerçevede Özbeklerin, Şeybânî Hanlığı (906-1007/1500-1599) içinde mutasavvıflarla sıkı bir etkileşim halinde bulundukları... more
The imperial ideologies developed in the post-Mongol Persianate world represent both a break with Islamic precedent and a realization of the millenarian universalism inherent in Islam itself. Early modern Muslim dynasts—styling... more
Mawlana Yaqub-i Charkhi/ his full name was Ya‘qūb bin Usmân b. Mahmûd el-Ghaznavî al- Charkhi (death 851/1447) (a.d. 851/1447 who had lived at the fifteenth century and was a shakird of Baha al-Din Naqshiband/ Hodja Muhammad b. Muhammad... more
В данном сообщении вводятся в научный оборот Y-STR гаплотипы узбеков, уйгуров, таджиков, пуштунов, хазарейцев, моголов из базы данных Family Tree DNA. 37 гаплотипов были исследованы авторами статьи. Остальные 81 гаплотип публиковались... more
""The Book is a Migration Story of Turkestani Refugee Azam Hashmi Turkistani (1915, Andijan-1973, Karachi ) after Socialist Occupation and Revolution in 1931. He migrated from Turkestan to Afghanistan. later on, he moved to the Indian... more
This thesis aims to examine the social significance of Uzbek madrasah in Istanbul in the context of immigration and community experience of the Muslim Uzbeks. The data of the study was collected from fieldwork. Adopting the purposive... more
Beginning in the 1990s with the fall of the Soviet Union, American policy has been more and more based on the faulty premise of the War of Terrorism. At the same time American policy turned to supporting an alliance with India as the only... more
The Modern Uzbek Turkic is the spoken and written language used in the Uzbekistan since the first half of the 19th century to the present day. The beginning of the formation of the Uzbek Turkic, which is considered to have been in the... more
This paper is a revision and correction of Chapter 3 of my 2008 monograph ('Russian Rule in Samarkand') in which I made a number of errors and misjudgements. The most glaring of these was to confuse a Bukharan tax official (the amlakdar)... more
Objective: The purpose of the article is an attempt to determine the approximate boundaries of Baraq Khan’s nomads’ territories, to summarize information from various written sources and modern literature, and to determine how the name... more
Dil ve edebiyat eserlerini incelerken onların beslendiği kaynakları tespit etmek edebî tasnif çalışmaları bakımından son derece önemlidir. Modern Özbek Edebiyatını ele alan çalışmalarda onun ilham aldığı ana kaynaklara belirli bir tasnif... more
Özbekistan, tarihi geçmişiyle Orta Asya'da hep merkez ülke olmuştur. Zengin bir kültüre sahip olan bu coğrafyanın daha iyi araştırılması, Türk tarihi açısından önemlidir. Bu kitapta Özbekistan; tarihinden iç ve dış siyasetine,... more
Личность и время. Николай Остроумов: востоковед, просветитель, летописец эпохи. Материалы международной научной конференции, посвященной 170-летию со дня рождения русского ученого-туркестановеда, исламоведа, деятеля народного образования... more
Manuscript of the keynote address was presented on the international conference “The Middle East: Language, Literature and History” dedicated to the 125th anniversary of the prominent orientalist Joseph Orbeli (1887-1961) was held in... more
This article seeks to understand why, although widely predicted, very little ethnically motivated political mobilisation has occurred in post-Soviet Central Asia. Building on the contribution of frame analysis, the article examines the... more
Batıda Hazar Denizi’nden doğuda bugün Çin Halk Cumhuriyeti sınırları içinde yer alan Sincan Uygur Özerk Bölgesi’nin doğu ucundaki Hami (Kumul) şehrine uzanan, kuzeyde Sibirya’dan güneyde Afganistan’ın kuzeyi (Afgan Türkistanı) ile İran’ın... more
Buhara Özbek Hanlığı 1500 yılında Çingiz Han’ın oğlu Cuci soyundan gelen Şibanlılar sülalesinden Muhammed Şibani Han tarafından Maveraünnehr’de kurulmuş, kısa sürede Batı Türkistan’ın hâkimi olmuş ve daha sonra sınırları küçülse de XIX.... more
WAS THE PRE-SOVIET CITY ETHNIC? ON THE PALETTE OF THE IDENTITY OF BUKHARA IN EARLY 20th CENTURY Ghaybullah Babayarov, Eldar Аsаnоv In Bukhara, in the beginning of the 20th century there were very diverse identities that were religious,... more
The paper has attempted to show some reasons for the power of survival of the qalin (bride-price or bride-money) to survive in spite of all the efforts to eliminate it in the past and seeks to reveal the incomprehensible, even somewhat... more
Термин «92 узбекских племени», появившийся в XV в. в Дешт-и Кыпчаке, в последующие столетия стал использоваться с самым различным смыслом в зависимости от политического и культурного контекста. Значительная роль представителей племен,... more
“Özbekler ve Özbekçe”, Çağdaş Türk Dili, Sayı 108, Şubat, Ankara 1997, s. 24-32.
This paper examines the changing survival strategies of Uzbeks in the aftermath of mass violent conflict in Osh in June 2010. After the riots, Osh Uzbeks were exposed to many difficulties. The Kyrgyz government used economic and political... more
The monograph for the first time in a science based on a new integrated approach from the perspective of the social and psychological anthropology, social and ethnic psychology, religious psychology, as well as ethno-sociology... more
Relevance: In article is investigated the role and influence of sexual life, sex of literacy on the strength of family. Methods: Observation; the conversation – in-depth interviews; questionnaires and statistical mathematical methods.... more