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We present a GPS-derived velocity field (1988)(1989)(1990)(1991)(1992)(1993)(1994)(1995)(1996)(1997)(1998)(1999)(2000)(2001)(2002)(2003)(2004)(2005) for the zone of interaction of the Arabian, African (Nubian and Somalian), and Eurasian... more
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To improve the performance of particle image velocimetry in measuring instantaneous velocity fields, direct cross-correlation of image fields can be used in place of auto-correlation methods of interrogation of double- or... more
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      EngineeringA Priori KnowledgeParticle Image VelocimetryCross Correlation
1] For the first time in the history of the International Terrestrial Reference Frame, the ITRF2000 combines unconstrained space geodesy solutions that are free from any tectonic plate motion model. Minimum constraints are applied to... more
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      Western EuropeMultidisciplinaryVelocity EstimationNorth America
Methods of analyzing and interpreting velocity-®eld data (both two-and three-dimensional) to under-
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      Mechanical EngineeringAerospace EngineeringStatistical AnalysisParticle Image Velocimetry
A particle image velocimetry (PIV) system has been developed to measure velocity fields with order 1-m spatial resolution. The technique uses 200 nm diameter flow-tracing particles, a pulsed Nd : YAG laser, an inverted epi-fluorescent... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringAerospace EngineeringPhysicsParticle Image Velocimetry
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      Organic ChemistryAstrophysical PlasmaAtmospheric ModelingVelocity Field
We present the results of the 2MASS Redshift Survey (2MRS), a ten-year project to map the full three-dimensional distribution of galaxies in the nearby Universe. The 2 Micron All-Sky Survey (2MASS) was completed in 2003 and its final data... more
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      Organic ChemistryNear InfraredThree DimensionalVelocity Field
This paper presents the calibration of BVRIH$ Tully-Fisher relations based on Cepheid distances to 21 galaxies within 25 Mpc, and 23 clusters within 10,000 km/s. These relations have been applied to several distant cluster surveys in... more
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      Organic ChemistryAstrophysical PlasmaObservational CosmologyGalaxy Clusters
Our understanding of the dynamics of plate motions is based almost entirely upon modeling of present-day plate motions. A fuller understanding, however, can be derived from consideration of the history of plate motions. Here we... more
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      Uncertainty EstimationLower mantleMantle ConvectionBoundary Layer
We present an analysis of the clustering evolution of dark matter in four cold dark matter (CDM) cosmologies. We use a suite of high resolution, 17-million particle, N-body simulations which sample volumes large enough to give clustering... more
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      Organic ChemistryAstrophysical PlasmaDark MatterGalaxy Clusters
Hemodynamic factors are thought to be implicated in the progression and rupture of intracranial aneurysms. Current efforts aim to study the possible associations of hemodynamic characteristics such as complexity and stability of... more
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      EngineeringHistoryAlgorithmsMedical Imaging
net effect of the large number of subgrid eddies is represented by a subgrid force, which is specified in a more or
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      EngineeringComputational PhysicsLarge Eddy SimulationDirect Numerical Simulation
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      MultidisciplinaryGeophysicalEastern MediterraneanVelocity Field
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      MultidisciplinaryActive TectonicsNew ZealandSpatial Variability
A new dynamic, scale-dependent subgrid model based on Lagrangian time averaging is proposed. The model is tested in large eddy simulations (LES) of high-Reynolds number boundary layer flows over homogeneous and heterogeneous rough... more
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      EngineeringLarge Eddy SimulationSurface RoughnessMathematical Sciences
We provide a census of the apparent stellar angular momentum within one effective radius of a volume-limited sample of 260 early-type galaxies (ETGs) in the nearby Universe, using the integral-field spectroscopy obtained in the course of... more
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      Galaxy Formation and EvolutionSpiral GalaxiesVelocity Field
A PIV algorithm is presented for estimating time-averaged or phase-averaged velocity fields. The algorithm can be applied to situations where signal strength is not sufficient for standard cross correlation techniques, such as a low... more
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      EngineeringAlgorithmsPhysicsSignal Processing
A new formulation of the immersed boundary method with a structure algebraically identical to the traditional fractional step method is presented for incompressible flow over bodies with prescribed surface motion. Like previous methods, a... more
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      EngineeringComputational PhysicsFinite Volume MethodsMathematical Sciences
Cough generated infectious aerosols are of interest while developing strategies for the mitigation of disease risks ranging from the common cold to SARS. In this work, the velocity field of human cough was measured using particle image... more
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      EngineeringEarth SciencesRiskParticle Image Velocimetry
We report on magnetic domain-wall velocity measurements in ultrathin Pt=Co0:5-0:8 nm=Pt films with perpendicular anisotropy over a large range of applied magnetic fields. The complete velocity-field characteristics are obtained, enabling... more
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      Motion AnalysisMagnetic fieldMagnetization ReversalThin Film
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      EngineeringMathematical SciencesNatural ConvectionPhysical sciences
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      Southeast AsiaVietnamMultidisciplinarySouth China
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      MultidisciplinarySeasonalitySouthern OceanStandard Deviation
Root growth in the field is often slowed by a combination of soil physical stresses, including mechanical impedance, water stress, and oxygen deficiency. The stresses operating may vary continually, depending on the location of the root... more
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      SoilKineticsPlant BiologyAnisotropy
Through acoustic scattering theory we derive the mass density and bulk modulus of a spherical shell that can eliminate scattering from an arbitrary object in the interior of the shell-in other words, a 3D acoustic cloaking shell.... more
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      Scattering TheoryPhysical sciencesBulk ModulusAcoustic Scattering
We introduce a class of multifractal processes, referred to as Multifractal Random Walks (MRWs). To our knowledge, it is the first multifractal processes with continuous dilation invariance properties and stationary increments. MRWs are... more
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      EngineeringStochastic ProcessFluid DynamicsRandom Walk
We present a unified statistical framework for analyzing temporally varying brain morphology using the 3D displacement vector field from a nonlinear deformation required to register a subject's brain to an atlas brain. The unification... more
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      AdolescentBrain developmentLinear ModelBrain
We formulate a new, revised and coherent understanding of the structure and dynamics of the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC), and its orbit around and interaction with the Milky Way. Much of our understanding of these issues hinges on studies... more
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      Structural DynamicsMotion estimationMilky WayDistance Estimation
The focus of the present work is to provide an analysis for the acoustic and thermal properties of the energy-conserving lattice Boltzmann models, and a solution to the numerical defects and instability associated with these models in two... more
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      EngineeringEnergy ConservationTemporal dynamicsKinetic Theory
Keywords: Hyperbolic conservation laws Finite volume scheme Discontinuous Galerkin method Essentially non-oscillatory scheme Weighted essentially non-oscillatory scheme Maximum principle High order accuracy Strong stability preserving... more
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      EngineeringComputational PhysicsMathematical SciencesPhysical sciences
The BIMA Survey of Nearby Galaxies is a systematic imaging study of the 3 mm CO J = 1--0 molecular emission within the centers and disks of 44 nearby spiral galaxies. The typical spatial resolution of the survey is 6", or 360 pc at the... more
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      Organic ChemistryMilky WaySelection CriteriaInfrared
Analysis of Global Positioning System (GPS) data demonstrates that ongoing three-dimensional crustal deformation in Fennoscandia is dominated by glacial isostatic adjustment. Our comparison of these GPS observations with numerical... more
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The structure of homogeneous turbulence subject to high shear rate has been investigated by using three-dimensional, time-dependent numerical simulations of the Navier-Stokes equations. The instantaneous velocity fields reveal that a high... more
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      EngineeringFluid MechanicsTurbulenceStatistical Analysis
Supergranulation is a fluid-dynamical phenomenon taking place in the solar photosphere, primarily detected in the form of a vigorous cellular flow pattern with a typical horizontal scale of approximately 30-35 Mm, a dynamical evolution... more
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      MagnetohydrodynamicsSolar PhysicsHigh ResolutionVelocity Field
A Lagrange-multiplier-based fictitious-domain method (DLM) for the direct numerical simulation of rigid particulate flows in a Newtonian fluid was presented by . An important feature of this finite element based method is that the flow in... more
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      EngineeringMultiphase FlowDirect Numerical SimulationFinite element method
A number of radio interferometers are currently being planned or constructed to observe 21 cm emission from reionization. Not only will such measurements provide a detailed view of that epoch, but, since the 21 cm emission also traces the... more
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      Organic ChemistryAstrophysical PlasmaIntergalactic MediumEpoch of Reionization
... 212 DAVID A. BENSON ET AL. of the central limit theorem (CLT). ... Benson (1998) showed that the second-order advection– dispersion equation (ADE), even in a nonlinear form with the space-dependent dispersion tensor, cannot generally... more
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      Chemical EngineeringCivil EngineeringApplied MathematicsTransport Phenomena in Porous Media
We present an improved prescription for matter power spectrum in redshift space taking a proper account of both the non-linear gravitational clustering and redshift distortion, which are of particular importance for accurately modeling... more
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      Quantum PhysicsQuantum MechanicsDark EnergyModified Gravity
The Bay of Bengal, a semienclosed tropical basin that comes under the influence of monsoonal wind and freshwater influx, is distinguished by a strongly stratified surface layer and a seasonally reversing circulation. We discuss... more
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      StratificationMultidisciplinarySeasonalityData Collection
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      EngineeringMechanical EngineeringOcean EngineeringApplied Mathematics
A new method for computing rigorous upper bounds on the limit loads for one-, two-and threedimensional continua is described. The formulation is based on linear finite elements, permits kinematically admissible velocity discontinuities at... more
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      Civil EngineeringMathematical ProgrammingNonlinear ProgrammingFinite element method
We present velocity-field simulations of n-doped, wurtzite-phase GaN for temperatures between 77 and 1000 K using an ensemble Monte Carlo technique. A three-valley model of the band structure is assumed, and the ionized impurity, polar... more
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      EngineeringMonte CarloIII-V SemiconductorsApplied Physics
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      MultidisciplinaryUnited StatesLast Glacial MaximumNorth America
This paper presents a methodology and algorithm for generating diffeomorphisms of the sphere onto itself, given the displacements of a finite set of template landmarks. Deformation maps are constructed by integration of velocity fields... more
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      Cognitive ScienceApplied MathematicsMedical ImagingDifferential Equations
: Single frame of a physically-based fluid animation spelling out letters.
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      Information SystemsFluid SimulationLocal minimaVelocity Field
Subsurface fluid flow and solute transport take place in a multiscale heterogeneous environment. Neither these phenomena nor their host environment can be observed or described with certainty at all scales and locations of relevance. The... more
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      Environmental EngineeringCivil EngineeringMass TransferWater resources
A new method valid for highly dispersive and highly nonlinear water waves is presented. It combines a time-stepping of the exact surface boundary conditions with an approximate series expansion solution to the Laplace equation in the... more
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      EngineeringFluid MechanicsNonlinear WavesFluid
To view the published open abstract, go to http://dx.doi.org and enter the DOI.
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      Time SeriesTheoryEarthInclusion
We present the results of a spectroscopic survey of the kinematic structure of star-forming galaxies at redshift z ~ 2 - 3 using Keck/OSIRIS integral field spectroscopy. Our sample is comprised of 12 galaxies between redshifts z ~ 2.0 and... more
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      Organic ChemistryAstrophysical PlasmaAdaptive OpticsHigh Redshift Universe
We consider the motions and associated flow patterns of a swimming giant danio (Danio malabaricus). Experimental flow-visualization techniques have been employed to obtain the unsteady two-dimensional velocity fields around the... more
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      Numerical MethodBiological SciencesFlow VisualizationOscillations