Wetland Conservation
Recent papers in Wetland Conservation
WEBINAR: PANTANAL - UMA DISCUSSÃO NECESSÁRIA Abordagem: Discussão pertinente e atual sobre as queimadas no Pantanal Mato-Grossense, apontando a Política Florestal no Estado de Mato Grosso, o marco regulatório da Lei do Pantanal... more
We applied two recent approaches largely used in biological conservation: Threat Analysis (TAN) and Threat Reduction Assessments (TRAs), assessing the effectiveness of a project focused on two water-related bird species (common tern,... more
Climate change, a timely topic, cannot be understood solely by analyzing modern-day ecosystems. Sediment stratigraphy from tidal marshes is an important source of paleoecological data, as these ecosystems experience high rates of... more
The wetlands considered as the natural water storage body as well as water reservoir on the earth and they also act as a transition zone between permanently flooded and the strictly terrestrial areas is the presence of hydromorphic soils... more
Le lac Sidi M'hamed Benali est un site stratégique du point de vue environnemental, touristique et socio-économique. Plusieurs études sont menées à son profit : granulométrie, évaluation de la qualité de son eau, inventaire faunistique,... more
Wetlands are essential components of the ecosystem and play significant roles as habitats and are reservoirs of biodiversity. This paper was an attempt to inferentially study the degradation and devaluation of marshland in a rapidly... more
Presentazione in occasione del wetland's day 2021 della ipotesi di ricostituzione di alcune zone umide nell'area del Rocca di Cerere UNESCO Global Geopark.
This paper examines the anthropogenic factors that have contributed to wetland loss and degradation in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam from 1816 AD to present. Our analysis is framed over five historical periods and highlights the role that... more
ECOLOGICAL DIAGNOSIS AND EVALUATION OF BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES IN LAKE AYATA (OUED RIGH VALLEY: NORTHERN ALGERIAN SAHARA). **** ABSTRACT: Ayata Lake (155 ha) belongs to the complex of wetlands of Oued Righ Valley in Algerian Lower-Sahara.... more
Σημασία υγροτόπων, προβλήματα και δυνατότητες, υγρότοποι στο νομο Λέσβου: πανίδα και χλωρίδα που φιλοξενούν
Hitendra Padalia, Mohamed Musthafa, " Characterization and classification of freshwater marshy wetland using synthetic aperture radar polarimetry: a case study from Loktak wetland, Northeast India, " J. Abstract. Loktak is the largest... more
O Guia de Melhores Práticas Pecuárias da Planície Pantaneira foi idealizado em um workshop realizado em 2019 pelo WWF-Brasil no âmbito do projeto Paisagens Sustentáveis do Pantanal, Cerrado e Bosque Seco Chiquitano (PaSos), em Campo... more
In Ethiopia, wetlands cover nearly 2% of the total land area of the country. They are one of the most productive ecosystems and perform many functions that maintain ecological integrity. They provide lots of goods and services that... more
It is an informative type of work where a general vision is presented about the wetlands of the Venezuelan plain. Its importance; its operating mechanisms; its support to the local fauna and the threats that exist about them.
For teaching and research purposes, in this glossary was compiled some of the terms used in studies of wetlands and aquatic ecology, by professionals and technicians of the area. Terms of daily use in Venezuela, by people who perform some... more
The Yala swamp area of Kenya exhibits high levels of rural poverty despite its natural resources potential and favorable climate. Floods are a recurrent environmental hazard and impede access to environmental resources and agricultural... more
Aquatic ecosystems management in Kenya
Wetlands are the most productive ecosystems on earth’s surface. Ramsar Convention puts forward binding regulations to protect wetlands across the globe. The real situation however, is different and complex. These fragile ecosystems are... more
Wetlands are the most essential and precise features of nature that offer an extensive variety of functions as supplier for household drinking water, agriculture use, erosion control, flood control, weather stabilizers, source of... more
Los humedales de México son de gran importancia desde el punto de vista ecológico y socioeconómico por sus múltiples funciones, valores y atributos, los cuales son esenciales para la sociedad en su conjunto. Estos ecosistemas poseen una... more
KARAKUYU GÖLÜ SULAK ALANI VE BAŞLICA PROBLEMLERİ Yrd. Doç. Dr. Selahattin POLAT Arş. Gör. Yıldız GÜNEY Arş. Gör. Mehmet DENİZ ÖZET Bu çalışmada Karakuyu gölü ve çevresinin jeolojik, jeomorfolojik ve hidrografik özellikleriyle gölün... more
The study area of the bio diversity assessment is a wet land area, known as the Thalangama wetlands consisting of a man built irrigation tank (reservoir), a few canalas, paddy fields and some marshlands. This study area is within 15km... more
Shoreline retreat along extended semi-arid areas of North African coasts are indicative of the imbalance of coastal sedimentary processes due to modern abrupt changes in precipitation patterns and urban growth. Monitoring of the... more
This report documents the results of a Systematic Reconnaissance Flight (SRF) aerial survey of the Malagarasi-Muyovozi Ramsar Site (Tanzania), conducted from 17 to 28 November 2001. The survey was made as part of the Danida-funded project... more
The study revealed a total of 33 wetland bird species belonging to 11 families were recorded from Magadi Bird Sanctuary of Gadag District, Karnataka. Among the family, Scolopacidae dominated the list by the representation of 8 species,... more
La ciudad mexicana contemporánea ya tiene muchos volúmenes de estudios, interesantes y precisos diagnósticos, pero si no es con un proyecto urbano-arquitectónico con argumentos audaces y sólidos, así como mecanismos para hacer viable la... more
This study characterized the ecological status of birds at two Ramsar sites in northeastern Algeria, Chott Tinsilt (TNS) and Sebkhet Ezzemoul (EZZ). During the period 2015-2017, bird counting revealed that bird community was composed of... more
La Laguna de Cuyutlán se encuentra en el estado de Colima en el Occidente de México. Cuenta con un ecosistema de manglar predominado por Rhizophora mangle, Avicennia germinans y Laguncularia racemosa (Ruíz, 2009). El estudio se desarrolló... more
Kanwar Lake, as it is locally called, is located 22 km northwest of Begusarai district. It is a residual oxbow lake, formed due to meandering of Gandak River, a tributary of Ganga, in the geological past. Once a heaven for migratory... more