White-Tailed Deer
Recent papers in White-Tailed Deer
Editorial pg. 2 EUROPE Genetic variability and its implications for conservation in the endangered Corsican and Barbary red deer (Cervus elaphus corsicanus and C. e. barbarus) pg. 3 NORTH AMERICA Los venados de Mexico pg. 7 Alimentación... more
This online symposium--organised by The Global War Against the Rat and the Epistemic Emergence of Zoonosis project in collaboration with Monica H. Green--is centered around the recent findings of the transmission of SARS-CoV-2 within... more
The exploitation and procurement of animal resources by any culture in the world is very important. Because of the lack of beasts of burden in the Pre-Columbian Americas, wild animals such as the white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus)... more
Stable carbon–, nitrogen–, and oxygen–isotope analyses of animal bones and teeth from 28 archaeological sites are used to reconstruct human subsistence behaviour, i.e., increased maize horticulturalism, during the Late Woodland period... more
A mi madre y amiga, Celina Ortiz, por enseñarme a amar la naturaleza, ser el ejemplo a seguir en mi vida y quien me ha forjado con mucha dedicación y entrega.
En los bosquEs dE la siErra nEgra dE PuEbla habitan los vEnados temazate y cola blanca y la Boa constrictor, asociados con la renovación, los primeros por mudar sus astas y la última su piel. Esta vinculación les ha valido un importante... more
The brocket deer (Mazama temama and M. pandora) are two of the Mexican tropical deer with great importance for subsistence and sport hunters. Brocket deer are considered species with preference for pristine habitats conserved, however at... more
Se documentó la sostenibilidad y el manejo de la cacería del venado de cola blanca (Odocoileus virginianus, Zimmermann, 1780) a partir de los restos arqueológicos localizados en Aguazuque (2725±35 A.P.-5025±40 A.P.). Se analizaron cambios... more
The large-scale reductions of predators and habitat fragmentation have resulted in hyper-abundances of herbivores in many ecosystems. Their effects of trampling and browsing pressure at high densities can negatively affect seedling... more
Utility indices have long been used to interpret ungulate body part representation at archaeological sites. The use of return rates, which are a more appropriate measure for studies of foraging efficiency, have been used less frequently.... more
Abstract: This thesis investigates the demographics of paleo-populations of white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) as a means of testing the hypothesis that this species was domesticated or managed as a vital cultural and economic... more
Odocoileus virginianus es un cérvido emblemático de los ecosistemas de México con interés económico por el sector cinegético. Sorprendentemente, existe conocimiento limitado de la relación filogenética entre las subespecies. El objetivo... more
Las unidades de manejo de fauna silvestre (UMAs) son una estrategia para el adecuado aprovechamiento y conservación de las especies, como es el grupo de los mamíferos para el trópico, en este estudio analizar la situación actual de las... more
ABSTRACT Declines in hunter recruitment coupled with dramatic growth in numbers of white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) have challenged our ability to manage deer populations through regulated hunting. We review the efficacy of... more
In southeastern Mexico the White-Tailed Deer is an important source of food for the inhabitants of rural communities in the tropics, but little is known of this deer. In this study we determined the density, sex ratio and age classes of... more
Poem appears on page 54
The white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus thomasi MERRIAM) is a species with high value throughout México, but little is known about the tropical subspecies. In this study, the habitat preferences of the white-tailed deer in areas... more
R e s u m e n El objetivo de este artículo es evaluar la cacería de O. virginianus en Aguazuque, un sitio de cazadores-recolectores tardíos de la sabana de Bogotá, a partir de elementos teóricos y metodológicos de la biología de la... more
The sustainable use of white-tailed deer in Mexico can only be performed in Management Units for the Conservation of Wildlife (UMA , for its acronym in Spanish) , based on a management plan for legal operation. Among the methods for... more
Resumen: En la mayoría de las especies, las hembras invierten más tiempo en el proceso reproductivo, mientras que los machos han sido seleccionados para invertir más tiempo y energía en las pautas de cortejo. En el venado cola blanca... more
Ungulate mortality from capture-related injuries is a recurring concern for researchers and game managers throughout North America and elsewhere. We evaluated effects of 7 variables to determine whether ungulate mortality could be reduced... more
Modern Eurasian telemetacarpal deer represent a poor remnant of the rich evolutionary radiation of the subfamily Capreolinae from the past. The evolutionary radiation of capreolines took place during the Late Miocene in the middle... more
Achieving state wildlife agency goals for white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) management may conflict with hunter traditions and desires. Optimizing deer herd management given conflicting biological and social goals means that... more
The rise in white-tailed deer populations has created the potential for increased deervehicle collisions (DVCs) throughout the country. The goal of this study was to use Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to identify spatial... more
One of the key factors aecting the integrity of forest ecosystems in portions of the eastern United States is heavy browsing by overabundant populations of white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus Zimmerman). Deer impacts to upland... more
Understanding the impacts of local and regional landscape characteristics on spatial distributions of wildlife species is vital for achieving ecological and economic sustainability of forested landscapes. This understanding is important... more
Although bluetongue viruses (BTV) and epizootic haemorrhagic disease viruses (EHDV) are closely related, there are differences in susceptibility to these viruses both between and within a species. White‑tailed deer are susceptible to... more
Claims that hunters are exemplar conservationists would likely come as a surprise to many. Hunters, after all, kill animals. Isn’t there a better way to appreciate wildlife than to kill and consume it? Yet there is no mistake: wildlife... more
With the extirpation of apex predators from many North American systems, coyotes Canis latrans have become the de facto top predator and are ubiquitous members of most ecosystems. Keystone predators aid in maintaining ecosystem function... more
Stable isotope analyses of tissues and faeces offer an alternative to study the dietary ecology in wild animal populations. Faecal isotope analyses are composition is related to the food ingested and allow for documenting short-term diet... more
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
Resource depression – a decline in encounter rates with prey due to the actions of a predator – has been documented for numerous species in North America. Yet it is not fully understood whether white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus),... more
As co-director of the 1974-1975 Inland Waterway Survey and Excavation Project in the northern part of Michigan’s Lower Peninsula, William Lovis and colleagues acquired considerable archaeological data pertaining to landscape history and... more
Terrestrial gastropods were collected from wetland, grassland, and forest-ed habitats throughout eastern and southcentral South Dakota from May-August of 1999 and 2000 to assess the role of gastropods in transmission of meningeal worm... more
The impacts of introduced or overabundant large herbivores are a concern for the conservation of forest plant communities and the sustainability of ecosystem function. White-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) are considered... more
Decades of chronic browsing by overabundant white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus Zimmerman) has strongly influenced forest pattern and process on the Allegheny High Plateau Ecoregion of northwestern Pennsylvania, USA. Previous... more