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The Olson site (5BL147) is a multi-component rock walled game drive located in the James Peak wilderness area of Northern Colorado, USA. It is one part of a much larger game drive complex located at Rollins Pass, situated above modern... more
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyLichenologyPlains ArchaeologyAnthropology of Hunting
L’Homme pet (Mitshishkapeu), le Maître de la merde (Meiatshi) et l’Anus parlant du mythe de Carcajou sont-ils la même entité ? Un examen de la cosmologie et de la mythologie innues nous amène à penser que ces trois figures gagnent à être... more
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      AnthropologyCosmology (Anthropology)EthnologyIndigenous Peoples
In a context of stark opposition between supporters and opponents to the wolf, the extent to which this particular predator is dangerous for humans is still an open question. What lies beneath the negative perception of the wolf? What... more
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      Modern HistoryEconomic HistoryRural SociologyFrench History
“The Romantic ideal of the hunter­-colonist is ... : a white man dressed in buckskins, who lives simply in the wilderness on intimate and friendly terms with the natives, dislikes white civilization, and hunts only to satisfy his basic... more
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      RomanticismWilderness (Environment)Animal StudiesLiterary Theory
Hunting presents a paradox for biodiversity conservation. It is both a problem and a solution to species declines and poverty. Yet, conservation scientists hold different assumptions about the significance and sustainability of hunting... more
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      Peasant StudiesAnthropology of HuntingLatin AmericaCentral America
The nutritional, economic and politícal importance of hunting in medieval Aragón is revealed by the development of a legal framework to legislate this activity and its survival until the middle of the 20th century. Our research on hunting... more
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      Cultural HistoryCriminal ProcedureJurisprudenceCanon Law
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyAnthropology of HuntingArchaeology of Hunting
Club de Fauna de la Sociedad Geográfica Española (www.sge.org).
La Caza. Sesión del 18 de Abril de 2017.
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      GeographyEnvironmental EducationEnvironmental SustainabilityAnthropology of Hunting
Landesamt für Archäologie, Dresden -13.08.-16.08.2020 -Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen, liebe Freunde der AG Das diesjährige Tagungsthema lautet "Wegbeleiter des Menschen: Waffen der Jagd und des Krieges". Einen chronologischen Schwerpunkt... more
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      Anthropology of HuntingArchaeology of HuntingWarfareTools
This article presents new evidence with which to evaluate the validity of the popular picture of religious environmentalism in India. It examines accounts of a large number of incidents described in Indian language newspapers, the... more
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      Cultural HistoryConservationHistory of IndiaBiocultural Diversity
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      HistoryArchaeologyPalaeolithic ArchaeologyAnthropology of Hunting
In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content: How are we to describe selected paintings and artists concerned with the evening, along with small communities or sociocultural groups coming together in the twilight... more
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      Media StudiesArt TheoryPaintingCultural Politics
相馬拓也(2011)モンゴル西部アルタイ系カザフ鷲使いたちの現在 《キーワード》 アルタイ山脈, 遊牧民, バヤンウルギー, イヌワシ, 無形文化遺産, 牧畜, HAI, サグサイ, 西部モンゴル, 鷹狩, 鷹匠 [Keywords] Altai Mountains, animal-herding economy, Bayan-Ölgii, ecology, ethnic identity, ethnic minority, golden eagle,... more
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      Cultural HeritageMongolian StudiesHeritage ConservationIntangible Cultural Heritage (Culture)
This chapter explores patterns of communication between human hunters and the non-human animal, Corvus corax—the common raven. The scope of the chapter includes the general historical and anthropological context in which humans have... more
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      SemioticsEthologyCommunicationHuman-Animal Relations
Walkabout (Nicolas Roeg, 1971) is a film about transitions: movement between childhood and adulthood, country and city, pre-modernity and modernity. My analysis of Roeg’s classic is part of a study of the genre of environmental film:... more
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      Cultural StudiesVisual StudiesIndigenous or Aboriginal StudiesMedia Studies
Współczesne myślistwo jest tradycją kontrowersyjną ze względu na to, że wiąże się z zabijaniem zwierząt i nie ma jednoznacznego uzasadnienia. Obecne w dyskursie publicznym objaśnienia sensu polowań sięgają zarówno do argumentacji naukowej... more
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      Discourse AnalysisSociologySocial and Cultural AnthropologyAnthropology of Hunting
Safari hunters’ acute awareness of the widely held negative perceptions of their practice has led to their development of strong justifications and defensive assertions in favour of hunting. Far from being a primarily destructive... more
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      Anthropology of HuntingBotswanaOkavango Delta, BotswanaSafari Tourism
The legitimacy of contemporary subsistence hunting practices of North American Indians has been questioned because of hunters’ use of modern technologies and integration of wage-based and subsistence livelihoods. The legitimacy of tribal... more
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      Native American StudiesEthicsIndigenous StudiesEthnography
Social scientists and ecologists have too often portrayed wolves as part of human-wildlife conflicts and have thereby construed them primarily as a problem. To counter this view it is necessary to rethink human-wolf relationships by... more
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      AnthropologySocial AnthropologyHuman-Animal RelationsAnimal Studies
This contribution presents a review of results from ethnobiological research conducted among Penan Benalui (PB) and Kenyah Badeng (KB) people on the Lurah River, Long Pujungan Sub-district, between 1991 and 1993. Most of the study area... more
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      EthnobiologyEthnozoologyAnthropology of HuntingPeoples and Cultures of Borneo
Newberry Cave (CA-SBR-199 or SBCM 102) is a large, multi-chambered, dry cave in the eastern Mojave Desert, California, in the United States. The preHistoric artefacts and paintings are unusual. The cave is important since its contents... more
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      ReligionArchaeologyAnthropologyArt History
Evolutionary accounts of the origins of mind reading and empathy have emphasized the reproductive and social value of understanding other human minds. On this view, selective pressures within human communities contributed to our capacity... more
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      Evolutionary PsychologyEmpathy (Psychology)Animal CognitionAnthropology of Hunting
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      Cultural HistoryAnthropology of HuntingTraditional Foods
Human-animal transformation in Amazonian shamanism and cosmology provides a prime example of the fluidity between Western categories such as “nature” and “culture.” Amerindian perspectivism explains animal transformation by reference to a... more
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      AnthropologyShamanismAmazoniaAnthropology of Hunting
In this thesis I contrast historical and contemporary forms of hunting and gathering among Lakota people currently living in village-communities on reservations in the states of North and South Dakota (USA). In particular, the focus and... more
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      Environmental AnthropologyAnthropology of HuntingHunter-Gatherers (Anthropology)North American Indigenous History and Culture
An illustrated Byzantine manuscript of the Cynegetica by Pseudo-Oppian, housed in the Biblioteca Marciana of Venice, has deserved the attention of scholarship because it contains a vast collection of zoological, mythological and hunting... more
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      Manuscript StudiesByzantine StudiesMedieval ArtMedieval illuminated manuscripts
Since Solon’s Laws in the 6th century BC, societies have developed specific regulations to contain, hunt down, then eradicate wolves. In order to protect themselves, the public authorities have used an unequalled repressive arsenal. They... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryCultural HistoryEconomic History
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      EthnohistoryNative American StudiesHistorical ArchaeologyMaterial Culture Studies
I wrote this essay as a contribution to Frieke Jannsens' book The Sweetest Taboo. The essay accompanies the photography and it refers to the themes that are prominent in Jannsens' work.
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      SociologyPhotographyDeathSocial and Cultural Anthropology
В своей бакалаврской работе я попытался описать роль стрельбы из лука в культурной и социально-политической жизни маньчжуров, народа, правившего Китаем на протяжении двух с половиной веков. Основное внимание уделено: 1) Символическому... more
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      Conceptual MetaphorSymbolic Anthropology (Anthropology)Anthropology of HuntingInvented Traditions
The hunting of wild animals for food, sport or for the defence of people and herds, was common in the ancient Near East, especially in early times. This paper gives a survey of hunting practices in pre-Islamic Arabia primarily from the... more
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      Ancient HistoryHunters, Fishers and Gatherers' ArchaeologyAncient ReligionAnthropology of Hunting
This paper is a study of the traditional use of a special kind of wood in bow construction in Eurasia and North America. This special kind of wood, called compression wood and coming from coniferous trees, has unique qualities that makes... more
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      Arctic AnthropologyAnthropology of HuntingBow and Arrow TechnologyTraditional Archery
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      IconographyAncient Mediterranean ReligionsAnthropology of HuntingArchaeology of Hunting
In 2013, the wolf seems to have won the game. Since 1992, his eventful return in France, has rekindled old passions and sparked a new craze, though forgetful of history. As is set up a Sixth National Plan on the wolf (2013-2017) to... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryEuropean HistoryModern History
Parcourir les vieux traités de vénerie offre à l’anthropologue quelques aperçus remarquables sur les transformations du rapport à l’animal en Occident. Depuis sept cent cinquante ans, des chasseurs lettrés ont collecté les règles... more
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      AnimismAnthropology of Hunting
Previous researchers have reported difficulties in distinguishing between surface marks on bone formed by sedimentary abrasion and those inllicted while butchering. Trampling by large ungulates and humans has been credited with producing... more
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How do we take indigenous animism seriously in the sense proposed by Viveiros de Castro? In this article, I pose this challenge to all the major theories of animism, stretching from Tylor and Durkheim, over Lévi-Strauss to Ingold. I then... more
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      Comparative ReligionPhilosophy Of ReligionHistory of ReligionShamanism
Hunting inspired some of the greatest songs and stories of Gaelic literature and tradition—a theme which runs from the earliest Old Irish sources down to the literature of Modern Scottish Gaelic. This thesis examines the cultural history... more
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      Scottish LiteratureIconographyCultural HeritageScottish Studies
Hunting has been a cornerstone in the artistic, religious, and philosophical traditions of countless cultures throughout history -- in fact, it is older than civilization itself. Yet few pursuits continue to be as controversial, for the... more
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      PhilosophyPhilosophy of TechnologyEnvironmental PhilosophyPhenomenology
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      Renaissance RomeAnthropology of HuntingMedieval feastsHunting
Despite numerous tweaks, revisions, and extensions, Paleolithic archaeologists continue to rely heavily on many ethnographically-derived concepts put forward decades ago by Lewis Binford. Prominent among these are ideas about logistical... more
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      EthnohistoryHuman Behavioral EcologyZooarchaeologyHunters, Fishers and Gatherers' Archaeology
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      Mythology And FolkloreRussian StudiesAnthropology of Hunting
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      ColonialismKenyaAnthropology of HuntingEmpire
MARTEDI 08.03.22 ore 9-11 (Aula E) PREISTORIA E MONDO EGEO Fabio NEGRINO (UniGe) Il primo cacciatore. La caccia durante la preistoria Nicola CUCUZZA – Marta PESTARINO (UniGe) La caccia nella Creta minoica Massimiliano CARBONARI (Univ.... more
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      Ancient HistoryLatin LiteratureAncient Greek HistoryAnthropology of Hunting
Review of Sara Reguer, Winston S. Churchill and the Shaping of the Middle East, 1919–1922, Academic Studies Press, 2020. The 1921 Cairo Conference — a meeting of Britain's Middle East experts a short time after WWI — was a pivotal moment... more
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      Middle East StudiesIsrael/PalestineOttoman EmpireIraq
Abstract: This article challenges the tendency, both academic and popular, to assign empathy the status of a virtue. The widespread inclination to associate empathy with the morally and socially “good”—with compassion, understanding,... more
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      Human EvolutionSocial AnthropologyViolenceHistory of Religion
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      Alexander the GreatAnthropology of HuntingArchaeology of HuntingHistory of Ancient Macedonia
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      Animal StudiesBlood Donation (Anthropology)Anthropology of HuntingAnthropologie
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      Human-Animal RelationshipsHunting (Human Animal Relations)Human-Animal StudiesAnthropology of Hunting
This paper presents the results of investigations into the Olson site, a rock-walled communal hunting site located at Rollins Pass, Colorado, around 3600 m asl. It includes a projectile point chronology, chronometric dates, detailed maps... more
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      Ground Stone TechnologyPlains ArchaeologyResidue and Use-Wear AnalysisAnthropology of Hunting