World Anthropologies
Recent papers in World Anthropologies
What is the relationship between Mizrahi feminism and Israeli ultranationalism? What is the relevance of gender justice activism to the 2014 Gaza War and Israel’s foreign policy? Wrapped in the Flag of Israel Second Edition examines... more
A partire da una analisi su due recenti traduzioni dell’opera di Ernesto de Martino, apparse rispettivamente a Chicago (Sud e magia/Magic. A theory from the South) e a Parigi (La fine del mondo/ La fin du monde), l’Autore affronta una... more
... a taste of the diversity of contexts in which anthropologists around the globe are studying tourism (and beyond)
On 21 May 2013, I was bestowed the Heart at East Lifetime Achievement Plaque in Tel Aviv's Cinematheque. “Heart at East” is a coalition of 20 NGOs dedicated to promote community consciousness as it exposes and defies Israel’s folkloric... more
In recent years, several works have been published on the history of anthropology in specific national contexts (e.g., Stocking 1974, 1995; Kuklick 1991; Barth et al. 2005; Ranzmaier 2011) but little on the history of anthropology in... more
It is significant that this plea for a fundamental reconsideration and reorganization of knowledge production, classification and dissemination is published here and not in one of the currently dominant Anglo-Saxon journals.
This research explores the relationship between knowledge production and place by studying different notions of disciplinary and personal peripherality. In an auto-ethnographic manner, the author discusses some of the power relations at... more
Overview With the double purpose of updating a scattered database and achieving an accurate profile of its constituency, in 2015 the Associação Portuguesa de Antropologia (Por-tuguese Anthropological Association) launched an online... more
Estudiar las formas como las diferentes tradiciones intelectuales han entendido las epistemologías y pedagogías antropológicas, así como las teorías de la práctica, nos permite avanzar la propuesta de las antropologías mundiales de... more
In this paper a key dialectical link between space, body, and ethnography is proposed, mainly within the context of Latin American anthropology. I emphasize the Argentine case through the analysis of my own field experience among the Qom... more
My farewell to Anthropology Southern Africa, which I edited between 2011 and 2015 describes the exciting recent history of the journal from its previous incarnation to ASnA's relaunch as a southern African based periodical with... more
Two interviews (Soumendra Patnaik and Chandana Mathur) published in the section World Anthropologies of American Anthropologists. You will find the interviews just after the article by Leticia Cesarino and comments to it.
This commentary revisits the "Rethinking Euro-anthropology" Forums published in the journal Social Anthropology/Anthropologie Sociale. It reconsiders three specific issues: who are the subjects of European anthropology, who are its... more
This special section explores and problematises the disciplinary boundaries of European anthropology by studying the shifting conditions of our work and changing centres of gravity in the field. The contributors have been invited to think... more
This commentary revisits the “Rethinking Euro-anthropology” Forums published in the journal Social Anthropology/Anthropologie Sociale. It reconsiders three specific issues: who are the subjects of European anthropology, who are its... more
This paper reviews the current state of anthropological theory and practice in Argentina, and what are Argentine anthropology’s relationships to current issues of contemporary social thought. In this regard, the three topics that guide... more