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Healing Broken Girls Into Warriors
Healing Broken Girls Into Warriors
Healing Broken Girls Into Warriors
Ebook106 pages1 hour

Healing Broken Girls Into Warriors

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About this ebook

Broken promises, a broken heart, a failed relationship, now she's left alone to dry up the tears all by herself.
Author penric gamhra has found a way to help women to understand that after all endings there's a new beginning..
Healing broken girls into warriors is a path for women to walk away from dead relationships, leftovers from heartaches and set her feet on solid grounds so that in her future love life she knows how to be fine and not only that but she will know how to stay away from the broken ones.
If you're in a dying relationships and you're wondering what's your next move but not certain of the steps to take.
If you've recently left a terrible relationship but still having weights of and grudge.
If you're into a relationship that doesn't feels right but your not sure what to do.

Healing broken girls into warriors is your best bet.

. Find freedom to walk away.
. Let go of dead weight from dying relationships.
. Put the past behind.
. Avoid heartache.
. Be empowered to stay strong from fakes and find real true love.

This book will demand that you love yourself and direct you in doing so.

Release dateJan 12, 2021
Healing Broken Girls Into Warriors

Penric gamhra

Penric gamhra born Jamaican living in Jamaica, a soulful poet. He loves everything nature has to offer from the birds, to the sky and the life among the trees. he acquired a vision of telling stories with just few lines. and he's a witty face for doing all of that. when he's happy he goes on with a very beautiful day but when he's sad he writes his heart out full. A man of words and a man of stories. He has self-published numerous books of poetry and other works. you can find him on Instagram. @iampoetrycrazy

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    Book preview

    Healing Broken Girls Into Warriors - Penric gamhra

    healing broken girls into warriors.

    penric gamhra

    a fimi journal


    healing broken girls into warriors. 

    WRITTEN BY: PENRIC gamhra 

    published by: penric gamhra

    copyright @ 2019


    no part of this publication

    may reproduced or shared in any forms

    by any means without permission of

    the publisher or consent of the author

    respect the hard work of the author thank you!

    dedicated to-



    this book

    belongs to....................................


    SHE'S ROYAL AND SHE needs no more pain in her life.


    IT'S HER TIME NOW TO rise above the clouds

    at this moment she's floating in her own sky

    and wobbling to the riddim of the wind.

    and just that she has a bonding string attached to you just like a kite would have had to balance its sailing

    so you have to come along too

    but instead you started to pull her down trying to stop the progress. but why. is it maybe you want to be ahead so you can manipulate her. but you should understand that she's ambitious not to compete with her man but more to have him near while harnessing her dreams and that is basically what she's depending on you for. to be a part of her complete palace by bringing love to her world not to surround her with negative energy.

    they're your tail to have a balance flight so to know them by action not just their words of mouth.



    just that she's

    warm and wild.



    with depression and stress

    just because someone that doesn't deserve your time

    left you to be alone.

    i know it would have still being nice with each other

    and you never have thoughts of being separated.

    but despite the heartbreak she

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