Activation Codes For Full Authenticity And Power
By Jill Nypower
About this ebook
Jill Nypower
I was a person seeking passion and purpose. I share my personal feelings and experiences of how i overcame limited mindsets and beliefs that no longer served me. I learned to stand up for myself and speak my truth and become a better version for myself and others.
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Activation Codes For Full Authenticity And Power - Jill Nypower
Copyright © 2024 Jill Nypower.
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Clean House
Eyes are the window to the soul
We Are the Miracle
Now I know
Healthy relationship
New energy
I only have room
A day
Alignment the process
Don’t ever
Dark outside
Does it hurt
Command your day
Goodbye past
Surround yourself
One life
The moon and a piece of God
Raise me up
My Cinderella story
Nothing to prove
First or last
Self-less/ selfish
Morning affirmations
Fitting in
Never asked
My power
Outgrown pot
Access denied
People’s karma
The price
Peace explained
Own all of you
Don’t care
All sides
Wake up
Fear matrix no more
Letting go
Two paths
See my world love me
I’ve been patient
Speak truth
We want LOVE
Fitting in
Our strength
True love
I fight for my kids
What you think you miss
Put back together
Telling you
Dressing up
Get tired
God says we’re enough
Divine protection
People please
Show me
I’ve changed
New story
Smear campaign
Can’t figure you out
A prayer for a relationship
Comfort zone
Dear God
My energy
Nothing to prove
Parts missing
Bad habit
The trick
Easy on yourself
Healed self
Divine love
No more
Good enough
It’s coming
My intention
I wonder
Girl in the tower
Another Story
Feeling Alone
Tired soul
God says I’m enough
Knowledge is power
Double minded
Speak as is
Repeat after me
Limited beliefs
People places and things
Don’t forget about me
The way
A truth
Live the dream
Dare to dream
Look Within
Stillness in motion
I Am
Safe within myself
Past energies
Clean House
If you want a new life and new timeline,
You must change your environment and your mind.
You must be willing to let go,
of what you think you know.
Toxic people that leave you drained,
and mindsets that harm you give you pain.
You can use positive meditations at night,
That’s one thing that can help bring in more light.
Recognize you have the power and are the star of your own show,
you remove what doesn’t serve you or tries to make you feel low.
Take your power back and ignore people’s opinions,
This is most important, so you make your own decisions.
What are you thinking about right now,
Are you still wondering how.
Write out on paper what you want and desire,
then speak it out loud then feel the feelings till you’re hot like fire.
Yesterday and tomorrow don’t exist,
All you have is right now so start to list.
What you want to experience,
then play with this don’t get too serious.
This should be fun to do,
But remember you will be tested so be sure not to waver on what you want for you.
we have a physical and invisible world,
We must connect the two if we want everything we touch to turn to gold.
Some emotions from our past,
can stop our progress from moving fast.
Things happen in our life that trigger strong emotions,
If there are negative stories attached, it can stop our promotion.
We must forgive ourselves and others,
so, we can let go of wounds from the experience from another.
When a feeling comes up ask what this means,
is it a story you made-up that stops you between.
Can you see a place you’re trying to get to in your mind,
Keep your focus and follow the signs.
can you take that feeling and change the narrative,
Don’t label it, instead use it as an additive.
Use for your advantage and look with a new perspective,
Sometimes all you need to do is add awareness and use it to be more effective.
Take a step back and remember there is no dark without light,
look at the space in between and shine your awareness bright.
On the issue that keeps you stuck,
What is the reflection you see and how can you change your luck.
Eyes are the window to the soul
when I look into your eyes,
I see the authentic you and where you are honest or lie.
The eyes are the window to the soul,
the more authentic you are the more you feel full and whole.
We all have magic buried within,
Just ask for access to it so you can begin.
As an empath I can connect with you deeply,
I can see where you’re projecting and where you’re uniquely,
you and have a gift to share,
Through all your pain and trauma, you bear.
I will break down your walls,
so, you can rise and stop the fall.
Plunge you forward to a new timeline,
so, you can find your own light to shine.
I sometimes will take your pain,
part of my mission to help you regain.
Awareness in areas you need to see,
so, you can break the emotions down and be free.
If you come into my life, it’s for a reason,
Our purpose is to help one another in this season.
I’m careful who I let in my life now,
but I’m obedient to spirit and I will now allow.
Myself to open for you if I feel called,
We all have a job to heal what has been installed.
So, we can all find our purpose,
our passion our truth so our life will be worth it.
if you feel sad out of the blue,
It’s just an identity trying to attach itself to you.
You are who you are and you’re not what you’re not,
If people don’t like you, it’s their problem, don’t give it a thought.
When you close your eyes and blink,
people disappear when you’re not looking let that sink.
You can be in several rooms at the same time,
This is how powerful you are you are prime.
When emotions hit ask if they’re yours,
You can let go and lay them down on the floor.
A lot of the time we pick up energy from other individuals,
Sometimes you’re a mirror or project and sometimes you look invisible.
But we all have energies we hold,
make sure you address them so you can be bold.
So, if you’re having a good day then all the sudden you feel down,
ask what’s going on in the background.
What are your thoughts in that moment you feel off,
most of the time it’s not even your energy but someone else is suffering or cough.
Cleanse your energy and your space,
Do this often just in case.
People can send energy good or bad,
only allowing true intentions from people for your highest good to avoid feeling sad.
So, your job is to pay attention and ask questions,
meditation will get you clear on the incoming suggestions.
each morning, I set an intention,
I stay in alignment with divine intervention.
I now receive a pure reflection of my true self back,
This is how I am abundant and not in lack.
The divine removes energies that aren’t stable and negative,
My mind is sharp, and I changed the narrative.
Self-love is my portion back,
Real love and passion ARE me staying on track.
most people live in their own mirrors of glass,
and when you’re God’s child the promised land is my pass.
No one can keep you away from what’s meant for you,
don’t settle for less and keep fear out too.
You must learn to trust yourself and your gut.
Don’t listen to people that say butt.
Your power is being authentic,
peeling the layers till you become magnetic.
This is my tip of the day,
thank you, God, for giving me everything I prayed.
We Are the Miracle
We are a miracle can’t you see,
We need to be done being fake and just be.
I know I’m marked, and I know I’m a person that is good,
All my tests I passed and stood.
I don’t care what people think,
I speak my truth with a wink.
I am life and I am love,
God favors us from above.
And do you know why I’m favorite so much,
It’s because I never had real love, only a crutch.
But I took back my power and I rule on my throne,
I stood up for myself and stopped giving out loans.
It’s time for us to treat each other with respect,
I did the work and passed my test.
My habits aren’t perfect and that’s OK,
because I trust God and I pray.
He meets us where we are we don’t have to be like nuns,
We all have our own Kingdom that we run.
With authority power and just judgment,
We need to stop blaming each other, that’s the assignment.
God wants us to treat each other like we all have a pure heart,
and if people aren’t nice, we can fire them from that part.
Now I know
now I know why people chose vices to escape,
cause their material and there always there to give you an excuse.
You tell yourself it’s like a friend,
even if your world is turning you can depend.
For it to be there in the morning,
It helps you cope from all your mourning.
But yes, it’s an excuse to help you cope with your feelings,
Sometimes pain can turn into healing.
But even when you use things to escape,
in the morning you pay the consequence, and you need grounding to create.
Balance and love and focused attention,
make sure your mind is positive in your ascension.
When everyone you loved you find out has betrayed you,
It can put you in a dark place you need God to save you.
Then you don’t need booze or coping devices,
It lowers your frequency and go up in prices.
The most important thing is to remember who you are,
love and forgive yourself and dance to music in your car.
If you are also one with a pure heart,
This is your awakening and your chance for a new start.
But you must have discipline and a strong mind,
if you want your highest timeline to align.
the life we live in is a mirror,
When we are not healed, we project those fears.
We all have an inner child,
When we work with it our insides start to smile.
When you were born you were innocent and meek,
You trusted your environment and source