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Peter Derk

Goodreads Author

in The United States


Member Since
February 2009

Peter Derk doesn't understand why they've never sold a Twix called "Twick" that's just one long bar made of the two bars mashed together. ...more

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Peter Derk Can I tell you a story about this?

The first time I was in a gay bar was because of an incident where a friend's car got towed. We walked a ways to mee…more
Can I tell you a story about this?

The first time I was in a gay bar was because of an incident where a friend's car got towed. We walked a ways to meet another friend, a gay guy and his partner, who were going to help us out. They were in a gay bar, and they insisted we have a drink with them first before we got down to business. By which I mean "get a ride home." By which I mean get in a vehicle and drive it...let's just keep going with the story.

I walked in, we had a drink, and I left. And you know what? Nobody hit on me. Nobody talked to me. It was almost like -gasp- pretty much a normal bar.

Now, I fully expected that guys would love me. Because ladies were kind of ho-hum about me, so I figured that meant dudes would be all about it. Because a gay guy is the opposite of a girl, right?

Nope. Turns out, nope, not at all. In fact, a gay gentleman's proclivities really don't have much to do with a woman's. It's kind of like it's own whole thing. Actually, I'll revise that. It's exactly like it's own whole thing.

This was a lesson learned when I was maybe 21. So a little old, but what can I say, I grew up podunk.

So while turning to gay men might seem like an alternative, flipping the switch from OFF to ON, it doesn't really work that way.

Here's my advice to you and really the advice I would give to any young person who is having this sort of problem: Pursue an interest that's NOT having a boyfriend or girlfriend.

Get interested in something. Get a hobby. Seriously. This is the best thing you can do for yourself, and it's going to make your future relationships much richer.

For one thing, you'll become a better, deeper, more interesting person.

For another, if your hobby is pursuing romance, then once you have romance, what then? What do you have left at that point?

Get a hobby. I would possibly suggest some sort of queer studies classes in your particular case. Or model rocketry. (less)
Peter Derk Oh, please. A 5-star review? I wasn't born yesterday.

In all seriousness, or as much seriousness as I can muster for Goodreads, I really do appreciate …more
Oh, please. A 5-star review? I wasn't born yesterday.

In all seriousness, or as much seriousness as I can muster for Goodreads, I really do appreciate the nice reviews and things people say about my books. And I get steamed about the bad ones. Because I'm a human man and it doesn't feel good when people say bad things.

I don't hit Like anymore these days because, well, I really do appreciate the nice reviews, but I also know that book reviewers don't necessarily want to have a dialog with me, and...it feels a little creepy.

I do my fair share of reviewing, and I have been contacted by authors a couple times. Both for books I gave middling reviews. And...I didn't love it. It was weird.

I also think it can be a little creepy. I've worked/volunteered a few jobs working with youth. If you're a single, adult man working with youth, you learn to stay as far away from creepsville as is humanly possible. Your creepification monitor is very sensitive. Trust me, this might sound weird to you, but any others who've walked a mile in those shoes know what I'm talking about. So, I am super averse to doing anything remotely creepy, which probably hurts me sometimes because it's good to develop relationships with readers, but I'm going better safe than sorry on this one.

There was another event that made me think this way.

When I put out the first book I put out, a book of poems, someone gave it a 1-star review. I knew this person as a friend of friend of friend kind of thing, and I did think it was extremely uncool to give it a 1-star. I went to this person's profile and was looking at other ratings, and was like, "Wait, if you were this charitable all along, what the hell?"

I was seriously considering clicking "Like" on this review. So the person would know I'd seen it. And maybe think, "Oh, yeah. Real person. Not cool."

But then I took a breath and was like, "Whoa." Not like a Matrix whoa, like a cowboy stopping a spooked horse kind of whoa.

I'm not a professional author, but I can still act like one. And a pro can take it when someone dislikes their book. I learned an important lesson from Rocky Balboa: "It's not how hard you can hit. It's how hard you can GET hit and keep moving forward." Rocky was right. Punch drunk, but right. Being a pro is about getting hit and moving forward, not about hitting back.

I didn't hit that Like button. And I decided not to hit the positive ones either. I'm just not like some big time guy, like a Stephen King. If Stephen King liked my 5-star review, I'd be pretty happy. But Peter Derk? Who gives a shit?

I think reviews are for readers. They help readers make good choices on how to spend their time and money. Sure, I look at 'em. And I'm heartwarmed when I see a glowing one. But I have to assume that even the nice reviews were not written to make me feel good, they were written to tell people about a good book. Unless they're by friends and family. Then I figure they're at least kinda meant to make me feel good, and I'm 100% fine with that.

I'm very grateful to anyone who reads my books, whether they end up liking them or not. There are a lot of choices for people out there, lots of ways you all can spend your time, and I'm honored when you choose to spend your time with my books. If you want to be chummy with me, tag me in your review on Twitter or Instagram, or email me. I'm helpfulsnowman on Twitter, Instagram, and gmail. Pretty much everywhere. Also, feel free to chat me up on reviews I do of other books, books I didn't write.

As for reviews of my books, I'll be there, but not in a creepy way. Maybe just looking down like Mufasa from the clouds. Except not dead. And not a lion. And none of you are my kids. I do suspect that some of you have tried to strike up a relationship with a fun meerkat/warthog duo, but that's because you're weird. (less)
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Archivos The Cursed

We regret to inform you that the author, Pete, has passed from this plane.

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Peter Derk rated a book it was ok
Madman Library Edition Volume 2 by Mike Allred
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Love volume 1, Did Not Love volume 2.
This gets away from the core Madman story and has Madman teaming up with famous (Superman) and less famous (Nexus) superheroes.
The classic problem of superhero team-ups is that they suck for one fan or the other.
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" Back on top, one book ahead. This is the danger zone, though. Where just a couple of days of no reading puts you back on your heels. Do I have the bra ...more "
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Vinland Saga Omnibus, Vol. 13 by Makoto Yukimura
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I thought this was the end of the series and really kind of loved it. But it also didn't totally make sense as the end of the series. These damn manga and their American publication schedules, man. Killing me here.

I did learn that it took A LOT of e
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Vinland Saga Omnibus, Vol. 11 by Makoto Yukimura
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I would've been the worst viking. I can't even get up the steam to get out of bed right away. My bed that's in a climate-controlled house, with food waiting downstairs, and indoor plumbing.

If I ever get time-sucked back to viking days, I will probab
Peter Derk rated a book it was amazing
People, Places, Things by Chuck Palahniuk
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There's not a whole lot of reason to write a long review of this one, it's a short essay, and a review that's like 10% as long as the entire piece seems pretty stupid.

If you haven't visited Chuck's work in a while, I think this makes for a great re-i
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Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind, Vol. 1 by Hayao Miyazaki
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All I could think is that my buttcrack is the nausicaaeating valley of the wind.
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Why I'm Afraid of Bees by R.L. Stine
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As I read this, I started to fantasize about being stuck in a bodyswap machine that turned me into a bee. I can see why a lot of people would hate it, but imagine...

Bees don't do email.

Bees get to make a decision to sacrifice their own lives to cause
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Doom Guy by John Romero
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I read a Doom novel when I was a kid. I remember it being the second one, but who knows, it could've just been that I was confused by the fact that the book had way, WAY more story than the game, at least story that I didn't immediately skip by when ...more
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Vinland Saga Omnibus, Vol. 10 by Makoto Yukimura
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I have nowhere else to complain about this, and it doesn't seem like my feedback has worked so far, so my only hope, the dying hope of a desperate man, is that someone working at Pizza Hut is reading Vinland Saga and sees this:

Bro, your website is fu
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Vinland Saga Omnibus, Vol. 9 by Makoto Yukimura
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If Leo DiCaprio gets in trouble trying to kill a bear, I can't recommend that for anyone.

I like how people are always making fun of him for dating much younger women. As if he's going to be like, "My god, they're right!" Please.

He should hook up wi
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Quotes by Peter Derk  (?)
Quotes are added by the Goodreads community and are not verified by Goodreads. (Learn more)

“​You might have to hurt yourself if you want to really be alone for a little while.”
Peter Derk, Dear Runaway: a novel in letters

“​I try really hard not to live how people think I live.”
Peter Derk, Dear Runaway: a novel in letters

“All I did one summer was lay down on a shitty 70's couch and listen to bands I won't even talk about because they're too embarrassing. A whole summer like that. ​Okay, fine. It was Staind.”
Peter Derk, Dear Runaway: a novel in letters

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thinking clearly is never time wasted.”
Max Brooks, Zombie Survival Guide, The: Complete Protection From The Living Dead

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Haruki Murakami, Sputnik Sweetheart

“Fuck concepts. Don't be afraid to be confused. Try to remain permanently confused. Anything is possible. Stay open, forever, so open it hurts, and then open up some more, until the day you die, world without end, amen.”
George Saunders

“All these weirdos, and me getting a little better every day right in the midst of them. I had never known, never even imagined for a heartbeat, that there might be a place for people like us.”
Denis Johnson, Jesus' Son

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