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2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 766
Xiangyu Sha ◽  
Aizhong Lu ◽  
Hui Cai ◽  
Chonglin Yin

The static problem of a layered isotropic elastic body is a very useful research subject in relation to the analysis and design of foundation works. Due to the complexity of the problem, there is no analytical solution to the problem so far. This study provides an efficient analytical approach to accurately calculate the displacement and stress fields of the soil. The constraints of bedrock on soil, different soil layer thickness and the shear stress of the foundation on soil were all taken into account in the analysis. In this study, each layer is regarded as an isotropic elastomer with infinite width, and the layers are in complete contact. By using conformal mapping, each layer is mapped to a unit circle, and the two complex potential functions are expanded into Taylor series with unknown coefficients. These unknown coefficients are obtained by satisfying boundary conditions and continuity conditions. The boundary and continuity conditions were verified in this paper. As a validation step, we compared the analytical results for the settlement with the results of the ANSYS numerical simulations and found good agreement. Parametric analyses were also carried out to investigate the influence of different distribution forms of base pressure on surface settlement, and the effects of layered properties on the surface settlement and stress field.

2022 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 54
A. Yair Grinberger ◽  
Marco Minghini ◽  
Godwin Yeboah ◽  
Levente Juhász ◽  
Peter Mooney

The academic community frequently engages with OpenStreetMap (OSM) as a data source and research subject, acknowledging its complex and contextual nature. However, existing literature rarely considers the position of academic research in relation to the OSM community. In this paper we explore the extent and nature of engagement between the academic research community and the larger communities in OSM. An analysis of OSM-related publications from 2016 to 2019 and seven interviews conducted with members of one research group engaged in OSM-related research are described. The literature analysis seeks to uncover general engagement patterns while the interviews are used to identify possible causal structures explaining how these patterns may emerge within the context of a specific research group. Results indicate that academic papers generally show few signs of engagement and adopt data-oriented perspectives on the OSM project and product. The interviews expose that more complex perspectives and deeper engagement exist within the research group to which the interviewees belong, e.g., engaging in OSM mapping and direct interactions based on specific points-of-contact in the OSM community. Several conclusions and recommendations emerge, most notably: that every engagement with OSM includes an interpretive act which must be acknowledged and that the academic community should act to triangulate its interpretation of the data and OSM community by diversifying their engagement. This could be achieved through channels such as more direct interactions and inviting members of the OSM community to participate in the design and evaluation of research projects and programmes.

I Gusti Putu Suharta ◽  
Ni Nyoman Parwati

The use of appropriate learning resources has the potential to improve students' ability in solving mathematical problems. This study aims to determine the local culture that is oriented towards Tri Hita Karana which can be used as a learning resource for fractions in an effort to improve students' problem solving abilities. This type of research is exploratory with the research subject of the teacher who teaches the fifth grade students of Elementary School Number 1 Bhaktiseraga Singaraja. Data on aspects of local culture that are oriented towards Tri Hita Karana which can be used as a learning resource for fractions were collected by means of questionnaires and interviews. The results showed that the aspects of local culture oriented to Tri Hita Karana that could be used for learning fractions were the mecaru ceremony, tumpek wariga, odalan, ngayah. These learning resources can be used for material integration or math problems.

2022 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
Penia Lisa Ogemi ◽  
Delfi Eliza

Cleanliness is a very important thing to pay attention to, especially personal hygiene in early childhood. Because at an early age children experience a process of rapid growth and development, cleanliness is the main thing that must be considered because children are very susceptible to disease. This requires teachers to be able to apply personal hygiene to children. This study aims to describe the teacher's role in implementing personal hygiene in children. The Pembina Keliling Danau State Kindergarten became the research subject, namely one principal and seven  teachers. The use of qualitative analysis in this study with observation, interviews and documentation techniques as data collection. The result of the research is that the teacher motivates children in terms of maintaining cleanliness, providing guidance and praise to children. As well as the use of varied and interesting media also involve children in the activities carried out.

2022 ◽  
Vol 18 (3) ◽  
pp. 195
Fadhila . Hayani ◽  
Siti Aisyah Ginting ◽  
Rahmad . Husein

This study was investigated about the acquisition of sentences by three-year-old Indonesian boy, M. Gentamas Ransi Alden. The objective of this study were to investigated the sentences that produced by three years old Indonesia boy, and to explain the reason for the sentences produced based on mood in a case study on M. Gentamas Ransi Alden. This research was conducted by using descriptive qualitative research design. The data were utterances from a three years old Indonesia boy and source of data taken from M. Gentamas Ransi Alden. For the duration of almost three months, the researcher observed and recorded the subject’s produced sounds, words, and sentences. The researcher also observed how the learner interacts with various linguistics inputs to see how the subject processes them. Finally, the researcher also observed him as interacts with people to determine the levels of the various constructs of his communicative competence. The result of the data showed that the subject already acquired the sentences based on mood, they are: 1) declarative sentences, 2) imperative sentences, 3) exclamatory sentences, and 4) interrogative sentences. In acquiring the second language, the research subject acquired the sentence during the process of imitating from their parents since they start over to speak. The subject used a declarative sentence to declare their statements, the interrogative sentence they use it to ask about information of something, the exclamatory sentences they use to shows about the emotion and also to declare their statement, and the imperative sentences to ask another to do something. Keywords: Children Sentence Acquisition, Kinds of Sentences, a Three Year Old, Indonesian Boy

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 148
Nanda Syah Putra ◽  
Anna Permanasari ◽  
Desi Desmiawati

<p class="Abstrakabstract">Education for sustainability development (ESD) is a way to realize that every individual lives interdependently with each other and their environment. Research has been conducted with survey methods to reveal the level of students’ disposition/attitude to sustainable living, being a basis for the development of appropriate learning.  The research sample was 95 students at SMPN Garut. The data in this study is primary data, which is obtained directly from the research subject. The research was conducted by delivering questionnaires to students consisting of 51 closed question items. The results of the study obtained the average of student disposition score from several ESD themes, namely the environment, waste, water, energy, natural disasters, and health respectively is 2.99, 3.15, 3.24, 3.11, 3.08 and 3.33. The average of these all themes is 3.15.  Based on this study, the results were obtained that students' sustainability disposition/attitude are at a high level. The positive response given by students shows the attitude of students who support the efforts to realize sustainable development. In this case, there is no guarantee if someone who have good sustainability disposition will have good sustainability practice. Sustainable disposition/attitude must be supported by sustainable behaviors and practices so that sustainable living goals can be achieved. The last, Indonesia government can make the policy and guidelines related to how to do effective sustainability education in Indonesia to support sustainability awareness of students and society.</p>

KadikmA ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (3) ◽  
pp. 117
Nidya Ferry Wulandari ◽  
M Tamim Hidayatullah ◽  
Iqbal Ramadani

Students in SMP Negeri 4 Pakem have high-level participation and are very active when they learn in class. But we cannot ignore that there are some students that do not share their ideas or comment in front of the class. Based on observation, students’ participation is dominated by some students. That is why the objective of this study was to shed light on the implementation of the random calling technique using popsicle sticks to improve all of the students’ participation. The research was qualitative narrative research which has seventh-grade students in SMP Negeri 4 Pakem as the research subject. To collect the data used observation technique and questionnaire. The data collected was analyzed by using a descriptive technique based on data triangulation. The result of this study is that teacher and students make an agreement on how to implement random calling using popsicle sticks. This random calling technique is used after giving students an opportunity to be active in class voluntarily. Based on the questionnaire submitted, 75% of students agree that mathematics learning using random calling gives them a broad opportunity and they feel challenged in class.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 37 (4) ◽  
pp. 366-383
Adibah Ismail ◽  

Investigative journalism has been an American phenomenon, heavily embedded with their values. Scholars mentioned individualism and press freedom as two founding values of investigative journalism practice in the West. This study attempts to explore values influencing the practice of investigative journalism from a different viewpoint, by investigating Malaysia as a democratic country, but having a controlled media environment. Malaysia is also an interesting research subject because it is a developing country with strong Eastern values. Using local yardsticks, this study explores values influencing the practice of investigative journalism in Malaysia from local media practitioners’ perspectives. This research aims to explore more than just the differences between Western and Eastern culture, but also to understand how those different values influence the practice. In-depth interviews were used to explore the perspectives of 16 media practitioners from various backgrounds including editors and journalists who work in mainstream and alternative media in Malaysia. Vast data generated from the interviews pointing to a different viewpoint from current literature. The data, which was thematically analysed, revealed interesting findings which differentiate between Malaysian and Western practices of investigative journalism. The Eastern perspective was found to be dominant, especially in terms of collectivism culture, value of press freedom, and religious teachings influence. This study also highlighted the importance of considering the cultural factor in evaluating any journalism practice in the world. The study concludes that local values and culture must be included as research elements to understand a country’s journalism practice. Keywords: Investigative journalism, media culture, guiding values, press freedom, Malaysia.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 ◽  
pp. 309-315
Mateusz Żuchnik ◽  
Piotr Kopniak

The research subject of this paper was the comparative analysis of efficiency of connections with databases using different communication methods based on Java programming language. The tools investigated included JDBC drivers and Object-relational mapping (ORM) frameworks. A survey based on 8 different criteria was conducted to determine the most effective method and tool for working with relational databases when developing Java applications. The weights of the criteria were determined through a survey of Java programmers and computer science students.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (6) ◽  
pp. 894-911
V. G. Korinevsky ◽  
V. A. Kotlyarov ◽  
S. V. Kolisnichenko ◽  
D. A. Artemiev

Research subject. Rare minerals of tin and antimony – stistaites from natural lead plates from the Severo-Svetlinskaya placer in the Chelyabinsk region and from microspherules of intermetallic compounds in the products of erosion of granites of the Kisegach complex in the Ilmeny Mountains.Materials and methods. Electron probe analysis and laser ablation with inductively coupled plasma were used to study the composition of the predominant minerals of intermetallic compounds in lead plates extracted during the washing of a gold-bearing placer, as well as from metal microspherules in the sandy fraction of eroded granites.Results. Two types of stistaite were identified: lead and arsenic-lead. Lead stistaites is sharply predominant, with its average composition (wt %) being Sb – 47.39, Sn – 38.75, Pb – 13.24, Cu – 0.06. The average composition of arsenic-lead stystaite (wt %) was found to be Sb – 43.89, Sn – 41.06, Pb – 11.02, As – 3.05, Cu – 0.47. Tin-lead microspherules from the destruction products of biotite granites of the Kisegach massif (Ilmeny Mountains) occasionally contain crystals and spotted precipitates of lead stistaite with the composition (wt %) of Sn 53.54, Sb 38.45, and Pb 7.42.Conclusions. It is assumed that, in both cases, the formation of alloys of intermetallic compounds of tin, lead and antimony with inclusions of native copper and iron was associated with granite magmatism.

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