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reliable knowledge
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2022 ◽  
pp. 902-916
Ndwakhulu Stephen Tshishonga

This chapter interrogates the notion of community engagement or service learning. The chapter argues that universities pay lip service to community engagement to the detriment of teaching and research functionaries. Most prestige universities operate on the belief that it is only research that matters; hence, research is prioritized. Universities and their staff have adopted an ‘ivory tower' attitude. This modus operandi negates the reality that reliable knowledge could be produced through responsible community engagement and can become the source of empirical data that can be used for teaching and shared through publications. For universities to impact transformational change within and in their surroundings, community engagement should be elevated to equal teaching and learning.

2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 62-71
Andrii Molodan ◽  
Dmytrii Abramov ◽  
Yurii Tarasov ◽  
Mykola Potapov ◽  

The article proposes reducing the redundancy of the neural network and the need to reduce the number of neurons in the hidden layer for a given level of network learning error. The minimum number of neurons of the hidden layer for the case of 11 monitoring standard sensors, the parameters of the automobile and tractor engine (ATE) and five classes of typical defects of the ATE nodes can be reduced to 5-7 with a high quality of recognition of the state of the ATE engine. The goal is to provide an expanded reliable knowledge base, the speed of information processing, the accuracy of the resulting technical diagnosis and the ability to quickly determine the technical state of an automotive engine in the mode real time. The basis of the proposed method is to ensure obtaining an extended reliable knowledge base, the speed of information processing, the accuracy of the obtained technical diagnosis and the ability to quickly determine the technical state of an ATE engine in real time. A feature of the proposed method is the use of voltages obtained in an artificial neural network from sensors that are standard in an ATE engine as input signals, and additionally indicate the output signal of the fuel cut-off device, provided for one step, containing a winding of a normally closed electromagnetic valve, which redirects fuel to the drain line. The use of the algorithm for identifying the values of the indicators of operating modes and malfunctions of the cylinder-piston group is the result of the analysis of an artificial neural network, which receive the results of the diagnostic parameters of the automotive engine. Having studied the artificial neural network 1 with different volumes of training data, we obtained the dependence of the change in the reliability of the result on the size of the training data and the reliability of the recognition result is 91.2%, the optimal amount of training data is 1200. Having examined the artificial neural network 2 with different volumes of training data, we obtained the dependence of the change in the reliability the result from the size of the training data and the reliability of the recognition result is 86.5%, the optimal amount of training data is from 10 to 15. The results obtained show the fundamental possibility of creating predictive models of units and assemblies of the tested automotive engines. The model can be created using the apparatus of artificial neural networks and using a fairly large database of tests performed.

2021 ◽  
pp. 4702-4711
Asmaa Talal Fadel ◽  
Madhat E. Nasser

     Reservoir characterization requires reliable knowledge of certain fundamental properties of the reservoir. These properties can be defined or at least inferred by log measurements, including porosity, resistivity, volume of shale, lithology, water saturation, and permeability of oil or gas. The current research is an estimate of the reservoir characteristics of Mishrif Formation in Amara Oil Field, particularly well AM-1, in south eastern Iraq. Mishrif Formation (Cenomanin-Early Touronin) is considered as the prime reservoir in Amara Oil Field. The Formation is divided into three reservoir units (MA, MB, MC). The unit MB is divided into two secondary units (MB1, MB2) while the unit MC is also divided into two secondary units (MC1, MC2). Using Geoframe software, the available well log images (sonic, density, neutron, gamma ray, spontaneous potential, and resistivity logs) were digitized and updated. Petrophysical properties, such as porosity, saturation of water, saturation of hydrocarbon, etc. were calculated and explained. The total porosity was measured using the density and neutron log, and then corrected to measure the effective porosity by the volume content of clay. Neutron -density cross-plot showed that Mishrif Formation lithology consists predominantly of limestone. The reservoir water resistivity (Rw) values of the Formation were calculated using Pickett-Plot method.   

2021 ◽  
Vol 923 (1) ◽  
pp. 49
Joseph Moscoso ◽  
Rafael S. de Souza ◽  
Alain Coc ◽  
Christian Iliadis

Abstract Big bang nucleosynthesis (BBN) is the standard model theory for the production of light nuclides during the early stages of the universe, taking place about 20 minutes after the big bang. Deuterium production, in particular, is highly sensitive to the primordial baryon density and the number of neutrino species, and its abundance serves as a sensitive test for the conditions in the early universe. The comparison of observed deuterium abundances with predicted ones requires reliable knowledge of the relevant thermonuclear reaction rates and their corresponding uncertainties. Recent observations reported the primordial deuterium abundance with percent accuracy, but some theoretical predictions based on BBN are in tension with the measured values because of uncertainties in the cross section of the deuterium-burning reactions. In this work, we analyze the S-factor of the D(p,γ)3He reaction using a hierarchical Bayesian model. We take into account the results of 11 experiments, spanning the period of 1955–2021, more than any other study. We also present results for two different fitting functions, a two-parameter function based on microscopic nuclear theory and a four-parameter polynomial. Our recommended reaction rates have a 2.2% uncertainty at 0.8 GK, which is the temperature most important for deuterium BBN. Differences between our rates and previous results are discussed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
Arkadiusz Dziech

Significant development of genetic tools during the last decades provided opportunities for more detailed analyses and deeper understanding of species hybridization. New genetic markers allowed for reliable identification of admixed individuals deriving from recent hybridization events (a few generations) and those originating from crossings up to 19 generations back. Implementation of microsatellites (STRs) together with Bayesian clustering provided abundant knowledge regarding presence of admixed individuals in numerous populations and helped understand the problematic nature of studying hybridization (i.a., defining a reliable thresholds for recognizing individuals as admixed or obtaining well-grounded results representing actual proportion of hybrids in a population). Nevertheless, their utilization is limited to recent crossbreeding events. Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) proved to be more sensible tools for admixture analyses furnishing more reliable knowledge, especially for older generation backcrosses. Small sets of Ancestry Informative Markers (AIMs) of both types of markers were effective enough to implement in monitoring programs, however, SNPs seem to be more appropriate because of their ability to identify admixed individuals up to 3rd generations. The main aim of this review is to summarize abundant knowledge regarding identification of wolf-dog hybrids in Europe and discuss the most relevant problems relating to the issue, together with advantages and disadvantages of implemented markers and approaches.

2021 ◽  
Vol 43 (2) ◽  
pp. 367-393
William T. Lynch

Abstract The alleged emergence of a ‘post-truth’ regime links the rise of new forms of social media and the reemergence of political populism. Post-truth has theoretical roots in the interdisciplinary field of Science and Technology Studies (STS), with sociologists of science arguing that both true and false claims should be explained by the same kinds of social causes. Most STS theorists have sought to deflect blame for post-truth, while at the same time enacting a normative turn, looking to deconstruct truth claims and subject expertise to criticism. Steve Fuller has developed a positive case for post-truth in science, arguing that post-truth democratizes science. I criticize this argument and suggest an alternative approach that draws on the prehistory of the field in the 1930s and 1940s, when philosophers and sociologists sought to define the social conditions necessary for reliable knowledge production that might stem mass media irrationalism.

2021 ◽  
Vol 63 (3) ◽  
pp. 46-57
Terry Wrigley ◽  
Gawain Little

This review essay brings together reflections on four recent books about the current state of England's school system, how this was brought about and what might be a road to recovery. The books have some overlapping themes such as the academy system, testing, accountability and central political control, but interesting differences of approach; however, all of them raise fundamental questions about system change and the quality of young people's education. The conclusion consolidates and extends the theories from the four books with the aim of enhancing a clear understanding for education campaigners and finding ways forward. Both authors have been actively involved in building Reclaiming Schools, a research network established to underpin the work of the NEU, parents and other activists through reliable knowledge (see reclaimingschools. org). The Reclaiming Schools website has regularly drawn on the work of several of these books' authors. Full publication details for each book addressed in the review essay can be found at the end.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 256
Yesha Ainesis El Gracianita Pelupessy ◽  
Putu Angga Wiradana ◽  
I Wayan Rosiana ◽  
I Gede Widhiantara

Sea turtles in Bali has been exploited excessively, which caused decrease in population, and this issue has placed sea turtles threatened to extinction. This review article aimed to provide information regarding the status, trends, and potential of sea turtles in Bali. Information given in this article is vital to ensure reliable knowledge not to only understand our current situation, but also to increase efficiency in reliant to the problem sea turtles face. The literature study method is used to write this review paper, namely by accessing a number of research paper published nationally and internationally. It was explained that the status of sea turtles is known to be endangered and law enforcement is not sufficient overcoming the problem. Conservation trends such as nurturing hatchlings have shown to not only help restore the population of sea turtles, but also to bring economic benefits to the conservation sites and the people. Potentials of ecotourism and DNA Barcoding has shown to be effective to benefit the people economically and increase the efficiency of law enforcement and conservation. Solutions and methods of improvement such as ecotourism and DNA Barcoding explained in this article is practical for Bali to adapt, so that sea turtle conservation is capable to overcome its status and incline to its potential.

UVserva ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 85-100
Lilly Areli Sánchez Correa ◽  
Ma Guadalupe Noemi Uehara Guerrero ◽  
Arturo Velázquez Ruiz

La expansión urbana, como uno de los tipos de crecimiento de la ciudad, es analizada a partir de las causas que originan diversas posibilidades de orientación y emplazamiento de la población, en función de sus capacidades socio económicas y preferencias en la selección del sitio para habitar. De esta forma, el espacio urbano dinamiza su configuración por la creación constante de unidades que se agregan a la ciudad inicial, ocupadas por población de diferentes estratos sociales pero con el común denominador de estar inmersos, en cualquiera de sus niveles, en la estructura económica urbana. En este sentido, se considera que el análisis del estado actual y el planteamiento de estrategias a futuro, requiere captar información cuantitativa del proceso de expansión generado, para entender al menos la dinámica urbana y tratar de ejercer un control sobre los ritmos y orientaciones de tal crecimiento. La propuesta planteada refiere a la formulación y sistematización de un registro de unidades propiciadas por expansión, a partir de hacer una lectura crítica reflexiva a la estadística demográfica oficial, cuyos intereses en los conteos de población -eficientes en sus fines- divergen del conocimiento fehaciente de las tendencias de expansión, al incrementar la población rural y desconocer el crecimiento urbano, mediante el conteo de unidades residenciales, ya sean fraccionamientos de interés social de alta densificación en proceso de ocupación o en otros casos, desarrollos inmobiliarios periurbanos habitados por  población urbana de altos ingresos y bajas densidades, registrando ambas realidades como localidades rurales. Criticism of the registration of new urban incorporationsUrban expansion, as one of the types of growth of the city, is analysed from the causes that deliver several possibilities of placement of the population, depending on its socio-economic level and preferences at choosing the place to live. In this way, urban space energizes its configuration by the constant creation of residential units that are added to the original city, occupied by populations of different social strata but with the common denominator of being immersed, at any of its levels, in the urban economic structure. In this sense, it is considered that the analysis of the current situation and the approach of future strategies, requires to capture quantitative information of the expansion process, in order to understand at least the urban dynamics and to try to exercise control over the rhythms and orientations of such growth. The proposal put forward concerns about the formulation and systematization of a register of units of expansion, from making a thoughtful critical reading to official demographic statistics, whose interests in population counts -altough efficient in their purposes- diverge from the reliable knowledge of the trends of expansion, by increasing the numbers of rural population and ignoring urban growth, by counting residential units, whether developments of social housing with high densification in the process of occupation or, in other cases, peri-urban real estate developments inhabited by urban population of high income and low densities, registering both realities as rural localities. Keywords: Urban expansion; demographic record; rural locations; fragmentation. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 168 (1-2) ◽  
Karl Dudman ◽  
Sara de Wit

AbstractAs the epistemic hand in the UNFCCC’S political glove, the IPCC is charged with furnishing the global dialogues with ‘reliable knowledge’ on climate change. Much has been written about how this body of scientific information can be communicated more effectively to a diverse public, but considerably less so on the role communication might play in making the IPCC itself more receptive to alternative forms of contribution. Climate change communication remains centred on a unidirectional model that has helped climate science achieve greater public legibility, but so far not explored equivalent channels within institutional thinking for representing public and other non-scientific knowledges. Anticipating a new assessment report and major developments for the Paris Agreement, now is an opportunity to consider ambitious pathways to reciprocity in the IPCC’s communication strategy. Drawing on interdisciplinary insights from social science literatures, we argue that communication is not only inseparable from knowledge politics in the IPCC, but that communication activities and research may prove key avenues for making the IPCC more inclusive. Recognising climate communication as a developed field of study and practice with significant influence in the IPCC, we present a framework for categorising communicative activities into those which help the panel speak with a more human voice, and those that help it listen receptively to alternative forms of knowledge. The latter category especially invites communicators to decouple ‘epistemic authority’ from ‘scientific authority’, and so imagine new forms of expert contribution. This is critical to enabling active and equitable dialogue with underrepresented publics that democratises climate governance, and enhances the public legitimacy of the IPCC.

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