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interest and motivation
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2022 ◽  
pp. 1107-1129
M. Dolores Ramírez-Verdugo ◽  
Moira López

Sedentary life-style, obesity, and early school leaving have been identified as major causes leading to the biggest health and educational problems in developed countries. This may derive into students showing a not recommended passive role at these ages, which also leads to their lack of interest and motivation in learning and education. This chapter presents an innovation research project which aims to face sedentariness in elementary school by applying an instructional technology-based model with the use of gamification and augmented reality in a bilingual education context. The case study shows several educational advantages, including increase in physical exercise, health awareness, learning engagement, and upgrade in L2 content understanding and linguistic skills.

2022 ◽  
pp. 746-768
M. Dolores Ramírez-Verdugo ◽  
Moira López

Sedentary life-style, obesity, and early school leaving have been identified as major causes leading to the biggest health and educational problems in developed countries. This may derive into students showing a not recommended passive role at these ages, which also leads to their lack of interest and motivation in learning and education. This chapter presents an innovation research project which aims to face sedentariness in elementary school by applying an instructional technology-based model with the use of gamification and augmented reality in a bilingual education context. The case study shows several educational advantages, including increase in physical exercise, health awareness, learning engagement, and upgrade in L2 content understanding and linguistic skills.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
pp. 521
Samsudin Samsudin ◽  
Indrawan Indrawan ◽  
Sri Mulyati

This study aims to present web-based algorithm and programming materials in order to increase interest and motivation in studying in the informatics engineering study program, this learning system is made so that all who want to learn algorithms and programming easily get solutions from the material and videos that are available on the web page. And the existence of this web-based learning information system can provide material archive storage and exercises so that there is no more loss of material or exercise files. This application is created using the PHP and MySQL programming languages.

2021 ◽  
Vol 62 ◽  
pp. 28-33
Aistė Elijio ◽  
Agnė Goberytė-Meškauskienė

In the context of the world health crisis, distance learning which before that was rarely used in Lithuania became practically universal, causing a number of challenges. Trying to respond to some of them, we started exploring possible advantages of between-subject integration in more effectively using on-line time and increasing interest and motivation of students. The article deals with integrating mathematics and arts in distance learning in basic school. Integrated lesson was created for grade 9, and its results and student reflection showed possibilities presented by such type of education.

Stephen Devries ◽  
Monica Aggarwal ◽  
Kathleen Allen ◽  
Penny Kris-Etherton ◽  
Paul Theriot ◽  

Background: Dietary factors are a leading contributor to cardiovascular disease. Cardiologists are ideally positioned to initiate dietary discussions with patients and to make appropriate referrals to dietitians/nutritionists, yet the frequency of such referrals is unknown. Methods: A national survey was distributed to cardiologists to assess the frequency of their referrals to dietitians/nutritionists, their assessment of the efficacy of such referrals, and the perceived barriers to patient implementation of dietary changes following referral to dietitians/nutritionists. Results: A total of 123 cardiologists responded to the survey. The majority of respondents (71%) reported that they referred 10% or fewer of their patients to dietitians/nutritionists. Cardiologists who participated in a nutrition-focused continuing medical education activity were nearly twice as likely to refer patients to a dietitian/nutritionist as those who did not. Thirty-two percent of cardiologists believed that 25% or more of their referred patients made significant gains in achieving dietary goals. Most cardiologists (63%) attributed the primary challenge to achieving dietary goals to “the patient’s lack of interest and motivation in making dietary changes” while 6% believed the lack of desired results were related to the quality of the counseling provided. Overall, 59% of cardiologists endorsed the belief that dietary interventions can improve outcomes to an equal or greater degree than pharmacologic therapy Conclusion: Cardiologists reported making few referrals to dietitians/nutritionists; however, those who received continuing education in nutrition were significantly more likely to make a referral than those who did not receive nutrition education. The efficacy of referrals to dietitians/nutritionists was considered to be limited, which the majority of cardiologists attributed to a lack of patient interest and motivation—a belief that is not aligned with prior surveys of patient preferences.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 72-97
Roberto Martínez Mateo ◽  
Maria De las Mercedes Chicote Beato

In a society which is becoming more and more globalized, it is essential to promote teaching processes that enable the meaningful acquisition of knowledge, emphasizing the learning of English, as the main goal of the teachers. Reading in education is the paradigm of culture and is part of the language learning process. Nevertheless, its practice has declined in recent years. Consequently, through this Project, with the aim of motivating the Reading frequency, we intend to take a deeper look into the role of technologies in order to foster the Reading habit in a foreign language, highlighting the importance of reading for the student cognitive development. For that reason, an innovation proposal for promoting reading based on the use of ICT in the educational field is presented, with a specific focus on the Booktube community, as a tool to increase interest and motivation in reading.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 937
Amira Eza Febrian Putri ◽  
Aiga Ventivani ◽  
Okti Rjeky ◽  
Sunarti Sunarti

ABSTRAKUpaya pendidik dalam memenuhi tuntutan pendidikan abad 21 saat ini telah menghadapi tantangan berat yaitu adanya pandemi. Pola pembelajaran yang biasanya dilakukan secara tatap muka, mau tidak mau kini harus berjalan dengan cara daring. Ketidaksiapan ini menimbulkan berbagai masalah yang ditemukan di lapangan antara lain ketidaktercapaian tujuan pembelajaran, kesulitan penyampaian materi pembelajaran, kurangnya interaksi dengan siswa dalam proses pembelajaran, kualitas pemberdayaan sarana dan elemen dalam pembelajaran yang terbatas, terbatasnya pengetahuan tentang penggunaan media yang sesuai dengan kondisi saat ini. Sedangkan dari prespektif siswa, terdapat masalah yang sering dihadapi ketika pembelajaran daring yaitu siswa merasa jenuh karena pembelajaran  dan penugasan yang monoton, tagihan tugas yang menumpuk, pembelajaran tidak semenyenangkan pembelajaran tatap muka, mengantuk karena terlalu lama menyimak penjelasan guru via online sinkron, dan sulitnya jaringan internet. Pelatihan perangcangan soal berbasis teknologi ini dilakukan sebagai upaya meningkatkan kecakapan guru terkait pembuatan aktifitas daring, khususnya tes dalam bentuk kuis online yang lebih menarik daripada sekedar penugasan manual. Adapun kegiatan dalam pengabdian berupa (1) pembelajaran daring; (2) masalah yang  terjadi dalam pembelajaran daring; (3) pembelajaran daring yang ideal; (4) pemanfaatan teknologi dalam tes dan latihan. Hasil dari kegiatan pelatihan ini menunjukkan, dengan aplikasi quizizz, proprofs, dan i spring suite guru dapat menumbuhkan minat dan motivasi dalam pembelajaran bahasa Mandarin, serta tercipta pembelajaran lebih bervariasi yang belum pernah dilakukan oleh guru sebelumnya. Kata kunci: pelatihan; pembelajaran daring; guru; bahasa mandarin. ABSTRACTEducators' efforts to meet the demands of 21st century education have faced a severe challenge: pandemics. Learning patterns that are usually done face-to-face, inevitably now have to run in an online way. This unpreparedness raises various problems found in the field including inability of learning objectives, difficulty in delivering learning materials, lack of interaction with students in the learning process, quality empowerment of facilities and elements in limited learning, limited knowledge of media use in accordance with current conditions. While from the perspective of students, there are problems that are often faced when online learning is that students feel saturated because of monotonous learning and assignments, piling up assignment bills, learning is not as enjoyable as face-to-face learning, sleepiness because it is too long to listen to the teacher's explanation via online sync, and the difficulty of the internet network. This technology-based training is done as an effort to improve the skills of teachers related to the creation of online activities, especially tests in the form of online quizzes that are more interesting than just manual assignments. The activities in this training are (1) online learning; (2) problems that occur in online learning; (3) ideal online learning; (4) utilization of technology in tests and exercises. The results of this training activity showed that with quizizz applications, proprofs, and i spring suites teachers can foster interest and motivation in Mandarin language learning, as well as create more varied learning that has never been done by teachers before. Keywords: training; online learning; teacher; mandarin. 

2021 ◽  
pp. 025576142110663
Fung Ying Loo ◽  
Khai Ern Chai ◽  
Fung Chiat Loo ◽  
Yan Piaw Chua

This study addresses the potential of a mobile learning model that integrates local Malaysian musical heritage in piano ornaments finger exercise. An asynchronous model adapted from the concept of karaoke was designed aiming at a synergy of piano exercise, edutainment, and heritage education with visual and auditory accompaniments. We aimed to raise interest and motivation for piano playing ornaments exercise among learners during practice while raising awareness of local musical heritage. A total of 30 piano students aged 13 to 15 years participated in this intervention study; they were equally divided into a control group and an experimental group. The pre- and post-intervention assessments revealed an increase in the levels of motivation, awareness of local musical heritage, and perceived satisfaction factors for the new mobile learning model.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 73-82
Umi Hanifah

In this study, the authors focused on learning Arabic through songs media. The research method in this study is descriptive using a qualitative approach. Through studies from various sources in the form of books, journals, research reports, and the phenomenon of Arabic learning in Indonesia, the author describes how the concept of songs as a medium of Arabic learning and how the implementation of songs media in Arabic learning as an effort to improve the quality of Arabic learning. The conclusion of this study is that the song is an appropriate medium of Arabic learning in arousing students' interest and motivation to learn. The use of songs media in Arabic learning can create an atmosphere of learning that is relaxed, fun and exciting, so students do not feel bored and fed up in following the learning process in class. The selection of songs that suits students' emotional and intellectual needs and the teacher's skills in practicing the technique of using song media in Arabic learning is the main key to the success of a learning that uses songs as a instructional medium.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 105
Neneng Julianti

ABSTRAKAngka kejadian kanker serviks yang masih cukup tinggi dipengaruhi olehperilaku deteksi dini yang  masih rendah. Menurut Riskesdas 2018 tumor/kanker di Indonesia menunjukkan adanya peningkatan dari 1,4 per 1000 pendudukdi tahun 2013 menjadi 1,79 per 1000 penduduk pada tahun 2018. Hasil studi pendahuluan yang dilakukan di dusun I Desa Bantarjaya pada tahun 2021 dari 30 wanita usia subur, terdapat 23 orang tidak tahu apa itu IVA dan belum melakukan pemeriksaan IVA dan 7 orang sudah melakukan IVA Test. Sehingga capaian masih rendah karena minat dan motivasi wanita usia subur untuk melakukan pemeriksaan IVA untuk mendeteksi secaradini kanker serviks masihkurang. Pendidikan kesehatan perlu dilakukan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan minat ibu  (WUS) tentang kanker serviks. Kegiatan pengabdian pada masyarakat ini memiliki tujuan untuk meningkatkan perilaku ibu diwilayah kerja Puskesmas Pebayuran dalam melakukan deteksi dini kanker serviks melalui pemeriksaan metode IVA. Metode pelaksanaan adalah dengan memberikan sosialisasi / penyuluhan tentang materi pemeriksaan metode IVA untuk mendeteksi secara dini kanker serviksdan dilanjutkan dengan tanya jawab dengan peserta. Hasil yang didapatkan dari kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah mengalami peningkatan pengetahuan dan minat wanita usia subur (WUS) dalam melakukan deteksi dini kanker serviks. Dari 45 responden sebelum sosialisasi memiliki pengetahuan dalam kategori cukup 64,41 %, mengalami peningkatan pengetahuan dalam kategori baik 93,53 %. Dari hasil sosialisasi / penyuluhan dan evaluasi beberapa wanita usia subur bersediauntukmelakukanpemeriksaanIVA di Puskesmas Pebayuran , hal ini menunjukkan bahwa adanya peningkatan motivasi setelah pelaksanaan kegiatan sosialisasi/penyuluhan.Sosialisasi / penyuluhan pemeriksaan metode IVA pada wanita usia subur dapat meningkatkan kesadaran wanita usia subur dalam melakukan pemeriksaan IVA untuk mendeteksi secara dini dalam upaya mengendalikan kejadian kanke rserviks.Setelah pelaksanaan pengabdian masyarakat ini diharapkan ibu akan tetap rutin melakukan deteksi dini dengan didukung peran aktifkader dan tenaga kesehatan. KataKunci : sosialisasi; pemeriksaan IVA; wanita usia subur. ABSTRACTRecently, the high incident number of servics cancer was influenced by the low early detected behavior. According to Riskesdas 2018, it stated that tumor/cancer in Indonesia increased 1,4 per 1000 citizen in 2013 to 1,79 per 1000 citizen in 2018. The preliminary study result was conducted at Dusun 1, Bantarjaya Village in 2021 of 30 childbearing age women. There were 23 women who did not know what IVA test was, and there were 7 women who had done the IVA test. Therefore, the expected target of servics cancer test was still in low level. It all was because they did not have interest and motivation to do the IVA test for preventing action of servics cancer.The health education was required to increase the knowledge and interest of a mother (WUS) to servics cancer. This society study was dedicated to enhance the mother’s behavior at working area of Pabayuran Public Health Centre. It was in order to detect the early test of servics cancer through IVA method test.The result stated that the society dedication activity succeeded to increase the interest and motivation of the childbearing age women (WUS) to take the early detected test of servics cancer. Before doing the socialization, there were 45 respondents had the average category knowledge of servics cancer, and the score was 64, 41%. Moreover, after doing the socialization, it became 93, 53%. Based on the socialization / counseling, there were several childbearing age women who conducted the IVA test at Pabayuran Public Health Centre. It showed that there wassome enhancement of motivation after doing the socialization/ counseling.The socialization/counseling of IVA method test on childbearing age women increased the childbearing age women awareness to conduct the IVA test for controlling the servics cancer incident.  The society dedication activity purposed to every mother to take the IVA test regularly for early detected test of service cancer which was supported by the active cadres and health workers.  Key words : socialization; IVA test; childbearing age women

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