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International Journal of Research in Vocational Studies (IJRVOCAS)
Latest Publications





Published By Yayasan Ghalih Pelopor Pendidikan

2777-0141, 2777-0168

Nurul Aryanti ◽  
Murwani Ujihanti ◽  
Welly Ardiansyah ◽  
Vani Annas Tasya ◽  
Vasa Annisa Indina

This research was aimed at knowing how to write a novella entitled “Allied” to promote several tourism destinations in Palembang. In research, the researchers used research and development (R&D) method. The researchers conducted two steps of R&D method: (1) preliminary study, which involved literature study, field study, and product drafting, and (2) model development, which were limited testing and wider testing. The researchers implemented these steps by developing the product. The data were collected from observation and interview in preliminary study step. In model development, the draft of novella regarding the language, structure of sentence, and the content of the story was revised by several experts. The novella was written in English by using Final Draft as the software of writing a story. The story was wrapped in action genre by bringing some mystery in tourism destinations in Palembang that would entertain and educate the readers at the same time. Additionally, in writing a novella entitled “Allied” there were three steps that were conducted with R&D method by Sukmadinata (2015) which the steps were linked to the sixth steps of writing a story by Grenville (2001): Getting Ideas, Choosing, Outlining, Drafting, Revising, and Editing.

Nguyen Huu Bao

The underground part of SSG TOWER includes 4 basements, 4 basements at a height of -13.2m. Combined with the construction of 3m deep foundation, therefore, the minimum excavation depth is required to -16.2m. Due to the construction work in residential area, relatively ground, with large excavation depth and geology of the interaction area (clay layer up to 30m), the options for using diaphragm wall with drilled piles Small area, Laser piles or solier piles to make retaining walls during construction do not have that feature, so the author chooses the option of using reinforced concrete barrette walls for retaining walls during construction and as tunnel walls for this project. The semi-topdown construction method was chosen to ensure safety during construction because the excavation depth of the work is quite large and the geology of this area is quite weak. This measure completely solves the strut system because using the floor structure of the building to support this system has high stability. Limiting the influence of settlement, cracking, and slippage to neighboring works a lot. Fast construction but in return for high technical requirements, high construction costs. Choose diaphragm wall thickness of 1.0m, base depth of 46.6m including standard barrete panels.  The author uses 2D Plaxis simulation to calculate ground stability, stress and displacement, moment, and shear force generated in diaphragm wall during basement construction. The author analyzes using the optimization algorithm to compare and find the suitable solution.

Tino Kemal Fattah ◽  
Putriana Salman

Marketing is part of the main activities carried out by traders in their efforts to maintain the survival of their business to achieve business goals. Strategy is a process of determining an organizational goal, accompanied by the preparation of a way or effort how to achieve that goal. In particular, strategy is an action that is increasing and continuous and is done based on the point of view of what customers expect in the future. This research aims to find out how the actualization of digital marketing of MSMEs in the era of society 5.0. This research method uses quantitative descriptive methods with data collection techniques through questionnaire sharing. The population in this study is MSMEs Kain Sasirangan in Kampung Sasirangan Banjarmasin City. The results of this study show that Sasirangan MSMEs have used digital marketing in the process of buying and selling their products. It is recognized that the utilization of digital marketing can expand market reach and add new customers, facilitate business management with more flexible time, can be done at any time without having to open a store first, so that the profits obtained are also greater. In addition, by utilizing digital marketing, MSME sasirangan fabric actors do not need a place to sell their products, so the costs incurred are also less. Their lack of ability to use technology, only able to make them do marketing their products traditionally.

Yanson Dion

This research aims to describe and analyze the performance of services and what factors affect the service performance of the Regional Staffing Agency in the framework of the promotion of Civil Servants of the Regional Staffing Agency in the framework of the promotion of Civil Servants in Murung Raya Regency. The approach taken in this study is a qualitative approach with the instrument is an interview. Measured, as well as documents that support the author in using informant data in this study amounted to 15 people consisting of Employees at the Regional Staffing Agency of Murung Raya Regency. The results of the Regional Staffing Agency's service performance research in terms of promotions seen from productivity, service quality, responsiveness, responsibilities and accountability in Murung Raya Regency have been good. That is, from the receipt of files, file verification, management to BKN Regional Kalimantan to the issuance of the promotion decree is basically in accordance with the regulations, in accordance with the vision of BKD's mission and provides good satisfaction to the community of service users (PNS) of Murung Raya regency. The performance of promotion services in BKD Murung Raya which is an obstacle factor such as changing rules about the technical requirements of promotion, there are still some civil servants who are late to submit their files or files submitted incomplete and the distance between BKD and BKN Regional Banjarbaru so that the enactment is scheduled earlier or faster.

Yohana ◽  

This study aims to determine the Effect of Transformational Leadership Style and Work Commitment on Employee Performance at the Regional Secretariat of Murung Raya Regency, Central Kalimantan Province. The technique used in this study is SmartPLS Analysis using the help of the SmartPLS package computer program with a significance level of 5 percent by using questionnaires as primary data. The population in this study were employees of the Regional Secretariat of Murung Raya Regency as many as 192 people with a sample of the same number as many as 192 respondents who used saturated sampling techniques, that is, the entire population was sampled. The results of this study indicate that partially transformational leadership style and work commitment have a significant effect on employee performance, this means that an increase in transformational leadership style and work commitment will improve employee performance at the Murung Raya Regency Regional Secretariat. To maintain employee performance at the Murung Raya Regency Secretariat, it can be done by using transformational leadership styles and managing work commitments. It is important to take actions that can improve work commitment and employee performance

Yulima Melsipa Lingga ◽  

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought changes to the whole world. This pandemic also has an impact on the learning system in Indonesia. From the previous face-to-face learning to online learning, including for English courses. This study aims to elaborate on what challenges were faced by students during online English learning, and what suggestions were given to face and solve these challenges. The object of this research was the first semester students of Mechanical Engineering at the Tanah Laut State Polytechnic. There were 33 students in the Mechanical Engineering department. By using qualitative research methods from written response data and semi-structured interviews, the results showed that there were challenges in the form of unstable or poor internet connections, sudden power outages, lack of interest in learning, and even running out of internet quota while studying. Students also suggested that each material had a learning video that could be replayed at home. They also suggested giving assignments in the form of direct practice with online interaction so that it was easier to understand and corrected directly by lecturers. Furthermore, they suggested apps for more enjoyable English learning related to a machine or their field. This study provided an overview of the online English learning process for mechanical engineering students during the pandemic. It is hoped that in the future it will be able to come up with better solutions to the existing challenges.

Muhammad Khofi ◽  
Noor Amelia ◽  

Pesantren Nurul Muhibbin Tanah Laut, which is classified as a new Islamic boarding school, was founded in 2018, and as such, it requires significant input and assistance in resolving issues, particularly those relating to financial management and accounting information systems. If an error is made, not only social sanctions are imposed, but also legal sanctions; this must be a bright spot in the pesantren's financial management. This research employs a qualitative approach in the hope of identifying financial phenomena that can be used as material for joint evaluation. The study examines financial planning, implementation, supervision, and reporting phenomena. This financial process will be visualized as a flowchart in the hope that the relationship between the various components is obvious. Several of the findings in this study indicate that financial planning has been successful in terms of implementing a priority scale, deliberatively forming APBPP, and developing plans to strengthen pesantren financial management. The implementation process has not perfectly implemented the principle of accountability and generally continues to make ineffective cash payments, the supervisory process continues to violate the principles of organizational adjustment and responsibility, and the management accounting process and reporting continue to have numerous shortcomings, such as conventional accounting processes and the use of accrual accounting. The pesantren currently lacks a flow chart that adequately depicts the financial management process.

Azharuddin ◽  
Dwi Arnoldi ◽  
Fenoria Putri ◽  
Kemas M. Fadhil Almakky ◽  
M. Ivan Davala

The explosion of plastic-based waste (polymer) in the environment, as a result of its excessive use, so that this phenomenon causes damage to environmental ecosystems, water absorption is not optimal causes flooding, and polluting nutrients in the soil. Plastic is a polymer compound composed of the main elements, namely carbon and hydrogen. The best results in this study by using this tool have a physical appearance: yellow like premium fuel type "1.0" (color test results using the ASTM D1500 method), very pungent smelling liquid, thicker when compared to premium fuel types. And has specifications: Density value of 786.4 kg/m3, Sulfur Content 0.003% m/m, water content 282 ppm, CCI 53.4.

Rusdianasari ◽  
Adi Syakdani ◽  
Muhammad Zaman ◽  
Febby Fitria Sari ◽  
Nabila Putri Nasyta ◽  

Organic waste is waste that contains carbon compounds that come from living things, such as fruit and vegetable waste. However, the community is still not able to manage it optimally, even though organic and non-organic waste can still be processed into useful products. This effective way can be realized through the manufacture of eco-enzymes that can be applied at the household level. Eco-enzyme is a liquid extract produced from the fermentation of vegetable and fruit residues with brown sugar as a substrate. The eco-enzyme has a strong sweet and sour fermented aroma due to the peels of oranges, pineapples, and papayas. This environmentally friendly enzyme can be produced using fruit peel, brown sugar, and water. Eco-enzyme solution when mixed with water, will react and can be used as a liquid disinfectant. Disinfectants commonly used are generally derived from synthetic chemicals in the form of artificial chemicals. One of the natural ingredients that can be used as a disinfectant is eco-enzyme liquid. This study aims to make a disinfectant using an environmentally friendly enzyme liquid, namely eco-enzyme. The method used in this research is a mixed method of fermentation of orange peel waste, pineapple and papaya, brown sugar, and water with a ratio of 3:1:10. Analysis for eco-enzyme pH, and Phytochemicals, while for disinfectants include pH, total phenol content with UV-Vis Spectrophotometer, hard water emulsion stability, and antibacterial test. All samples of the disinfectant product met the requirements of SNI 06 – 1842 of 1995, besides that, the best disinfectant product was found in a ratio of 1:10 which could reduce bacterial growth.

Wirda Novarika ◽  
Fatahul Arifin ◽  
Eka Satria Martomi ◽  
Indra Gunawan ◽  
Fathur Raihan Perdana

Forest fires are one that needs attention in Indonesia. Due to spent a lot of money to solve this problem. One of the tools to solve this problem is fire fighter, so in case is need to make the fixture can manufacture the fire fighter kit.  In this study, we propose the fixture that can be produce the kit. It call fixture fire fighter kit. Autodesk inventor is applied in the simulation design and also it is considering with the ergonomic for the worker especially the Indonesian male. Finally, this tool can be resistant with load 50 kg, the deflection is 0.831 mm, and the maximum von misses stress is 34.12 MPa.

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