Catapres Clonidine Drug Card
Catapres Clonidine Drug Card
Catapres Clonidine Drug Card
Interactions with other patient drugs, OTC or herbal medicines (ask Lab value alterations caused by medicine
patient specifically) May cause transient increase in blood glucose levels
Additive hypotension from other antihypertensives such as Toprol, May cause decreased urinary catecholamine and vanillylmandelic
and Lisinopril. acid (VMA) concentrations; these may increase on abrupt
withdrawal, May cause weakly positive Coombs' test result
Be sure to teach the patient the following about this medication
Same time each day, even if feeling well. All routes of clonidine
should be gradually discontinued over 2-4 days to prevent rebound
hypertension, Advise patient to avoid driving or other activities
requiring alertness until response to medication is known, Caution
patient to avoid sudden changes in position to decrease orthostatic
Nursing Process- Assessment Assessment Evaluation
(Pre-administration assessment) Why would you hold or not give this med? Check after giving
Monitor intake and output ratios and daily weight, and If BP is under 180/90. Decrease in BP
assess for edema daily, especially at beginning of
therapy, monitor blood pressure and pulse frequently
during initial dosage adjustment and periodically
throughout therapy. Give only if BP is > 180/90