Computer Aided Process Planning Full Seminar Report
Computer Aided Process Planning Full Seminar Report
Computer Aided Process Planning Full Seminar Report
Technological advances are reshaping the face of manufacturing, creating paperless manufacturing environments in which computer automated process planning (CAPP) will play a preeminent role. The two reasons for this effect are: Costs are declining, which encourages partnerships between CAD and CAPP developers and access to manufacturing data is becoming easier to accomplish in multivendor environments. This is primarily due to increasing use of LANs; IGES and the like are facilitating transfer of data from one point to another on the network; and relational databases (RDBs) and associated structured query language (SQL) allow distributed data processing and data access. . With the introduction of computers in design and manufacturing, the process planning part needed to be automated. The shop trained people who were familiar with the details of machining and other processes were gradually retiring and these people would be unavailable in the future to do process planning. An alternative way of accomplishing this function was needed and Computer Aided Process Planning (CAPP) was the alternative. Computer aided process planning was usually considered to be a part of computer aided manufacturing. However computer aided manufacturing was a stand alone system. Infact a synergy results when CAM is combined with CAD to create a CAD/CAM. In such a system CAPP becomes the direct connection between design and manufacturing. Moreover, the reliable knowledge based computer-aided process planning applicationMetCAPP software looks for the least costly plan capable of producing the design and continuously generates and evaluates the plans until it is evident that non of the remaining plans will be any better than the best one seen so far. The goal is to find a useful reliable solution to a real manufacturing problem in a safer environment. If alternate plans exist, rating including safer conditions is used to select the best plans
important in numerical control is part-programming. A part-program is simply a set of statements comprehensible to the machine control unit (MCU) , that oversees slide and tool movements and other auxiliary functions. In the case of components with complex geometries, part-programs had to carry out lengthy calculations for which it was logical to use computers. This gave rise to machine control units (MCUs) with built in microprocessors- the building blocks of computers. The use of computers in extending the applications of NC technology, especially to part-programming was earlier termed Computer Aided Machining (CAM) and the associated technology was called Computer Numerical Control (CNC). Later Computer Aided Machining became an acronym for Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM). Earlier Computer Aided Manufacturing used to denote computer use in part-programming only. Today it means any non design function of manufacturing that is computer aided.
As the use of computers in design and manufacturing broadened under CAD and CAM, it became evident that certain tasks were common to both, eg:-both design and manufacturing require data on tolerances. Part geometries created during CAD can readily be saved in the database for latter use. The forward slash (/) between CAD and CAM was meant to reinforce the shared functions of design and manufacturing.
The product design is a plan for the product and its components and subassemblies. To convert the product design into a physical entity, a manufacturing plan is needed. The activity of developing such a plan is called process planning. It is a link between product design and manufacturing. Process planning involves determining the sequence of processing and assembly steps that must be accomplished to make the product. It is concerned with the engineering and technological issues of how to make the product and its parts. What types of equipment and tooling are required to fabricate the part and assemble the product. It involves determining the most appropriate manufacturing and assembly process and sequence in which they should be accomplished to produce a given part or product according to the specifications set forth in the product design documentation. All the related information is documented on a Route Sheet .The planning begins with engineering drawings, specifications, parts or material lists and a forecast of demand. The scope and variety of processes that can be planned are generally limited by the available processing equipment and technological capabilities of the company or the plant. Process planning is usually accomplished by manufacturing engineers. Based on process planners skill, knowledge, and experience, the processing steps are developed in the most logical sequence, to make each part. The following are the list of many decisions and details usually included within the scope of process planning. Interpretation of design drawings: The part or product design must be analyzed (materials, dimensions, tolerances, surface finishes etc) at the start of the process planning procedure. Processes and sequences: The process planner must select which processes are required and their sequence. A brief description of all processing steps must be prepared.
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Equipment selection: In general, process planers must develop plans that utilize existing equipment in the plant. Otherwise, the component must be purchased or an investment must be made in new equipment.
Tools, Dies, Moulds, Fixtures and gauges: The process planner must decide what tooling is required for each processing step. The actual design and fabrication of these tools is usually delegated to a tool design department and tool room or an outside vendor specializing in that type of tool is contracted.
Method analysis: Workplace layout, small tools, hoists for lifting heavy parts even in some cases hand and body motions must be specified for manual operations. The industrial engineering department is usually responsible for this area.
Work standards: Work measurement techniques are used to set time standards for each operation. Cutting tools and cutting conditions: These must be specified for machining operations often with reference to standard handbook recommendations. The results of planning are:
Routings which specify operations, operation sequences, work centers, standards, tooling and fixtures. This routing becomes a major input to the manufacturing resource planning system to define operations for production activity control purposes and define required resources for capacity requirements planning purposes.
Process plans which typically provide more detailed, step by step work instructions including dimensions related to individual operations, machining parameters, set-up instructions, and quality assurance check points
Fabrication and assembly drawings to support manufacture. Manual process planning as mentioned earlier is based on a manufacturing engineers experience and knowledge of production facilities, equipment, their capabilities,
Computer Aided Process Planning (CAPP) vary based on the person doing the planning.
processes and tooling. Process planning is a time-consuming process and the results
Steps (ii) and (iii) continue as new parts are designed and added to the companys design database.
Derive GT code number for part Selecting coding system and form part families
Retrieve standard process plan Edit existing plan or write new plan Process plan formatter Process plan (route sheet)
although the new part has the same code number, there are minor differences in the process required to manufacture it. The user edits the standard plan accordingly. This capacity to alter an existing standard process plan is what gives the retrieval system its alternative name: variant CAPP system. If the file does not contain a standard process plan for the given code number, the user may search the computer file for a similar or related code number fro which a standard route sheet does exists. Either by editing an existing process plan or by starting from scratch the user prepares the route sheet for the new part. This route sheet becomes the standard process plan for the new part code The process planning session concludes with the process plan formatter, which prints out the route sheet in the proper format. The formatter may call other application programs into use. For eg: -To determine machining conditions for the various machine tool operations in the sequence, to calculate standard time for the operations or to compute cost estimates for the operations. One of the commercially available Retrieval CAPP systems is MultiCapp, from OIR, the Organization for Industrial Research. It is an online computer system that permits the user to create new plans, or retrieve and edit existing process plans as explained earlier. 2. Generative CAPP System or Generative Approach The generative method of developing process plans involves starting from scratch every time a different part is to be processed; no plans are available as the baseline. The basic requirement for a generative process planning system is that the given component model/drawing is to be interpreted in terms of manufacturability. Here instead of retrieving and editing an existing plan contained in the computer database, generative system creates the process plan based on logical procedures. In a fully generative CAPP system the process sequence is planned without human assistance and without a step of predefined plans.
A generative CAPP system is usually considered part of the field of expert systems, a branch of artificial intelligence. An expert system is a computer program that is capable of solving complex problems that normally require a human with years of education and experience. Process planning fits within the scope of this definition. There are several ingredients required in a fully generative process planning system: i. First the technical knowledge of manufacturing and the logic used by successful process planners must be captured and coded into a computer program. In expert systems applied to process planning, the knowledge and logic of human process planners is incorporated into a so called knowledge base. The generative CAPP system then uses that knowledge base to solve process planning problems (ie create route sheets) ii. Second ingredient in process planning is a computer compatible description of the part to be produced. This description contains all the pertinent data and information needed to plan the process sequence. Two possible means of providing this description are: a. b. the geometric model of the part that is developed on a CAD system during product design and a GT code number of the part that defines the part features in significant detail. iii. The third ingredient in a generative CAPP system is the capability to apply the process knowledge and planning logic contained in the knowledge base to a given part description. In other words, the CAPP system uses its knowledge base to solve a specific problem planning the process for a new part. This problem solving procedure is referred to as the inference engine in the terminology of expert systems. By using its knowledge base and inference engine, the CAPP system synthesizes a new process plan from scratch for each new part it is presented.
Group technology is a manufacturing philosophy in which similar parts are identified and grouped together to take advantage of their similarities in manufacturing and design. Similar parts are arranged into part families. Each family would possess similar design and manufacturing characteristics. Hence processing of each member of a given family would be similar and this results in manufacturing efficiencies. These efficiencies are achieved in the form of reduced set-up times, lower in-process inventories, better scheduling, improved tool control and the use of standardized process plans. The design retrieval system is a manifestation of group technology principle applied to the design function. To implement such a system some form of parts classification and coding is required. Part classification and coding is concerned with identifying the similarities among parts and relating these similarities to a coding system. Part similarities are of three types: i. ii. iii. Design attributes (such as geometric shape and size) Manufacturing attributes (sequence of processing steps required to make the part) Design and manufacturing attributes (combination of the design and manufacturing attributes) When implementing a parts classification and coding system most companies elect to purchase a commercially available package rather than develop their own. The following factors are considered in selecting a parts coding and classification system: Objective Scope and application Costs and time Adaptability to other systems
machine cells, production lead times, work-in-process, and late deliveries can all
Employee Satisfaction: The machine cell often allows parts to be processed from raw material to finished state by a small group of workers. The workers are able to visualize their contributions to the firm more clearly. This tends to cultivate an improved worker attitude and higher level of job satisfaction. Here more attention tends to be given to product quality. Also the workers are more responsible for the quality of work they accomplish. Process Planning Procedures: The time and cost of process planning function can be reduced through standardization associated with group technology.
Various modules used for generating process plan are described as follows:
Once the component is modelled in SolidWorks modelling software, it is possible to find out the overall size of the component directly from SolidWorks Application Program Interface. The system automatically adds the machining allowances on each face. Provisions are also made so that the user can also customize the machining allowances according to requirements.
Set-Up Planning
Once the features are recognized, the next step is to group the features into setups. Set-Up planning deals with the selection and sequencing of the processes required for generating the final shape of a component. It is a mixture of complex and interrelated tasks. Set-Up planning also includes the orientation in which the component is to be placed on the work-table for machining. It covers work-holding criteria as well.
Computer Aided Process Planning (CAPP) required feature. In this module the following information is generated. Possible route identification Selecting the optimum route Calculating the intermediate dimensions for the route selected
Routing is the method of directing the blank through various stages to get the
to machine the parts. Stringent tolerance specifications between features will require more accurate operations, tools and additional set-ups for machining them. At this stage itself, feature sequencing is carried out.
After selecting the various possible machines, redundant machines are eliminated and only machines, which are unique, are identified and it is retained for further processing. The information is available as a list structure where the set-up is the main link.
MetCAPP provides the link between design and manufacturing floor. It provides the ability to take CAD generated solid models and use them to generate process plans based on the best : Machines Tools Sequence of steps Timing Routing/cost combinations Provision for alternate and concurrent operations
The technology modules are: Feature recognition Milling Turning Hole Making
The user effectively manages the system via the technology module manager as illustrated in the figure. MetCAPP, which is a knowledge-based manufacturing process planning and cost estimation system, uses the Step Optimisation to recognize the machining steps, to optimise the time and resources. The Step Optimisation should be used only after calculating the steps for all features, either manually or by technology modules. Once
the optimisation is generated, any changes to the features are reflected in step
Though, the inclusion of a process plan in the problem requires optimisation criterion. Process planning is connected with optimising the resources and processing costs as well as
Milling Module
Manufacturing Technology Database
Turning Module
Rules Features
processing time. Consequently, the object function used in process planning and its optimisation is to minimize the number of rejects and the total processing costs, as well as minimizing the time required to complete all operations. Moreover, MetCAPP develops a process plan based on specific elemental manufacturing features. This approach can be used to decompose a very complex part into a number of separate manufacturing features. The process planner still has a full control over the plan by determining the order in which the features are selected and included in the process plan. Process planning is the glue between product, process, and resources. It is necessary ability to manipulate, view, and deliver multiple data formats and types. Todays solutions are, at best, short term. Systems should be designed to reflect this, or allow incremental changes. MetCAPP Software analyses the manufacturability of proposed design as follows: 1) Finding Machining Features: Many aspects of feature recognition problem are still open and active areas of research. Among these are: recognizing and representing interactive features, incremental recognition of features, and incorporation of user customizable feature classes. As an input, MetCAPP takes solid models (for instance from SolidWorks- a 3D software) of a part P and stock S, along with tolerance specifications for P. The tolerance specifications tell how much variation from the nominal geometry is allowable in any physical realization of a part P. An operation plan is a sequence of machining operations capable of creating P from S. A workpiece is the intermediate object produced by starting with S and performing zero or more machining operations. The machining operations in MetCAPP currently considered are (end milling, side milling, face milling and drilling). Each machining operation will create either a primary feature or a truncation of primary
features from P and S. MetCAPP generates F automatically from solid models of P and
2) Generating Feature Based Models (FBMs): A Feature Based Model (FBM) is any irredundant subset of features F such that P can be produced from S by removing the features in F. Each operation plan O of interest corresponds to an FBM, in the sense that each machining operation in O will create either a feature in F or a truncation of a feature in F. Since each FBM is a subset of , FBM can be generated using set-covering techniques. 3) Generating Operation Plans: Each FBM can lead to several operation plans, of which some are better than others. Thus, to generate operation plans from a given FBM, MetCAPP again does a depth-first-branch-and-bound search. Due to various types of interactions (accessibility, set-up, etc.) among the features in a FBM F, these intersections introduce precedence constraints requiring that some features of F be machined before or after other features. MetCAPP generates a total orderings on F consistent with the precedence constraints. 4) Operation Plan Evaluation: Designers give design tolerance specifications to specify how far the design can vary from its nominal geometry. To verify whether a given operation plan will satisfy the design tolerances, MetCAPP must estimate what tolerances the operations can achieve. Unlike typical approaches for computer-aided tolerance charting, which are computationally very intensive and only consider limited types of tolerances, MetCAPP evaluates the manufacturability aspects of a wide variety of tolerances. In manufacturing planning the goal to be achieved is represented by a design specification. In planning a sequence of machining operations it is physically impossible to produce the exact nominal geometry of the design, so the objective is to find any reliable plan which can produce an approximation of the design geometry that satisfies various design tolerances. In addition, it is advantageous to have a highly differentiated view of the production costs.
Find all primary 1.Identify Features machining features for P. Call this set .
2.Generate FBM
3.Generate Plan
4.Evaluate Plan
Generate an operation plan O for F. If O can satisfy Ps machining tolerances, then estimate its cost and time
1) Automated transfer of geometry and technology information from CAD which reduces the effort spent on entering CAD data into a CAPP system, and 2) Powerful CAPP modules for interactive, semi-automated and generative process planning and full support for time and cost calculation. Non-linear concept used, for instance in MetCAPP, is especially suited for production environment like mechanical manufacturing of discrete parts of the pilot user. The use of powerful CAPP tools that meet the performance requirements will improve process-planning quality with respect to applied manufacturing technology and accuracy of time and cost calculation. This will result in better utilization of the available manufacturing resources, more exact product costing, improved product quality and generally speaking towards a safer world. Collaboration between process planning and scheduling will improve the logistical quality of process plans through feedback of loading information As a computer aided process planning system, enables the process engineer and/or the cost estimator to more effectively and safely plan the manufacturing process. MetCAPP users realize improved productivity in reduced process time and variability, reduced inventories and higher product quality levels, and in general safer production. Manufacturing can use MetCAPP for more reliable planning, estimation and shop floor control of manufacturing operation leading towards reduction in number of poor parts and hence guarantee better future performance, as well as improved competitiveness and productivity in a safer environment.
Significant benefits can result from implementation of Computer Aided Process Planning. In a detailed survey of twenty-two large and small companies using generative type CAPP system, the following estimated cost savings were achieved. 58% reduction in process planning effort 10% savings in direct labor 4% savings in material 10% savings in scrap 12% savings in tooling 6% reduction in work in process In addition there are intangible benefits as follows: Process rationalization and standardization Increased productivity of process planners Reduced process planning and production lead time; faster response to engineering changes Greater process plan consistency, access to up to date information in a central database Improved cost estimating procedures and fewer calculation errors More complete and detailed process plans Improved legibility Improved production scheduling and capacity utilization Improved ability to introduce new manufacturing technology and rapidly update process plans to utilize the improved technology
CAPP is a highly effective technology for discrete manufacturers with a significant number of products and process steps. Rapid strides are being made to develop generative planning capabilities and incorporate CAPP into a computer integrated manufacturing architecture. The first step is the implementation of GT or FT classification and coding. Commercially available software tools currently exist to support both GT and CAPP. As a result, many companies can achieve the benefits of GT and CAPP with minimum cost and risks. Effective use of these tools can improve a manufacturers competitive advantage too.
Mikell P. Groover & Emory W. Zimmres. Jr, Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing, Prentice Hall Publication, 1994. CAPPturing Manufacturing, The Machinist, May-June 2003 Computer aided process planning based on Information Management, Journal of Materials Processing Technology 103 (2000) 120-127. Computer aided Process Planning, Kenneth Crow, DRM Associates
A Reliable Knowledge Based Computer aided Process Planning Application-Case of MetCAPP Software, Galia Novakova, PhD student, Polytechnical University of Turin, Department of Production Systems and Economics Mikell P. Groover Automation Production Systems and Computer integrated Manufacturing, Prentice Hall India Pvt Ltd, 1997 James.a.Rehg and H.W. Kraebber, Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Pearson Education Asia, 2002